"Lightningpaw!" whispered Skypaw harshly.
"What?" asked Lightningpaw. She was laying in her nest. She was half asleep. Earlier she had patrolled the Shadowclan border. They had moved it a little bit farther than yesterday.
"We are meeting the others. Remember?"
Lightningpaw nodded. She was happy she didn't have to go to sleep. She was scared of that black cat in the Dark Forest.
"Come on!" Skypaw whispered sternly.
The two cats sneaked past Darkshadow, who was standing guard.
They ran through the forest, down to the lake, and walked until they were at the island.
Good thing we left when we did, Lightningpaw said to herself.
It was a little before moonhigh. The moonlight made the lake shimmer and shine. The island was a little up ahead.
Lightnin gpaw heard a twig break as she got off the log and onto the island. She saw no one, but her sister.
Lightningpaw quickly turned around and looked up. She saw a black cat falling from the tree. This is the end, Lightningpaw told herself. She winced.
"Hi. Lilypaw was teaching me how to climb trees," said a familiar voice.
Lightningpaw opened her eyes. "Nightpaw! You scared me!"
"What? Never see a cat falling from a tree before?" Nightpaw laughed.
"I just wasn't expecting to see you in a tree," mumbled Lightningpaw.
"What do you guys want to do?" asked Lilypaw jumping out of a tree effortlessly.
"I don't know," said Skypaw.
Serpentpaw was wadding in the lake by the island. "I can teach you to swim!"
"Sure!!!" yelled Nightpaw as he jumped into the water. "COLD!!!"
Lilypaw was laughing.
Nightpaw started to kick effortlessly to stay afloat. Serpentpaw swam over and said, "Relax. Keep your paws down. Don't bring them above water. Just walk."
Nightpaw did all of those things. He was now swimming, more or less.
"Awesome!" said Lilypaw as she jumped in.
"Lightningpaw? Skypaw?" said a figure emerging off the log.
"Willowpaw!?" said Lightningpaw.
She looked at her friend. Willowpaw was disappointed. She saw hurt in her friends eyes. Lightningpaw looked at the others. What have I done? I have broken the warrior code, Lightningpaw realized.
"Yes, it's Willowpaw." said the silver tabby she-cat.
"We must go."
"Goodbye," said Skypaw.
Lightningpaw just stared at Nightpaw, Serpentpaw and Lilypaw swimming. When they were far enough away from the island Willowpaw broke the silence.
"Those Windclan and Shadowclan cats was swimming. Did you teach those cats anything?" She sounded worried.
"No, but the Shadowclan cat Lilpaw taught them to climb," mumbled Lightningpaw.
Willowpaw sighed, "Then I guess I don't have to tell the clan you were there."
"Really!" said Skypaw overjoyed.
"Really," smiled Willowpaw.
"How did you find us?" asked Lightningpaw.
"I tracked you, but don't worry. I covered up the scent trail so others won't know you were here."
"Ok," mumbled Lightningpaw. ____________________________________________________________________________________
"Lightningpaw, I am very disapointed," said Ravenpaw. "But, you should know something."
"You weren't the only kit who could slay a falcon."
"Starclan gave that power to three other cats also," sighed Ravenpaw.
"You know them."
"Lilypaw, Serpentpaw and Nightpaw," Lightnigpaw realized.
"Yes, but we took it away when they became apprentces without slaying a falcon," Ravenpaw said.
He was looking down at the island as usaul. Lightningpaw looked down as well. Her friends were playing. Not knowing the fate that they might have had.
"I didn't ask for this," Lightningpaw murmured.
"None of us ask for our fate," said Ravenpaw gently. The black cat stared of into space. "I was afraid of everything once. I jumped at the brake of a branch. Then the clans left the forest..."
"You lived in the forest?"
"No, when I left Thunderclan I lived in a barn with a cat named Barley. Then the clans left. I watched the forest be destroyed. I hated every moment of it. One day I decided I couldn't live in the barn anymore. Barley left with me. We traveled a long way then we found the forgotten clan. We stayed long enough to get our warrior names, but we soon left. I was Ravenclaw and he was Blackslash. We started our own clan. They still are wandering today, looking for the four clans."
"What is the clan's name?" asked Lightningpaw shocked.
"Well, I guess it's time for a formal introduction. I am Ravenstar founder of Ravenclan."

Warriors-Omen of Thunder-Book 1- Lightning of the Storm
FanfictionLightningkit is a young Thunderclan warrior, but when she finds out a prophecy about her after she jumps onto the back of a falcon at a young age to save her clan her whole world could be ruined.