Chapter 15

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There is a soft click and footsteps sound as someone enters the room. I flinch and close my eyes shut as the lights are switched on. After I get my bearings I open my eyes to see a middle aged woman sitting by my side. I try to sit up to get a better look at her face.
" You are up? " she exclaimed in surprise as I take the water jug from the table beside my bed and pour it in a glass. She waits patiently until I finish it. I let out a sigh of relief and concentrate on the woman beside me.
" How are you feeling now? " she asked in a tone which was supposed to be concerned and was anything but. Thinking about my whereabouts I thought about all the places I could be right now and one thing came into my mind, " Are we in the pack lands now? " I asked her. I guessed it because Nick was right there when I fell, and to be frank I hope I am in his place more than anyone else's.
" Yes child, we are in the pack's hospital. I am Diane, the pack doctor. I was just coming to check on you and it's good you are awake. You fainted pretty suddenly I heard. Can you tell me what happened before that? "
I told her everything I could which was not much because there were no triggers that I knew of that made me faint.
" You just recently discovered about the supernatural world, do you think that you may have fainted because of the excess information?" at this point I felt like she was mocking me.
" It might be the fact that it was hard for me to take into consideration that I am a witch ." emphasizing on the word witch I didn't feel it important to tell her about me being part witch.
There was shock  all over her face as she registered my words.
" It might be the after effects! " she whispered under her breath, enough for me to hear.
" After effects?! " I looked at her incredulous of the thought.
" It happens when a witch finds their identity after a long time. Correct me if I am wrong, you got visions after fainting right? "
There was a hope in her eyes that I couldn't decipher.
" Yes... Two of them. "I muttered them unsure of what to say to this woman.
" Explain it to me. " and I did as she said but I left of the details of the second one. That's when a thought came to me, the time when I woke up in school after I fainted. Although it was for a few seconds I remember exactly what I had muttered and to whom. A blush creeped up my face as  I mentally face palmed. what was I thinking when I called Nick my mate. now he must be thinking I had a crush on him. Which wasn't entirely false.

After hearing me,there was a look of pure consternation on her face as if she was hit by a brick. "You are Sonya's descendant!" she looked scared even saying it out loud." It cant be. It cant happen. We have to tell them." she kept on muttering these things over and over again. I tried calling her but it was of no use. extending my arm , I placed a hand on her shoulders but got no response. her eyes were clouded, like she was talking to someone inside her mind. It might be the mind link.

Voices emerged as the door opened to reveal almost four to five people entering the room at once. Their loud chattering struck me odd as there was a frown on their faces. There were about two women and two men. I noticed my mom talking with the other lady very seriously.

"Mom!!" I exclaimed as she looked at me relief taking over her expressions. Coming upto me she hugged me tight and didnt leave for a minute. Pulling back she turned away from me and looked at the woman. Now that I noticed everyone clearly, I got to know that the woman was Nick's mom, Laila and the man was his father. I moved my head to look at the last man to notice none other than Nick standing there looking at me concerned. Noticing me looking at him he placed his hands in his pockets and gave me a warm smile. Involuntarily a smile formed on my face when my attention went to what Diana said.

"We have to call the wizards." there was a series of hums around the room as I asked them what it meant.

"Time to tell you a little update kiddo." Laila said. Nick's father and the nurse went out of the room to notify someone while Laila continued. "Do you remember the part where your mom said the werewolves hunt down the people from the witch's bloodline? " I simply nodded. "Well,  her name was Sonya. But not every were-wolf was behind her. Those who could not forget the history formed a small rebel group or rougue as you may know, and got uncontrollable. They were soon removed from the council and exiled from their packs for treachery. These people simply crushed anyone coming in their way. So, no one stopped them. That is why, till date your bloodline is not secure. You have time until you turn 40 for the spell to weaken but if you are found soon then you are a goner. We have called for a witch to strengthen your spell just in case and also change your scent to not attract any unwanted attention. " she took deep breath after finishing and I was again left in my thoughts again.
"Rest up honey,  you have no reason to worry. Leave that upon us. Love you. " My mom reassured me as she placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at her back lovingly. Then they both went out the room leaving him and me alone in the room.
He walked up towards me and sat on the stool beside the bed. He took my hand and kissed it, his eyes never leaving mine. A blush creeped up my face as I looked at the ground, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.
"You gave me a heart attack. Never do that again. "he placed his hand on my cheeks and looked at me gently. Sparks danced around the area where our skin touched. Thinking about it now I realized it was because of our attraction and not something foreign.
"I... I want to tell you something. You might be uncomfortable with it but I thought it would be only fair to let you know. " he cast his eyes downwards and removed his hand from my face. Disappointment and need for his touch coursed through me as I couldn't deny these feelings. His Violet eyes held uncertainty and fear that I couldn't place. I nodded for him to continue, too shocked to voice anything.
"I, am your mate...and you are mine. " he said in a slow whisper as he slowly brought his head up to look at me. My heart leaped with joy at those words and I couldn't hold back the smile. It threw him off as he smiled slowly.
" I know it was werewolves that murdered your father and it must be hard for you to forgive, but I promise I won't let anything like that happen again. I promise to protect you and your mother, I will never fail you. I just want you to accept me. Although I will understand if you don't want me after all this and you can go on and...reject me." he closed his eyes and flinched as he said those last words. I frowned and held his hand urging him to open his eyes.
"This is all new to me. It will take some time for me to adjust, and we don't know each other that well but there is no reason for me to deny being with you when I can discover more about this world alongside you. I will be more than happy to be with you and I would never reject you because I believe you are more than what I deserve. " I whispered to him and hugged him not being able to hold it anymore. He became stiff but soon enough he relaxed and let out a sigh placing his chin on my head.
" Only I know how long I have waited for this. "
"From the moment you saw me? " I pulled away reluctantly and smirked at me.
" Yes, from the time I crashed into you." he smiled at me adoringly while replying which I didn't expect at all. Brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear he pushed me down on the bed.
" Stop I'm not tired ,I want to get up! " I frowned as a scowl made its way on my face.
"You must rest. You are weak right now. "
" I want to go out and that's final. "I tried to command him but it only made him chuckle. Now that is something I can get accustomed to.

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