jason x reader x leo (michanical heart part 2)

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"dang it" you whisper as Jason flew off, he liked you. and leo ran off looking heart broken, but for what reason? you when back to camp boarders to cabin 9. you knocked on he door for One of leo siblings named lexi answered, "what do you want" she snarled "whoa I'm not here to fight where leo"? you asked, "he doesn't want to talk to you" she said. then slammed the door shut "damn it" you growl walking away. you don't understand what happened it's not even like you kissed Jason, he kissed you first. you kicked the ground. dust and grass came flying up. there was no plan to help you know, "please Athena if you listening please help me" you silently pray to your mother Athena,
---------you slam the door to your cabin behind you. "what's got you into this mood, your normally happy or with one of your friends" annabeth greeted you. "well let's just say one of my friends kissed me now the other one what's nothing to do with me" you say getting frustrated "oh" annabeth says, "oh!oh! what's all you can saw" you tell running to your bunk and ignoring everything else she saying, it's been about 5 minutes when there a knock at the door, you ignore it also, but annabeth opens it, it was Jason. he sat next to you on your bunk, "hey" hey said softly, you didn't answer "look I'm sorry ok I didn't know I would hurt you so much" he said. you looked at him "you didn't hurt me,you just saddened me" you tell him. "well, have you seen leo anywhere" he asked. "no the last time I looked for him his sister told me he didn't want to talk to me" you told him. he frowned, "then he probably doesn't want to talk to me either" Jason said. the horn blew I was time for lunch. you looked around to see leo playing with his food, you sneaked up behind him and sat next to him. "haven't anyone talk you not to play with your food" you say playfully. you know it was against the camps rules to sit at a different table but you didn't care. "go away" leo said "not until you tell me what's wrong" you say " what's wrong!what's wrong! I tell you what's wrong! you kissed Jason!" leo shouted, "leo keep your voice down" you scolded him, you looked over at the Zeus table, there was Jason blushing, you were probably too. everyone eyes were on you. you have everyone a death glare. "ok the best person who looks this way day is going to get pretty dang ugly!" you shout, everyone turns there head to their food. "leo look, I didn't kiss Jason, he kissed me, but why are you upset" you say/ask, "y/n the reason I'm upset is because I love you, and when I caught you and Jason kissing I thought I never had a chance" leo said rubbing his arm, "leo I-" he cut you off, "save it y/n talk to me when you get a answer" he said waking away. you got up about to walk to your cabin when Jason walked up to you. "what was that about" Jason asked. "the kiss" you say, "y/n...I'm sorry if I would've know it would hurt our friendship so much then I would of never kissed to I'm sorry" he says, his electric eyes dipped a tear or to is voice dripping with concern, you didn't know what to say, "y/n I'm sorry do you accept my apologies" Jason asked, you didn't know what to say. you kissed him, that was your reply a kiss....
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