Part 49: Swallowed a marble

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"Dying." Everyone goes silent.

Anna takes the lead, "Alex, ask someone." She pressures.

Alex looks up and to Bekkah, "Bekk, Candor or Dauntless?"

Bekkah smiles and smirks, "Dauntless." Alex's face lights up and he turns to Anna, whispering in her ear. She chuckles lightly.

Alex turns to Bekkah and says, "I dare you to kiss every hot guy in this room." She flushes and stands up. She walks towards Jaden. Hell no. No, no, no, no. No. She leans down and presses her lips to his. I turn away from the scene.

Bekkah walks back into my line of vision and leans forward and kisses Tobias. Tobias pulls back, digust plain on his face. Bekkah practically jumps back to her spot next to Alex.

"Jaden--Candor or Dauntless?" Jaden looks quizzically around like he just woke up somewhere new.

"Candor." Bekkah rolls her eyes, but continues thinking.

"Have you ever--kissed--someone?" She asks.

Jaden smirks, "You think I can be this," He gestures to himself, "handsome and not have kissed someone? Bitch, please." He says. Everyone chuckles lightly, even me.

Jaden smirks, "Six, Candor or Dauntless?" He asks, trying to stay calm.

I twist my face and smile, "Dauntless" I smirk back. He puts his finger to his chin and thinks deeply. He scares me when he's this calm, it's almost as if he's gone. I like it when he's the overly-protective guy I know him to be. It's soothing.

"I dare you to...kiss me." He says. Every initiate gasps quietly. They all look at me, expecting me to back down. Instead, I turn to him and kiss him full on the mouth. His hands go around my shoulders and mine go into his hair. He kisses me--or I kiss him-- but it doesn't matter. I fall into the kiss for a second, then pull away. Everyone looks at us, their mouths gaping.

I smile innocently and say, "Jess, Candor or Dauntless?" I say, with an undertone of importance. Like it's the most important decision she'll ever make.

She bites her lower lip, "Candor." She says curtly, still not rid of her Amity voice.

"Who's the hottest boy here?" I ask like an obnoxious girl in a high-school. Teen girls can be so odious with there high maintenance levels and overly girly voices. Jess's voice is the right pitch, like a cat purring. She blushes a bright red, and points next to her to Dylan. I smile, I knew she was going to answer him all along. Dylan smiles and puts an arm around her back.

Jess smirks, "Bekkah!" She says, over doing the obnoxious girl attitude that she doesn't have, "Candor or Dauntless?" Bekkah waves her off like it's nothing.

"Dauntless," She says, "I am going to be one of them."

Jess scoffs, "I am proud to say that I'm going to be Dauntless too. Six just scares me, only a little. That's why I chose Candor." Bekkah mutters something inaudible under her breath. Jess must've heard her, because she stands, towering over a sitting Bekkah. "What did you say?" Jess says. Bekkah stands up, making Jess's height not to great over her. Jess, as I've said before, is tall and willowy. Bekkah's shorter and a little pudgier.

"I said that you are an incredulous bitch with a superiority complex who is constantly kissing the Trainer's asses. I'm suprised you haven't hit on Four yet. Or have you?" Bekkah taunts back. I don't see Jess move, but I catch sight of Bekkah sprawling backwards onto the floor, blood pooling near her head.

Jess speaks softly, "I do not have a superiority complex, you just feel inferior to me. You think because you were Candor that it gives you the right to say what you want, well, it doesn't. I don't walk up to you randomly and say, 'Oh, hey Bekkah! I really hate your face, you know that? I hate the way you flirt with my boyfriend and I hate the way you snore at night and I hate you, Bekkah! For God's sake! No one likes you! Just stop saying what you think you can! You can't! It hurts people, Bekkah, it does. It doesn't phase me because I know, I know that you're an inferior bitch who can't just stop and think about what she says! You don't! You need a filter between what's wrong and right, and you don't have one!" Jess yells in frustration.

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