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Running outside my house, only one thought grazed my mind: God please help me.

Suddenly I felt myself falling down in the open arms of the earth. I groaned out loud and scrubbed dirt off my face and the front of my shirt after standing up. I looked down to notice someone's shirt tangled with my ankle.

Picking it up I recognized it as a male's shirt. Looking back up I saw a shadow move into a bush quickly trying to escape . Pushing my legs forward, I followed the shadow until I saw a silhouette of a person.

"Stop!!!" I yelled at them but it only made them run faster. Soon enough we were running out into the main road when I noticed a man limping ahead of me trying to escape into the woods. Adrenaline coursing through my veins, heart beating faster, I ran faster until we came up to the start of the woods.
I slowed down a little noticing the man now walking slowly. He looked back at me and sighed a little. I couldn't see his face as it was pitch dark all around.
It took almost five minutes of walking until we reached a small cabin. He went inside and left the door ajar.
Suddenly fear coursed through my veins as I contemplated running back. I am so stupid to run out at this time all alone.
I turned starting to run back when a voice stopped me," Don't even dare!"
I recognized that voice from somewhere. And this familiarity gave me the confidence to open the door wide.
" Hola!" He grinned weakly while removing a first aid box. I scanned the cabin to notice a small bed placed in a corner next to a window. The room contained next to nothing besides these except for a bathroom. Until my eyes landed upon a massive presence that consumed almost all of the space.
"Tae-min! " I exclaimed in surprise at the bulky man.
"In the flesh."
"What are..." I muttered under my breath, confusion marring my face. He seemed to have listened as his expression softened while he took out bandages. I moved from my spot where I was standing stupidly. I took the bandages from his hands and kept it aside. He stiffened when my fingers grazed his skin but he soon relaxed when he realized what I was doing.
I took the bottle of alcohol and started to clean his wounds.
"Stop it. It's of no use." He said while swatting my hand away.
"This is not the time for being scared. If Joan knew about this she would have fainted." I told him while cleaning his wound. He stiffened again when he heard her name. When I looked up there a was a sweet smile on his face as he stared out into the horizon.
I shook my head and bandaged his hands. "Done." I informed him and he jerked out of his dreams. "Ohh thank you that really wasn't necessary. Anyways, Alpha would be-"
He stopped midsentence as his eyes clouded over.
His eyes cleared again as he looked at me for a second, then at nothing in particular, again at me when he finally grabbed my arm dragging me outside the cabin.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked him while trying to remove his strong grip. I did not want to change my thoughts about this guy. I thought he was a good guy, good enough for Joan. And if he turned out to be a kidnapper, I would kidnap him instead and torture him to death.
I gave him the deathliest glare I could give which made him... shrug it off.
We were heading deeper into the woods. Fear gripped my heart again and I started to worry about Joan being alone at home.
"Joan!" I stopped, bumping into him when I remembered she and mom were still sleeping at home with the front door open.
"What happened to her?" He whipped around faster than the wind and removed his grip on me. Cold air gushed through the area which was now left bare.
When I decided to run back to home, he beat me to it pushing me a little while running ahead.
"Hey, wait up. It's me who should be running." Following him was the hardest part. He was fast, unnaturally fast to keep up with, which was surprising with the amount of wounds that he was having.
Lost was one of my favourite serial. Now I understood why. I had the same plot, the same situation right now as the whole characters had. I was Lost. In the woods.
Looking in all the directions I came up with nothing as my sight proved to be useless at night. I decided to wait for someone to pass through here, though impossible, and sat under a tree.
Arching my back a little a sat down sleep overtaking my senses.
" Àstin mìn, I'm sorry I am always late. This time I will cherish you with all of me. I wouldn't even dream of not fulfilling my sole purpose of existence. Protecting you."
He caressed my face with the back of his hand as it glided down feeling each depression . I felt a strand of my hair being swept aside and locked behind my ear. Soon enormous amounts of warmth engulfed me as he encased me in his arms promising me protection for life. I felt safe in his arms as a small smile grazed my lips. And I fell into a dreamless, blissful sleep.
Sunshine piercing my eyes was the first thing that I felt when I woke up in the morning. Sliding the covers down I stretched a bit making satisfying noises.
Getting out of the bed I glanced out of the window in search of the normal scenario of my backyard. Imagine my surprise when I saw woods all around. No sign of life except for some energetic, morning birds chirping their time away.
Looking at the room, I felt sad deeply to realize my high level of stupidity to not notice the change in the rooms. It definitely was not my room.
This room was bare. Mine was messy. It had a painting of a flower. Mine has paintings of bands, cars and bikes I made in my free time. This room was full blue. My room was a mix of colours including black, navy blue, light shade of red and teal.
My room had many windows while this room only had one.
Making my way through the door, I opened it and entered a hallway. Gazing at the pictures of a family I could feel all the happy memories expressed in those photos.
I stopped at a particular picture, where a teenage boy about 17, was tickling a younger boy of about 5. The teenager had light brown hair with hazel eyes, his features very relaxed. The small boy however was hard to distinguish. His face was away from the camera , only revealing his brown - though darker- hair.
I moved onto the next photo which had almost 40-50 people. I was surprised at the sheer amount of people in a single photo. Each person had a different pose- some candid, some being flung in the air, some falling on others.
Even though the scene was messy I felt feeling of peace overcome me.
"It's nice isn't it?" A voice asked from behind me as I jerked in surprise. I covered my gaping mouth from screaming at the unbelievable, unimaginable and unexpected person standing in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Funny how that is what I should ask you ?"
And that is when it striked me that it wasn't my house. My eyes grew wide as his eyes crinkled at the realisation. It was his house. I looked at the house once more pointing at it and pointing again at Nicholas, asking him silently if it was his house.
He nodded. Indeed it was. I backed up to the wall and prayed to god imagining many ways this situation could end up at. Everything ended up at one conclusion, my death.
I know it is a little harsh to think he would do such thing but what can you expect from a stranger.
He is not a stranger to you if your heart always runs a marathon when he is near you.
My mind graced that thought that wasn't entirely false. It was indeed true. Each and every time even his gaze- made my stomach flutter and heart beat faster. And this is what I disliked.
Looking up at him now, folded hands leaning on the wall with his legs crossed over the other and his head titled as if analyzing me, why was my heart beating as if it was its last time in my body to prove itself? Why wasn't it stopping?

I realized that he was waiting for an answer when none of us said a word.
I tried to remember all of the things that happened the previous night. I might be looking like a kid on stage, delivering a speech when he suddenly stopped and tried to remember his points looking everywhere but the audience.
"Haah" I exclaimed once I remembered everything from yesterday. Blood spilled on my floor, running at night, meeting Tae-min and being left alone in the woods. One question played in my mind, "How did I end up here? "
"Let's talk over breakfast. " he declared as he brushed past me making my imagination go to a level where a writer would be jealous of me. I imagined the part on my arm where his hand brushed being filled with electricity. I glanced at his back in amazement when I remembered all the time we have met, not literally, making me shake my head to remove unnecessary thoughts. I followed him to a large room that resembled a kitchen.
"Have a seat." He offered as he slided a chair back and motioned for me to sit down.
He put on an apron and started making breakfast.
"I want to tell you something. " I removed it out of me as I couldn't hold it in anymore.
Tae-min at the ^^^
Happy New Year guyz!!!

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