Chapter 12

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Time passed and great things happened. Featherstorm told Lightningstorm she was expecting kits, and Browntail was the father.

Lightningstorm still trained with Mistpaw. She wouldn't let kits stop her from having a good apprentice.

Mistpaw was a fast learner and she already was a great hunter.

"Lightningstorm can we go hunting?" asked Mistpaw.

"Sure, where?"

Mistpaw shrugged, "Windclan border?"

Lightningstorm nodded, "Good choice."

Mistpaw and Lightningstorm walked to the border of Windclan territory. They ran into a Windclan border patrol. "Hey, Lightningpaw whose the new apprentice?" a black tom asked.

Lightningstorm laughed, "It's Lightningstorm, now and this is my apprentice, Mistpaw. Mistpaw this is Nightpaw and his brother Yellowpaw."

Yellowpaw snorted, "I am Yellowfire, now and that's Nightshade."

Nightshade and Yellowfire, thought Lightningstorm. Great names.

"So, anything interesting happen lately?" Nightshade asked.

"Well, I became warrior a while ago, and I chased a fox that day, with Skyrose, into Windclan territory," Lightningstorm said.

Yellowfire nodded. "Well, we are going to patrol on the path to Moonpool, so bye," Nightshade mewed.

"Well, we are hunting up that way, so see you later, maybe," Mistpaw mewed as she bounded up stream.

Lightningstorm laughed. "Bye, warriors."

She hunted with Mistpaw for awhile. When Mistpaw wasn't around Lightningstorm practiced controlling the water. They hunted mice and voles.

By the time they saw Yellowfire again they had a lot of prey.

Lightningstorm heard a scream. She ran to the sound and saw that her old friend was dead. There lay the dead Leopard.

Yellowfire was gasping for breath. "Nightshade, he went back to camp, and I walked on farther and found this cat."

Lightningstorm cried, "I knew her. She is an old Thunderclan cat. She left with her sister the day she became a warrior. I haven't seen her since then. Mistpaw, run back to camp. Tell Honeystar. This was her daughter."

Mistpaw ran back to camp.

Yellowfire sniffed the cat. "No clan cat did it. It smells unlike anything I have ever smelled, but it was a cat."

Lightningstorm searched the body. "She was killed by this slash on the throat."

Lightningstorm remembered when she was an apprentice and she was slashed under the throat. Just a little bit higher and she would be with Flamepaw.

"What's this?" Yellowfire asked as he pulled a bit of black fur out from Leopard's claws.

"She was killed by a black cat," mewed Honeystar. "Who are you?"

Yellowfire bowed his head. "I am Yellowfire, a Windclan warrior, and I found her while I was patrolling the border."

Honeystar frowned, "So, it is true? That's my daughter?"

Lightningstorm went to comfort her old mentor, "She was a good friend."

"I want her buried tomorrow. We shall sit vigil tonight."

Lightningstorm and Honeystar carried Leopard into camp. Honeystar placed her daughter's body and ran up to Highledge. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather before Highledge. I bare sad news. We found Leopardheart dead at the Windclan border. She was murdered by a black furred cat that isn't a part of the four clans. Be careful. I don't want to lose a strong cat."

Lightningstorm went to Leopardheart. "I will miss you Leopardheart. You shall always be a warrior in my eyes. No matter your name." Lightningstorm felt the kits's kick. "Well, I better make a nest in the nursery. Sorry, I won't stay up all night, but I am expecting kits."

Lightningstorm went over to the nursery. Browntail was already in there making her a nest. "Thank you, Browntail," Lightningstorm said as she lay down and then she fell asleep.

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