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I'm soo sorry guyz that I updated late. I had a tiny writer's block which stopped me from posting this any sooner.
I can't believe this book got 127READS. OMG!!! Thank you all of those who took time and read my book. I love you guys.
"I'm leaving, mom." I said before taking an apple on my way out of the house.

"Okay sweetie, have a nice day." came mom's reply before I shut the door.

"ugh I should have brought the shades with me." I mumbled to myself when I came out to face the sun shining brightly, making me squint to see around. It was a drastic change of climate from that of Boston. Here in Mystic ville, the climate is warm most of the year except for winter. I was thankful that my school's uniform was accustomed to this weather. My uniform is like any other school uniform. A white shirt, with a black coat over it, a black skirt, matching it with white socks, black shoes and a black tie.

I was trying to navigate my way through the roads towards my school. Although I have practically lived in Mystic ville for my whole life ,I  don't remember some of the places. This being one of them.Weird I know but the roads in Boston took my memories of this place. It took me 30 minutes of wandering here and there and asking for directions to finally reach my school, Mystic high.

I stepped inside the school to get the memories of the last time I used to study here. It was hard back then. At least I had Ted with me back then. I heard many whispers erupt as I walked towards the office to collect my schedule. I continued on my way without listening to the topic of the whispers. When I came out of the office after collecting my schedule I heard the whispers still continuing as I came into the hallway.

"I heard he is going to the party tonight. Are you coming?" I heard some girl ask her friend and was going to move on until I heard the name of the guy they were talking about. I stopped in my track.

"Ted is going to come with Candice." said the other girl a little disappointed. I wonder why. "It isn't going to stop us from going there, is it? And Nick will be there too." the first girl said with a grin on her face. It's not the same Ted, Neraya. probably another guy named Ted moved here while I was gone.

Shut up. Who knows.

For all you know it might me the same Ted. He might have changed. said my intelligent mind. I reached my locker and took the books according to my schedule. I started moving towards my first class. Yu-hoo to my first class-History. Here I come.


I kept my tray besides Joanna and sat down in the chair. It was lunch time and I was in desperate need of a fuel called food to keep me going for the rest of the day. I met Joanna in my 2nd class, who was sitting beside me passing me notes asking about me. We shared two other periods other than the 2nd and hence decided to know each other better over the break. She was actually cool, friendly and talkative. Very talkative.

She is good looking. With straight black hair that flowed just below her shoulder and brown eyes with faint lining of kohl on it. She was definitely an Asian. I got to know that she didn't have many friends except for her cousins here in the school as many of them couldn't hang around her for long, her being her talkative self.We were talking about our families when the door of the cafeteria suddenly opened with a loud noise.

A boy of about my age came inside the cafeteria making everyone silent. He was good-looking with the brown hair that was styled perfectly and a huge smug smirk on his face. To top it all his eyes were...... purple. It was like the deep color of midnight sky.
Wait a minute. . Purple? Do humans even have that eye colour? Joanna snapped her fingers in front of my eyes making me turn towards her.If it wasn't for Joanna I would have stared at him open mouth till the lunch break would have ended.

"He is hot. Isn't he?" she asked after she brought me out of my thoughts.

"He is cute and a little good- looking." I lied a little.

"Only CUTE and GOOD-LOOKING. come on, girl. HE is definitely hot."

"uh-uh." I would never ever admit to a guy looking hot. It would just be a tiny step for them to increase in their ladder named ego. "What is his name?" I asked her while sneaking a glance at him.

"Nicholas Davidson. He is a junior like us. A straight A student, the captain of the football team and what not. He has a bad temper. Mind you, you never want to be on his bad side."

"Hmm" was all I could say as I looked back at him. But this time I caught him staring at me with a frown on his face.

I raised an eyebrow in question at him. He just kept on looking at me with a frown on his face. It was as if he just realized that he was staring at me that he looked away. I turned back at Joanna and noticed that she was busy eating her lunch.

"Which period do you have after this?" she asked.

"Health. You?"

"I have calculus next." she had a weird glint in her eyes that I couldn't understand. Curiously I asked her,

"Is there something interesting in calculus."

"Why are you asking?"

"It's just that you had a weird glint in your eyes as you said calculus."

"No. It's nothing." she said in dismissive way. Though I didn't believe her I didn't think it was my place to pry. So I let it slip away.

Soon after the bell rang and I and Joanna parted our ways towards our classes.
"oops!" I exclaimed as I bumped into someone. "I am sorr--Just what I needed right now." I muttered when I saw that 'someone' who turned to face me.

Great. Just great.


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