Chapter 9

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''LES Superior TWINS''

Larry's POV

''Larry'', a soft voice says. ''Larrryyy'', the voice repeats. Blinking my eyes, I see a blurry figure not so far ahead. I close my eyes again, and opening them to see the figure right in front of me. The blurriness faded as the figure became more clear. ''Lynx?'', I said weakly in confusion. ''Larry, you must wake up darling. We don't have much time.'', Lynx says holding her hand out towards me. ''W-What do you mean?'', I said slowly reaching out to grab Lynx's hand, where she helps me up. ''I only have 45 minutes with you, darling. We must not waste any time.'', Lynx says turning on her heel in another direction. ''45 minutes for what? Where am I? What am I doing here?'', I asked confused looking around. ''Sweety, you're in the Hydrelica.'', Lynx says walking forward. Everything was white, I felt like I was trapped in a white canvas. ''What's a Hydrelica?'', I asked following Lynx. She didn't answer me, she ignored my question. Lynx then starts to slow down till we came to a complete stop. I stopped behind her, looking to her in confusion. ''Look Mr.Bourgeois, we only have 44 minutes in the Hydrelica, we need to hurry and discover as much as we can.'', Lynx says putting her hand toward the white canvas. Until the white canvas then changes. Lynx taps her finger along something. A water effect flowed through the canvas. A image then appears along the water effect. I witnessed the image, at first I was a bit confused. Lynx walks backwards, coming to my side. She holds my hand, looking to the image with me. ''What is that?'', I asked looking. The room dimmed to complete darkness, the room was illuminated by the light of the image. ''It's a video. Listen, you will understand it sooner.'', Lynx says looking to me. As I watched the video, I looked to it.

::Third Person (video)::

A little girl sits on the floor of her princess decorated room. Everything was pink, including the walls. She plays with her princess dolls and prince dolls, making up her own dialogue. Her cracked door then opens, and a beautiful young lady with jet black hair enters. The style was beach curls. ''Hey there, baby!'', the mother says entering the room. ''Mommy!'', the little girl says jumping up, running into her mother's arms. ''How's my little girl?'', the mother says stroking through the little one's hair. ''I'm fine mommy! Do you feel any better?'', the little one ask. ''Well Ty, I'm trying. But, don't worry about me, I wanna know about you!'', the mother says blowing in the little girl's stomach, making her laugh. ''You like your dolls?'', the mother asked looking to the dolls with a small smirk. ''Yes ma'am, they're awesome! Thank you so much for getting them for me.'', the little girl says smiling. ''Anything for you, Ty, my wonderful daughter.'', the mother says kissing her head. ''I love you, mommy!'', the little girl says hugging her mother. ''I love you too, mama's baby.'', the says hugging the little girl.

(Larry interrupts)

''I don't get it, is something bad going to happen?'', Larry asked Lynx. ''Just'll see...'', Lynx says watching 

After the woman plays with the dolls with the little girl, the woman holds her chest as she feels a sharp pain. She collapses to the floor, slightly twitching. ''mommy? Mommy!!'', the little girl starts to yell. Her father runs into the room, looking to his wife in shock. ''Diana!'', he says falling to his knees, for his wife's aid. The little girl looks to the floor, walking backwards. Her father yelled for her. He picks up his wife, carrying her out of the room. ''Stay here!'', he says as he rushed down the hallway. The little girl runs and peeks around the corner. Her father sits his wife in the chair, getting on his knees to make eye contact with her. ''Darion..the time has come..'', his wife said holding onto her husbands face. ''What's happening?'', Darion asked confused. ''We're turning...'', the mother says crying. 

(video ends)

Larry's POV

The video pauses as it slowly fades away. I look down, confused and saddened at the same time. That little girl looked to sad and scared. ''Got any idea of what you just seen?'', Lynx said looking to the image fade away. Looking to Lynx in the corner of my eye, I slowly turn my head toward her, ''Lynx wh--'', ''I can't tell you anything about what you just saw. Let's just say, it was a clue to your future.'', Lynx says walking away towards the white terrain. ''Lynx, what do you mean?", I said confused as Lynx slowly started to disappear. A sharp pain poked my neck, completely numbing my body. I collapse, falling on my stomach, everything goes blurry. As I blinked, I see Lynx crouching to my aid. She rubs my back, looking down into my eyes. "You'll be fine, Larry. Just..breathe.", Lynx says as I faded off.

Rain, pouring down hard. Tree tilted as the branches aggressively blew along the harsh winds. Thunder strikes a tree, as the crackle effect shake the earth. The tree slowly tips over, collapsing to the floor and rumbling the area.

"Larry?", a voice says. "Larrrry! Is he even waking up?", the voice continues to speak. "I won't be giving him CPR.", the voice says echoing through the pitch darkness of my mind. I finally open my eyes, blinking to erase the blurry vision. "He's awake", a figure says leaning closer towards me. As I squint my eyes hard, I open them to see everyone surrounding me. I heard a beeping sound, and I realized I was in a room, seemed like a hospital room. "Where am I?", I asked looking at the needles connected all over me. "Your in the emergency care center of Lynx's castle.", Sativa says caressing the side of my face. "Why am I here?", I asked trying to sit up. Lynx pushes my chest back down, lying me back in the bed. "No, you must lay down, don't get up.", Lynx says looking into my eyes. My eyes trail to the window, it was closed. "Laurent", I said looking to him by my side. "Yes brother?", he asked desperately running to my aid. "Open the window", I said trying to point to the window. Laurent does as I said, running to the window and opening it. "Be careful, don't get too close to the window, like I said about your scent to the wendigos, we are already dealing with something, we don't need a ambush.", Lynx says looking over her shoulder. Laurent runs back to my side, rubbing my arm and stroking through my hair. "How you feel, brother?", Laurent asked worried. "I'm fine, I don't really know why I here. Did something bad happen to me?", I asked looking to everyone confused. A breeze then blows, everyone turns around to see Liyah crouching in the frame of the window. "Liyah", I said with relief. She jumps down to the floor, walking towards me. She seemed so serious, yet at the same time she seemed to feel my guilt. Laurent and Lynx move back for Liyah to make her way towards me. She stands by my side, inspecting me. Her hand slowly move towards me. She aggressively jerks my head to the right, causing me to slightly scream. Her hand rubs my neck, in circles. "Here", she says calmly. "What is it?", Laurent asked curiously. "Lynx, did he go through the Hydrelica?", Liyah asked looking over her shoulder. "Yes", Lynx says crossing her arms. Liyah slowly removes her hand from my neck, slowly balling up her fist. Liyah's body starts to shake, as her fist balled up tightly. "Liyah?", Sativa said confused as she reached out towards her. Liyah walks out of the room, leaving a loud stomp before. "Fuck!", Liyah yelled. Lynx, Sativa and Tay run outside. Laurent looks to me with worry, tightly grabbing my hand. Tay runs back into the room, "What happened?", Laurent asked scared. "We don't know, we think its about Liyah's heart. The wendigo is getting worse.", Tay said shaking her head...

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