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"AHHHH!" yelled a black and white she-cat.

"It's ok. Only one more kit to go, Snaketail," said a fluffy silver tom with blue eyes. This tom was none other than the Thunderclan medicine cat, Featherstorm.

"Featherstorm, isn't there some herb you can give her to make her feel better? She is so hurt," said a sandy colored tom with a black stripe on his back.

"Lionstripe, I am fine," snapped Snaketail.

"Don't snap at him. All toms are like that when their mate is kitting," mewed Featherstorm. There were two kits next to Lionstripe's paws. They were a tom and a she-cat.

"AHHHH!" yelled Snaketail again.

"Here it is," Featherstorm said as he gave a small she-cat to Lionstripe.

Snaketail looked at her three kits and smiled. "They are lovely," she commented.

Featherstorm looked in a distint direction. He started to walk away. What he saw was his own mentor that had passed to Starclan a few moons earlier. "Violetclaw, it is good to see you," said Featherstorm as soon as he was out of camp.

"I bring an omen as have others that are giving the rest of the clans as we speak. Each clan is receiving a different part, but as I am telling you they are not supposed to share there part of the prophecy. You must not tell them this,Featherstorm," mewed the starry pelted gray she-cat that was a former medicine cat.

"What must I keep secret, Violetclaw?" asked Featherstorm.

"I was getting to that!" snapped Violetclaw. "The kit is who loyal enough to slay a falcon will bring glory or gory to her clan." Featherstorm stood in horror.

"I must check on Snaketail and her kits!" shouted Featherstorm as he ran back into camp.

Back in the nursery everything was fine. Lionstripe and Snaketail were choosing names for the kits.

"Flamekit for the red tom with green eyes," said Lionstripe.

"Skykit for the white one with the red on her shoulder and green eyes," said Snaketail.

"Lilykit for the sandy she-cat with amber eyes," mewed Lionstripe.

"No, Goldkit," hissed Snaketail.

"Shhhh! I am trying to sleep. I hope she is loyal enough to Thunderclan to let expecting Queens sleep," groaned Silverfoot, a black she-cat with one silver paw.

"That's it! She will be loyal to Thunderclan, so Lightningkit," mewed Snaketail. "Perfect," purred Lionstripe.

"Sorry, I had to check on some, uuuhhh, herbs," said Featherstorm as he walked into the nursery.

"We named them," said Lionstripe proudly.

"What are their names?" asked Featherstorm.

"Flamekit, Skykit, and Lightningkit," purred Snaketail.

Featherstorm looked down at the small bundles of fur. Live well, and may Starclan light your path young kits. I believe it will be one of you who will have a troubled path, Featherstorm thought to himself.

Warriors-Omen of Thunder-Book 1- Lightning of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now