Percy x Reader (Trust Me) {part 3} [endng]

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No, I'm joking, we're not dead.

Percy pulled out this sword and slashed at the teachers neck, as I flung backwards at the wall.

I winced but didn't care "P-Percy...What is that thing?" I asked, my voice laced with a new emotion, fear.

He grinned evilly at me, and I liked it "so...About that demigod thing" he started. I rolled my eyes "not the time Percy" I told him.

He rolled his eyes back at me as the gorgon screeched and exploded into golden dust. I looked at him, fear in my eyes, way stronger than a few seconds ago, much more intense than I intended.

He held out his hand "do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded, taking his hand. "I'm going to take you to a safe place, trust me."


"So...About that trusting thing" I said, backing up, the back of my foot slightly off the cliff. He chuckled "sorry" he muttered.

I sighed "whatever, I've seen worst than a hellhound" I said, leaping forward, stabbed the beast with a stick, right though the chest.

It howled and turned to a golden pile. I dusted off my hands and Percy stared at me "wow..." He mumbled. I turned around and gave him a grin "impressed?"

"Yeah kinda, you just used a stick." I shrugged at him and just continued along, going back in the trail of this camp.

"You may be a child of Athena, or maybe Aries" Percy said. I shook his head "gibberish" I mumbled.

He sighed "whatever, let's just go" he said, taking my hand, pulling me along. I followed him, though the forest, silent, if you listened close enough...You could hear the sounds of the forest, animals scurrying along, leaves under our feet...What? Did you think I was going to say something like, I hear the dead calling me, trying to communicate, sending chills down my back once more...? Because if so...Yeah, that too.

No but really, it seemed to get stronger as we walked. Percy held out his sword...Riptide, for light. I just followed blindly, as if he was the president, whom was satan—no again in kidding, Percy isn't satan, Trump is...Well, probably will be.


"We're here" Percy said as we reached a sign. I looked forward to see fields of strawberries. I rolled my eyes "it's only strawberries" I told him.

He shook his head "let's get a closer look" he told me, pulling me along once more. As we peered down a hill I was dozens of people, walking around, weapons at their side, armor tightly on them.

"Wow" I mumbled "a bunch of teens walking around with sharp weapons..." "Welcome to Camp-Half-Blood!"


I believe this is the shortest chapter...Sorry, I kinda lost inspiration, I have to go back to your suggestions a bit ago

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