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I wrote the chapter again as I thought the previous update was a little too small. So i made this new update for you gyz.
I slipped into my seat just as the final bell, signalling the start of period rang. I stiffened a little bit when I saw Jake entering the class. He sat in his seat and I couldn't help but remember the unfortunate incident that happened between us not too long ago.

"I'm sor--just what I wanted" I muttered under my breath seeing the person who I bumped into. He didn't seem to have felt the impact as he just noticed me.
"Ohh."he said with surprise lacing his voice.
"Move it, Jake" I said as I couldn't stand him even even for a second. He seems to be shocked hearing my voice but quickly changed his expression into his usual smirky one.
"How do you know my name?"he asks.
"Well, all thanks to the gossips that goes on through the school." I lied to him even though I knew him pretty well. He seemed dumb that he didn't recognize me and I wanted to keep it that way.
"Then you must have known a lot about me."he says while running his hand through his hair.
"About you being a douche bag? Then yes."his smirk falls right off the face. One point for me.

"What's your name then?" He says in a monotone voice.
"My name is none of your business.let me get to the classroom or I'll be late."
"Urgent,are we?" He said ,his smirk finding its way onto his face.
"Hmhmm"is all I say as I slip past him and start walking towards the class.
"HEY where do you think you are going."
"To the class, idiot."
"I'll meet you soon. I promise."
Is all I hear as I continue walking.

He sits down on his desk and seem to be smirking. He searches the classroom until his eyes land upon me. His facial expression changes but I couldn't catch what it was as it went away as fast as it came and was replaced by a flirtatious smile. He winked at me before the teacher started the class.
The boy dared to wink at me. Ugh. I think he forgot me or got a screw loosened in his mind as he winked me, his sworn enemy. Well, me and Jake never seemed to get along with each other.
He hasn't changed much other than his height. The bracelet that he always wore made it all the more easy to recognize him. It was a simple band with Jake in bold gold letters.
He is the school's quarterback and the most popular hottest boy as you can already guess.
Enough about Jake. Concentrate on the class Neraya.

I was walking towards my last class for the day which was P.E.
While opening the doors to the gym I crashed into someone as they were coming from the other side at the same time. Great. Another crash.

I was going to fall with the person in front of me onto the ground if it wasn't for a hand around my waist that helped me up. I swatted the hand away after standing on the ground when I noticed it was the guy at the cafeteria who was staring at me weirdly.
"Watch where you are going, creep." I said while moving towards the doors.
"What? Come again." He said in an amusing tone.
"Didn't you hear me. I said 'watch where you are going.'"I said while opening the door fully.
"You should do the same."he said all the while having a faraway look on his face like he is contemplating something.
"Whatever."I went through the doors and into my P.E. class.
Having changed quickly after my previous class, the gym was empty except for a few students scattered on the bleachers.
Everyone started filing in in about 10 minutes. Between the swarm of people I noticed Nicholas slip into the class(although he just went out, I noticed) and none other than Jake himself. This is gonna be a Hell of a class.
"Have you heard about the party tonight? " Joanna asked. We were coming out the school as our last period for the day had finished.
"No . Are you going?" I Questioned her.
"Yeah. My cousin Noah invited me to this party and I kind of like parties."
She said while we were walking towards her car. " Why don't you come with me. It would be fun."she asked stopping once we reached the car door.
I started shaking my head as I don't like partying but was soon cut off by her"Actually you are coming and that is final. You might as well know some of the good people around here."
" I don't think it's a good idea Joanna, I seriously don't like parties." She ignored the statement and handed me a paper.
"This is my number. You better text me your address. I'd be over by 5." I tried to argue but to no avail. Even Ted is going to be there. How will I face him after I left him without a goodbye.
"Do you need a ride. " she asked while starting her car.
" No ." I mumbled as I thought about tonight. I bid her goodbye as she started her car and took off. I soon regretted my decision as I was tired as hell from the last class and will have to walk again to the house. I looked at the watch to notice it was nearly 3:30. It would take me another half an hour to reach home. And another hour until Joanna comes over. Tonight will be really a fun night. (note the sarcasm)


Thank you all for the support and love.
This chapter is dedicated to 'istolethecookiez'. Her books are just amazing. Luv her.

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