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A/N: Before I begin this last chapter I just want to say the reason I'm stopping this story besides it being over. I basically just didn't try at all and all of my readers are so good and amazing even if you don't think you are, well you are wrong; you are amazing. I don't want to continue this story because I'm not trying and I feel awful about not giving it my all because I want to give my all. I want to not half ass it because of I'm not trying. Also I really don't want to say to much but I'm honestly really depressed and I don't have as much energy and I can't just stop the story and not update so I'm finishing it now. I'm also stopping my other stories rn as well because I just don't feel up to it. I thought you guys should also know there will be a second book it will just be a while because I'm going to have a job this summer and I'm going to finish writing the whole story so I don't have to worry about when to write another chapter.

       I also wanted to say if there is a problem or anything and you need to talk to someone then you can always talk to me. I honestly know how it feels and I will try to help you with things if you want. Anyway I just want to finish with a high note. Thanks for all the support and can't wait to hear feedback and hear from you guys. ALSO IF THERE IS ANY ERRORS LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS!! i always have errors lmao. Also I'm ending it because I've been using a school laptop and i have to turn it in this Friday lmao.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(also lets say the coffee table is a bit higher than what it was in the show.)

Mai's P.O.V.

Naru would not sit down. He stood until I sat down, which kind of made me very nervous than what I already was. He sat down on the coffee table so he was right in front of me. I looked up at him very confused, more confused than what I already was. Lin kind of stayed in the hall way and I'm kind of confused about how he wouldn't come in here with us. . . I guess it's just private.

"Mai you know how I'm not good at this but I've been serious the whole time," Naru said. "I have to explain something to you." He hard a stone hard face. You could just tell he was upset from the way he talked from the way his posture and face looked. 

"Naru," I said putting my hand on his hand which was on his knee. "What ever it is, I know it will be okay. You just need to calm down." He kind of looked at me  but continued his glare at the floor. He nodded his head anyway and kind of relaxed.

"I have a twin." Naru said. I was kind of shocked but not really, some times it just happens. "He also had super natural powers." He said. This however did not shock me. I kind of made sense because he had super natural powers. Naru looked at me, but not in the eyes. "I need to tell you everything so please don't say anything until I finish." I nod my head at him. 

"I used a fake name. My real name is Oliver Davis. I'm very famous because of my books and such, and that's why I don't want to have anything to do with media so they don't find me so quickly." Naru said, and it had me really shocked I found it kind of hard to believe but I was going to let him finish. 

"Well my twin is completely the opposite of me. His name was Gene. His name was just a nickname but everyone called him that." Naru said. "Yeah we looked exactly the same and all but his personality was completely different from mine." Naru said with a sigh. "He loved talking smiling and laughing. He was always that way unless we got in a fight, then he would just glare at me the whole time but he always apologized first." Naru didn't glare any more but his posture stiffened back up. "I guess you could say I was smarter but honestly he just wouldn't try he made friends with his whole grade level so he didn't want to try to hard and leave them behind. I on the other hand didn't like anyone considering because of me being confident and sarcastic I would always get talked badly of and was considered "the worst of the two." which by the way every time he'd hear someone say something like that he wouldn't talk to them any more and would always stick up for me and I told him it was stupid but he insisted. " 

(A/N: I haven't read Ghost Hunt fics in a long time I can't remember anyone's name and I'm having a hard time lmao) 

"We used to be orphans but we were adopted by rich people, who owned a physic research already in England. So they wanted to expand it, so they wanted one in Japan for people who need it here, because there is a lot of things that has happened here. When I finished school I became famous because I started to write books, and do a few other things. Gene on the other hand had nothing to do, he finished school and did a few college classes but wasn't really sure what he wanted to do. So my dad told him he could start a place here in Japan to expand the business." Naru said, with a glint in his eyes. 

"Gene of course said yes and to this and he wanted to leave as soon as possible so he could do something with his free time. He always thought I was jealous of him but he knew I didn't care. Anyway he got a flight to Japan and just left. He did get there safely." Naru stopped, and sighed. 

"I'm kind of like you in a sense Mai. I can see somethings that happen/ happened, except I can kind of see the future. I of course loved Gene so I went to see his future. . ." He trailed a bit but quickly continued his sentence. "I watched him get hit by a car not just once but twice. And I knew he was dead when I saw green. The lady didn't report it. She just wrapped him in a sheet and threw him in her trunk then she dropped him in a lake." He finished. I was shocked. I rubbed his knee with my hand. 

"I found his body. The only reason I came to Japan was to find his body. I know his location so I'm going to get him and go back to England so I can grieve his death." Naru then looked me in the eyes. "Believe it or not he was your spirit guide. He is the one that is in your dreams not me."

"Mai, I'm sorry." Naru said. Naru barely apologized even if it was to me, I normally apologized first no matter what. "I have to go back to England to my family, and I can't be with you any more." He finished with a hard glare on his face. I felt tears come down my face not a lot but enough to make me realize I was crying. I was silent.

"I will also be closing SPR until I return, or it won't ever open again." Naru said while standing up.  I looked at him and at first I thought maybe I would wake up from this bad dream. . . but this was real because the pain was real. 

"Wait," I said, making Naru stop for a second. "If you close this place down I will have no family left. Not even the irregulars will talk to me or anything." I said this time with some cracks in my voice. For the first time ever Naru didn't have anything to say to me. I was a bit freaked out by it. 

"Naru. . . please." I said one last time. "Mai since your duty will be over from here on out, your last assignment is to turn those keys in for me." He said. He placed the keys on the table so I could grab it on the way out. 

As Naru opened the door with one last final call from me, "Naru. . . I love you. . ." I said loud enough for even Lin to hear. Naru turned to me before he completely walked out. "Me. . . or Gene?" He then shut the door.

After he was out of the office I sobbed. I sobbed louder than I had when I lost my parents, because I gained good things like friends and some really nice people. But I just lost everything. My new family. My boyfriend who by the way was good to me, and my feelings, and tears. I sobbed and sobbed for hours when I finally decided to leave with the keys and turn them in. 


Hello everyone RazorCats here and I know I did this to my self but I'm literally crying. I shouldn't of done this. I should of just chose a different ending but I just couldn't help myself.  Thank you all so very much!! I am going to make a sequel to this, I already have ideas but I just can't this summer I am going to have a summer job and be busy a lot but I will make time to make stuff for a sequel. Anyway thanks I love you guys. GoodBye. (^_^)

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