Chapter 19

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Hey ya'll! Should I do a sexy collab scene with a famous professional sex scene author? Give me some names of authors that are professionals with sex scenes, and we'll do a collab! But other then that, enjoy the chapter. Which Guardian do you dig the most? #Reina or #Venny lemme see in the comment box, peeps! Enjoy!

LES Superior TWINS

Chapter 19

Laurent's POV

I grasped Larry's clothes tightly as I cried in his jacket. Lilo and I cry in his jacket. The worst possible outcome came true. ''Larry, you promised'', I cried. As I cried in Larry's chest, my head jumps as his chest pumped. I stopped, looking to him. ''Larry?'', I said confused. His chest pumps repeatedly. I put my head to his chest, a hard and loud thud pumps his body. The pump gets louder and louder. I grabbed Lilo, sitting her on the hospital bed. ''Get back, baby.'', I said holding onto Lilo tightly. As I held onto her tightly, Larry then flips back up on his feet, hyped up and energized to the max. ''Woo! Woooo! WOOO!'', Larry yelled walking back and forward. ''I feel so energized, I'm so pumped!'', Larry said hopping around. ''Larry'', I said running to hug him. He grabs me, squeezing me dangerously strong. ''Ouch!'', I cried. Larry lets me go, kssing my head. ''Sorry brother, I just so hyped!'', Larry said laughing as he jumped around. ''Daddy'', Lilo ran into Larry's arms. ''Lilo! My sweety! Hi! Daddy loves you! Daddy missed you! Daddy glad to see you!'', Larry said kissing all over Lilo's face. Larry's alive! He didn't die, but I'm surprised how good he took that shot. God knows what's in that stuff. ''Larry, are you ok? Did you die? How did it feel?'', I bombarded Larry with questions. ''Laurent, look, I can't talk right now, I need to go to the dance studio.'', Larry said after kissing Lilo, running out the room. ''Larry, wait!'', I ran out, as I snatched up Lilo along. Larry ran on all fours, and fast as the wind, like a wendigo. ''Uncle Lau Lau, why is my daddy acting like those scary monsters?'', Lilo asked as I ran with her in my arms. ''Because, your daddy is going through something, sweety.'', I said as I tried keeping up with Larry. 

I dropped Lilo off with Sativa in her room, since Larry passed her room. I finally made it to this dark dark hall way. I stopped running and walked slowly. ''Larry?'', I asked looking around. Nothing but pitch black darkness. The only light came from the light above the single large door. As I got closer to the door, Niggas in Paris By Jay-Z and Kayne West blasted from the room. Once I grabbed the door handle and entered, I screamed for Larry. ''Larry!'', I screamed. No where to be found, just a echo. Once I walked deeper into the pitch dark room, I then saw spotlight. I walked faster towards it. Once I got under the light, I looked around. I was on a stage, and my outfit was completely different. I realized I was actually on stage , WITH a audience watching me. Of course I was confused to what, how, when, why, and what the hell? After walking around in confusion, a familiar song started to play. As it played, I then recognized it. It was Larry and I's WOD 2014 playlist in Hawaii. As the song played, my body forced it's way to the beat of the music. Out of control, my body danced. And as I finished my snippet of the choreograph, Larry came onto the stage under the spotlight. He was dressed in the same outfit he wore at the WOD 2014 in Hawaii. And I was in the same attire. It was crazy! How he went from hospitalized, to fully recovered. As we got close to finishing the choreograph, the music then slowed down. ''What?'', I said looking around. The audience all turned into Wendigo's. They growled as they smiled evilly at me. I backed up in nervousness, but, I hit something, stopping me. As I turned around, I looked to see Larry with full gray eyes and a pair of sharp teeth. He leaps towards me, biting a chunk out of my neck. 

I screamed as I sat up from my bed. I looked around, breathing heavily. I was just in my guest room that Lynx gave me. I don't know what just happened, but whatever happened totally scarred me. As the breeze from the open window blew against my skin, I then jumped as Liyah stared at me from the window frame. I held my chest as I breathed in relief. ''Liyah, don't ever do that to me, again.'', I said scared. She hops out the window frame, landing on the floor. She walks towards my best, sitting on the edge in only a flash. ''Looks like you had a nightmare.'', Liyah said looking to me in slight worry. ''Looks like you've been through hell.'', I said jokingly back as I chuckled. ''I have'', Liyah said seriously as she looked to me. ''Anyway, are you ok?'', Liyah asked looking to the left of my neck. ''Well, yeah, I had a nightmare. But you know that of course.'', I said rubbing the back of my neck. ''I'm surprised you aren't dead.'', Liyah said walking towards the closet. ''Dead? Why would I be dead? Is someone trying to kill me?'', I asked slightly frightened. ''You know Freddy Kreuger?'', Liyah asked smirking. ''I mean, yes. He's frightening.'', I said laughing. ''Good thing he's not real.'', I said pushing the covers to the side, bringing my legs to the side of the bed. ''He's real'', Liyah said picking out clothes for me. ''Wait what?'', I said frightened. ''Yes, he's real. He's in hell. And so are the other demons who's been summoned by Satan.'', Liyah said throwing the clothes at me. ''Woah, that's bad.'', I said shaking my head. ''Wait, where's Larry? I don't remember a single thing that happened to him.'', I said stepping on the floor. ''He's at breakfast. The senile thing, he won't remember a thing about it. We've erased his memory about it. Those things out there frightened him, that's what made them swarm, fear is what they feed on. If Larry wants to kill the king and queen of derogue, he can't be afraid of them.'', Liyah said walking towards the window. ''And Laurent, I know you miss dancing, so I'm giving you and Larry my prized room, the gym, for a open dancing season, on every Friday and Saturday. I know it must be tough, not being able to do something you love. So, enjoy! I'm going to get Larry's clothes out.'', Liyah said dully. ''Thanks Liyah!'', I said nicely.

Liyah's POV

As I entered Larry's room through his window, I headed for his closet. Recently, I've had a surgery...the surgery was on my heart. It was because, I was getting too soft, the medicine to harden my heart was starting to wear off. They put cement on my heart, yes, literally cement! I still have to take my medicine as well. Seems crazy, but, If I want to live I have to do this. As I entered his closet, I grabbed some good dark black clothes. Black is what we all needed to wear. I then froze as I heard a door open. I stopped, closing my eyes to senses the surroundings of the nearby person. Wet hands travel down my shirt. Kisses dot along my cheek. ''You mines now'', a voice whispers into my ear. As I looked to the window in the corner of my eye, the window was closed and locked, so was the door. It was Larry...he grabs me, picking me up, the speed of light, he plants my body to the bed. I look to him seriously, his eyes were all gray. Mines turned purple. I growl at him, but he roars back more mighty then I've ever witnessed. He kisses my neck, slightly biting. ''I want you, Liyah'', Larry groaned as his hands turned to claws, ripping my shirt apart. My eyes make contact with his, turning purple. ''Then take me'', I roared back...

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