Days went by and Lightningpaw hardly ate. Airblaze stopped by once a day bringing her a huge squirrel. Airblaze discovered she would only eat squirrel. Flamepaw's favorite was squirrel.
"Lightningpaw, it's me," mewed Lilypaw as she entered the medicine cat den.
"Hey," mumbled Lightningpaw.
It was still leaf-fall. The air grew colder by the day. Lightningpaw's wounds started to heal, and now she was aloud to hunt.
Nobody really watched her. She would sometimes disappear until sunset. She usually went to her brother's grave. Sometimes she climbed trees like she did with her brother.
"Airblaze wants you to go hunting with her Lionbreeze, and me." mewed Lilypaw.
Lionbreeze was Airblaze's mate, and father of Bluesoul. In Lightningpaw's short time of staying in the Shadowclan camp she learned that it was Bluesoul's first battle as a warrior. Bluesoul had two sisters that died of fever. They're names were Sweetpaw and Mothpaw. When they died Bluesoul refused to stop training. Some cats thought she might have become a medicine cat. Others thought she might have become the next leader.
Now, the clan didn't seem as mean and gruff as everyone thought they were, to Lightningpaw. They seemed like a regular nice clan. They took Lightningpaw in when Leaf-bare was coming.
"So, yes?" Lilypaw asked.
Lightningpaw realized she was being silent for a long time. "I guess," mumbled Lightningpaw as she exited Lilacleaf's den.
Lilacleaf had been the sweetest to her. Lightningpaw realized she should ask her about the prophecy.
"Hold on I need to ask a question." Lightningpaw walked over to Lilacleaf. She never ran anymore. She didn't race the other apprentices. That was what her kin did with her and they aren't there anymore. "Lilacleaf?" Lightningpaw asked as she stopped walking and sat down.
"Yes," the light brown medicine cat with the white spot on her head asked.
"Featherstorm, he told me I was apart of a prophecy, that every medicine cat got a different piece of," said the heart broken sister of Flamepaw.
"Well, if he believes it's you. So, here it goes. The pain of the heart shall be her downfall" Lilacleaf said as she sorted herbs. "So, here's my advice. Forgive. I tried as hard as I could to save him. I had a family once. My sister Elementalpaw and my brother, Flamepaw died of green cough, so did my mom, Celestialwing and my dad, Gingerheart. Greencough wiped out my family. I became a warrior and fell in love. His name was Shadycreek, but he died of rat bite. Later, I became a medicine cat to stop these things from happening. You reminded me of Elementalpaw and Flamepaw of my brother. I forgave Starclan, and now I am a medicine cat." Lilacleaf paused. "I remember the time I was young. Don't waste it. You aren't young forever."
Lightningpaw stared at Lilacleaf. She had such a hard time, but she is following her fate, Lightningpaw thought.
"Lightningpaw!" Lilypaw yowled.
"Coming!" Lightningpaw said as she ran for the first time in ages. Everything she did reminded her of Thunderclan. "What should we hunt?" Lightningpaw asked as she approached Airblaze.
"Mice. We hunt those near the twoleg nest." Airblaze said.
They walked to the twoleg nest. "Let's split up. Lionbreeze you take Lilypaw, and I'll take Lightningpaw," mewed the deputy.
After a long time of silence Airblaze spoke, "I'm sorry."
Lightningpaw held a mouse in her paws. "You murdered my brother."
Airblaze just mewed, "And you my daughter. Look I have taken away your family. I am trying to be family for you, but you turn me away."
Lightningpaw shrugged. "I turn everyone away these days."
Airblaze snuck up on a mouse. In a few swift movements she had a mouse at her paws. "I realized. So do you forgive me?"
Lightningpaw shrugged, "I forgive you."
Airblaze smiled. "Thank you."
Hey, I have updated my warrior fan fic contests. The newest contest is Bluesoul's story.

Warriors-Omen of Thunder-Book 1- Lightning of the Storm
FanfictionLightningkit is a young Thunderclan warrior, but when she finds out a prophecy about her after she jumps onto the back of a falcon at a young age to save her clan her whole world could be ruined.