Thalia x Reader (shut up-I love you too)

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by the way, this isn't going to fit into the actual word of Percy jackson. So just over look that part


"What! You can't join the huntress!" I yelled. Tears filling my eyes. Thalia sighed "I have to, please, I really want this Y/N" Thalia said. I sighed "It's just, you're my only friend. Nobody want's to be friends with a daughter of Gaea!" I told her.

Thalia shook her head "that's not true, you've just never tried to have friends. Besides we can always iris message" Thalia told me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"But still..." I said. Thalia wiped a tear from my face with her thumb "but what?" she asked my softly.

"I can't let you go..." I said truthfully. "I'll miss you too much" I said. Thalia smiled sadly "I'll miss you too..." she said. I didn't smile back. I just stared at her.

"Yeah, Y/N?"
"I have something to say"
"what is it?"
"come on. You can tell me anything"
"Well...I love you..."

Thalia looked surprised. I thought she was going to hit me. But instead she leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around her neck, while she wrapped her around my waist. "Does this mean you're not leaving me?" I asked.

"Shut up—I love you too"

sorry, this was so short

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