Chapter 6 Mansion 5

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Mai's P.O.V

I wake up and felt wet stuff on my face; tears. It was pretty graphic the more I think about it. I looked at Naru there at his desk with his non-emotional face. He was staring intently at me.I flinched a bit and blushed a bright red. 'Well I can imagine others making fun of me.' I thought to my self. "Mai are you okay?" Naru asked with a blank face, but I could tell he was worried a bit from a little glint in his eyes. I smiled at him, "Yeah, I just had another one of those dream..." I trailed off into thought. 'How many people died because of this house?' I thought to my self. "MAI." Naru yelled slightly trying to get my attention. I looked at him confused, he had a note pad in his hand. "Mai tell me what happened in the dream." I described in the graphic detail even though I don't want to talk about it I have to so people don't die anymore. 

*Time skip*

I finished with a few stray tears falling down my cheek. Naru finished what he was writing and sat there doing his 'Naru glare' , he has this thinking face on. I let a small sigh out. "Mai why are you sighing? It's not good for the soul." John said as he walked in with Pajama's on. It was funny seeing him like that considering the fact that he had colorful Pajama's on. I started to laugh, his face turned a bright red, witch made me laugh harder. John playfully glared at me. Naru stood up clearly annoyed at me for the loud laughter. "John who will be with you for next shift?" Naru glared slightly over to me. "Oh, I think Masako." John said with nervousness in his voice.  I saw him blush a bit darker but Naru probably didn't notice since you know he is Naru.  I giggled a little bit at him. "Good thing I'm going to bed." He said sounding a little bit distressed, I wonder why? He opened the door and left. "I guess I will wait here until Masako gets here." I said with a big grin. 

Naru's P.O.V

I have no idea why but I feel so annoyed at John, and Mai. Though honestly it was mostly because of her loud laugh witch was really loud. I have this weird feeling in my chest not a quiet a physical more like a mental feeling . Anger? Not quiet.... Sad? Not really.... I think it's possible that I might like Mai? I can't figure it out and now I'm getting a migraine thinking. I took my sweaty clothes off and got in the bath. I sat in the bath thinking about things. About my Twin for one. Oh how I missed him dearly. Eugene.... I really miss you buddy why can't you be back? Why didn't I stop you from going. I stood up and got dried with my towel. I got into my light pajama's in laid down under the covers. I closed my eyes but opened them again. I wasn't tired. 'I wonder if Mai will make me some tea.' I thought to myself. It would be so good right now. I got up to see if Mai was in her room still a wake. I opened the door. Something hit my chest. It was soft and warm. I looked down and It was Mai. Her face blushed a deep red. "O-Oh Naru, s-sorry for bumping into you..." Mai said with a nervous laugh at the end. I wonder why she is so nervous? It's just me. "I was wondering if you wanted tea or something, I got this weird feeling that you needed it." She smiled her brightest smile. I sucked in a short breath. I can't fan boy over her but she makes it so hard to not do it. I nod my head. "Actually I was going to ask you if you would make me tea?" She nodded and so we went to the kitchen... I sat at the table. I smirked at Mai as she was humming and swaying. I just want to be near her. I got up and put my arm around her shoulder. She tensed but relaxed into it. She was trying to move around so I let go and wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder. She finished the tea. I don't know what to do know. 

Mai's P.O.V 

Naru is so warm. I can't help it... no matter what I do I can't help but love him! "Hey Mai?" Naru said with nervousness leaked into his voice. I smiled "hmmmmm?" I asked " Would you be my-" All the sudden John and Masako burst in laughing at some silly joke. I was so mad. Naru let go quickly before anybody could see him. He grabbed his tea and sat down. I glared slightly at the 2. He could of been asked something important. My face was red with rage. They sat down at the table with Naru. They were laughing like fools witch made me laugh. I gave them a smile... no matter how mad and annoyed I get at them they are still my family. I giggled at there weird laughs. "Hey Mai come with me into the other room." Naru said in his auto tone voice. "Okay." I said. *BOOM* as we walked into the other room. A book case feel onto.....

____________________________________________________________________________________ Hello everybody It's me RazorCats thanks for being patient for a while. I know I haven't posted for a while. I hope you guys like the cliff hanger. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did leave a nice comment and favorite.  I would love for you guys to follow Tawshia_luvs_bands and read her good amazing stories. GoodBye (^_^)

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