Chapter 8

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''LES Superior TWINS''

Larry's POV

As Tay and Sativa lead Laurent and I to the entrance of the castle, I took time to look around and notice the beautiful work of mother nature. ''It's so beautiful here, why it's not like this farther in the forest?'', I asked looking around. ''Well, Lynx is a special hybrid, and she is like mother nature basically. Plus, every good and wise soul gets a mansion and beautiful nature, to show how much love we show to those that are as helpful guardians.'', Sativa says standing in the front of the castle. She knocks nicely, waiting for a response. ''Who goes there?'', a voice says from the door. ''It's Liyah's children of knowledge, Sativa and Tay.'', Sativa says nicely. ''What is your business here?'', the voice says again. ''It's a emergency, Liyah has sent Tay and I here with the one's we've been assigned to guard and protect.'', Sativa says looking to Laurent and I. ''What seems to be Liyah's problem, and why is she in peril?'', the voice ask again. Tay pushes Sativa out of the way and stands to the front of the door. ''Just open the damn door, Ryan. Ain't nobody got time to play interrogation with yo ass.'', Tay yells punching the door. ''As you wish.'', the voice says again. The door then starts to open, pushing inward. Laurent and Larry looked as the doors slowly opened, revealing a beautiful village. ''Woah'', I said following Sativa through the doors. ''This, boys, is Lynx Village.'', Sativa says looking around. Looking around to see many beautiful families, and happiness, beautiful homes and healthy wonderful lifestyles. I hope to have the same future...with Liyah.

Finally passing the village, Sativa and Tay lead Laurent and I to a guard post, with a gate. ''Who goes there!'', the guard says standing in front of the gate. ''It's Liyah's children of knowledge, dear sir. We must enter the castle.'', Sativa says nicely. ''And why shall I let you?'', the guard asked looking to Sativa. ''Because, it is a emergency and we need to see Mrs. Lynx!'', Sativa says desperately. ''And why shall I believe you?'', the guard asked looking to Laurent and I. Tay walks up to the guard, pulling out her pistol, aiming to the center of the guards face. She pulls the pack of the gun's loading trigger, ready to fire at the trigger. ''Because we're armed.'', Tay says looking at the guard slightly shake. ''Open the gates!'', the guard yelled.

Once we entered the castle, guards lead us down the marble halls. The decor was breathtaking, and everything about the castle was magnificent. ''Larry, Laurent, you two will need to speak to Mrs.Lynx in private, I'm sure she is expecting you two.'', Sativa says looking to Laurent and I. ''Wait, she know's we're here?'', Laurent asked looking to Sativa. ''Well, I'm sure she's been expecting you boys for 200 years.'', Tay says chuckling with Sativa.

We make it to a large door, where the guards stopped us. ''Mrs. Lynx is occupied in the library, one at a time may enter.'', the guard says standing by the door with his partner. Tay pushes both guards out of the way, letting us all walk through in a group. Straight ahead, book shelves lined along to make a hallway to a desk in front of the fire. A large chair that face towards the fire shadowed the wooden floors. Tay leads us towards the desk, not even giving notice to the large and extremely strange book shelves. She stops a couple feet from the desk. ''Lynx, we have a problem.'', Tay says seriously. ''And what shall that be, Tay?'', a lovely angelic voice says from the chair. ''Liyah, she was being--'', ''Attacked at wendigo's at her mansion, and now they're coming for Larry and Laurent.'', the beautiful voice says cutting off Tay. ''Well, yeah. You already know the situation.'', Tay says rolling her eyes. ''Yes child, I do. But, trust me, Liyah will be fine. The boys have permission to stay in my deluxe suites if they please. Keep them from going outside, though. A waft of their smell outside will drive the wendigo's crazy, they'll be here at the blink of a eye. '', the lovely voice says. ''Mrs. Lynx, may I ask how my friend DJNASTYNAS is doing? Hopefully, he isn't in any severe danger, is he?'', Laurent asked stepping forward. ''Your friend is fine, for now. Those Wendigo's aren't playing any games with Mr.NAS. They will kill him soon if you don't do anything.'', Lynx says as smoke blows above her chair. ''Other then that, boys, I need to speak to you two separately.'', Lynx says. ''Yes ma'am, which one of us would you like to talk to first?'', I asked curiously. ''Larry, stay, we need to talk.'', Lynx says. Sativa, Tay, and Laurent exit the room. I was left in the room with the wisest woman living, such a nervous experience. ''Don't be nervous, Larry. Yes, it's a nervous experience, but don't worry, I don't bite...unless you fuck with me.'', Lynx says turning her chair facing me. Lynx was a extremely beautiful woman for 200 years old. ''I'm not 200 years old, I'm 20 years old, but lived for 200 years. Either one is good.'', Lynx says taking in a breathe of her cigar. ''I apologize, Mrs.Lynx.'', I said looking to Lynx nervously. ''No offense taken, Larry. But besides that, I want to talk to you about my wise sister, Liyah.'', Lynx says breathing in another puff of her cigar. ''Now, Larry, why haven't you expressed your love for Liyah, yet?'', Lynx says blowing out the smoke. ''My love for Liyah? Who said I had a love for Liyah?'', I said nervous. ''Sweety, I can see right through you. You have a love for Liyah, and I know that for a fact. The way you show affection towards her, the way you talk to her, flirt with her. You cannot tell me you don't love Liyah. I can read you, Larry. Don't think I'm just a crazy woman. I'm a wise woman, and I know you love Liyah.'', Lynx says standing up. ''Ugh, but Lynx, I can't love her. She told me everything, Love will break free the demonic wendigo soul in her heart. And Lynx I don't want Liyah to leave me, but I don't want her to leave me. I just want her in my arms, every night and day, every second I'm breathing. I just want her there.'', I said depressingly. ''Well, Larry, that's too bad. I must not tell you the future, but here is the best I can tell you. To free Liyah, you must...kill her.'', Lynx says patting my back. ''What? Kill her? No, I am not killing Liyah.'', I said looking to Lynx. ''Such a tragedy, huh young one?'', Lynx says sitting back in her seat, turning towards the fireplace. ''No, Lynx, you must tell me what you mean by killing Liyah!'', I said walking towards Lynx chair. I turn it around, to see a empty chair. ''Damn'', I said to myself. ''Lynx re-appears in front of her desk. ''Embrace your non-achievable goal. Liyah may not be able to love you back, but if you'd like to get on her good side. Make sure to train a lot. Liyah loves learning new things, trust me, I'm sure you can teach her a few new tricks.'', Lynx says giggling. Lynx walks behind a book shelf. Trying to chase her, she disappears. ''Mrs.Lynx, please, give me more signs! I non understand!'', I said looking around the book shelves. ''Please...Mrs. Lynx?'', I said confused, looking for her. I come back to her desk, reaching out to turn her chair around. ''Looking for me?'', she whispered in my ear. I jump, looking back at her surprised and shocked. ''Look, Mrs. Lynx, I need more signs, I need details.'', I said holding my chest with heavy breathes. Someone then taps on my shoulder, grabbing my attention. A very handsome gentle man looks down on me. I was completely lost for words. ''Hello Larry, nice to meet you.'', the guy said stretching out his hand. ''Don't be shy to my husband, Taylor. Shake his hand, Larry.'', Lynx says looking to me. I slowly reach out to shake his hand. As I shook his hand, I looked into his eyes and completely passed out..

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