"I, Honeystar of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these young apprentices," Thunderclan's leader yowled from Highledge. "Flamekit step forward. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Flamepaw. Your mentor will be Lizardleaf."
Lightningkit froze. She could hear Lizardleaf's warning cry of the falcon.
Skykit put her tail on her sister's shoulder and said," It's ok. It's just a memory." She has been the kindest to Lightningkit since that day.
Their mother and father babied Lightningkit. Skykit was the only one who really tried to think in her sister's point of view.
"Lizardleaf, Flamepaw will be your first apprentice. Please pass down your strategy and mercy," the golden tabby leader said.
Flamepaw puffed out his chest proudly. Flamepaw went over to Lizardleaf. They touched noses like all apprentices and mentors do and sat down to watch the rest of the ceremony.
"Skykit step forward. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Skypaw. Your mentor will be Fuzzyfur," mewed Honeystar. "Fuzzyfur this will also be your first apprentice. Please pass down your loyalty and bravery."
Skypaw did the same thing Flamepaw did and stared encouragingly at her sister.
"Lightningkit step forward." This was it. Lightningkit was shaking with fear and anticipation. Who would be her mentor? "You have faced hard challenges for a young kit. You have killed a falcon. Lightningkit from this day forward until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as Lightningpaw. Thunderclan needs more strong cats like you, and that's why I, Honeystar of Thunderclan, will be your mentor."
Honeystar leapt of Highledge and touched noses with Lightningpaw binding them as mentor and apprentice.
The ceremony was over.
Cats went back to there daily business. Twoflower was organizing patrols. Featherstorm was sorting herbs. Everything was normal and peaceful.
"Come on Lightningpaw, you still haven't seen the kits." Skypaw said.
Lightningpaw followed her sister into the nursery. In the nursery were Silverfoot, Ambernight and three kits.
"We decided to let you guys name them," purred Silverfoot as soon as Flamepaw, Skypaw, and Lightningpaw sat down.
"Oh can I name this one Flamekit?" Flamepaw asked.
Ambernight shrugged, but nodded. The new Flamekit was a small ginger tabby tom. He had brown eyes and yellow flecks.
"Skypaw you name this one," Lightningpaw said pushing a small brown tabby tom towards her sister.
"Falconkit," Skypaw said.
Lightningkit froze. Her sister obviously wanted her to stop fearing memories, but it wasn't the memories or the bird she feared. It was the falcon threatening to take her father away from her.
"Lightningpaw, that leaves you with the silver tabby she-cat," purred Silverfoot.
Lightningpaw thought hard for a moment. Then she finally said, "Mistkit."
Silverfoot nodded. "I think those are beautiful names." Ambernight nodded. "Come on, Falconkit, Flamekit, and Mistkit." Ambernight led his kits to the water pool in camp.
"Well, there you are! We should patrol the territory," shrieked Honeystar as Lightningpaw exited the nursery. It was already sunset. "It's to late now, but surely tomorrow."
Lightningpaw walked over to the apprentice den and started to make a nest for herself. Her nest was next to her friends Willowpaw and Leopardpaw. It was also above Skypaw's nest.
"Here!" Brownpaw said as he spat out feathers.
"Thanks, Brownpaw," replied Lightningpaw.
"No problem," said the brown furred tom as he laid down in his nest.
"Hi Ravenpaw!" Lightningpaw mewed.
Ravenpaw was looking down at an island from Starclan. "Hello, little Lightningpaw," he said.
"You watched my apprentice ceremony, right?" Lightningpaw asked.
"I sure did," Ravenpaw said looking up from the island.
"Do all cats learn from a Starclan cat?" asked the sandy colored she-cat.
"No, only you, because you have a prophecy to fulfill." Lightningpaw nodded. "You should ask Featherstorm about it," Ravenpaw said.
"Ok, I will," mewed Lightningpaw. "So, what's with the island?"
Ravenpaw looked at the moon. "It is where the cats of the clans have gatherings. I haven't been to one for seasons. Starclan has gatherings, but it isn't the same."
Lightningpaw nodded not understanding, but trying to be supportive.
"I have to go," Ravenpaw mewed.
"Bye!" Lightningpaw purred. She was in a prophecy!

Warriors-Omen of Thunder-Book 1- Lightning of the Storm
FanfictionLightningkit is a young Thunderclan warrior, but when she finds out a prophecy about her after she jumps onto the back of a falcon at a young age to save her clan her whole world could be ruined.