Crowstar- Black tom with green eyes
Lilyheart- short furred tortoiseshell she-cat
Medicine cat
Wolfheart- Dark gray tabby tom
apprentice Silverpaw
Ripplestone- dark blue-gray tom with emerald green eyes(LeKitteh)
Apprentice Minkpaw
Streamstrike- blue gray she-cat with light milky blue eyes (LeKitteh)
Shockstreak- pale white she-cat with fierce amber eyes(LeKitteh)
Thornfang- brown tabby tom(father of Windsong's kits(anilovers)
apprentice Blossompaw
Fireblaze- ginger she-cat
Tangledpelt- long furred gray tom with fur always tangled
Fierceheart- ginger tom
Stonepelt- dark gray she-cat
Blossompaw- white she-cat with red patches on her back and tail (anilovers)
Minkpaw- small brown tom
Silverpaw- She-cat a silver cat with blue eyes. Sweet, respectful, loyal, understanding, and caring. wishes that she had siblings, and also sort of wishes that her name medicine cat name will be Silvergaze. (warriormedicinecat)
Nightleaf- Black she-cat with a white leaf shaped spot on her flank. (Expecting Crowstar's kits)
Windsong- tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes (mother of Swallowkit- tortoiseshell she-cat, and Thistlekit- brown tabby tom (anilovers)
Brindlescar- brindle colored she-cat with a lot of scars due to a fight with a badger as an apprentice. (Blind in one eye)

Warriors-Omen of Thunder-Book 1- Lightning of the Storm
FanficLightningkit is a young Thunderclan warrior, but when she finds out a prophecy about her after she jumps onto the back of a falcon at a young age to save her clan her whole world could be ruined.