Chapter 7 Mansion 6 (LAST)

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Mai's P.O.V.

We all followed Naru, up the stairs, to the roof, that was really big. I glanced at my boyfriend. I want to know what he is thinking and trying to do. We soon came to a stop."Naru, what are you try--" Monk was trying to say until Masako started to freak out. "It's presence is almost right in front of Mai." She said shaking. "Please stop you mustn't."I sucked in a breath feeling someone touch me and it definitely was not Naru an the others because they were a bit farther up than me. "Mai, take a deep breath and stay calm." Naru said with a bit of worry in his voice, that only I could notice. I nodded my head slightly. I took a breath. My arm jerked back but I stayed calm. "Why are you here?" Asked Naru. Clearly he knew the answer but this was to put things in simpler turns. The man showed up... the man from the first dream. I stared him down. Though for a ghost he thought he was going to win this round. He didn't answer the question. Naru had something up his sleeve he was going to have John exercise this monster. I knew it was going to happen. We needed them all to do it. "Wait guys," Masako said. "Why, are you keeping your family with you?" Masako asked in a soft tone. The mans eyes glinted/ watered ever so slightly. Masako put her hands behind her back making signs to signal them when it was time. "Well i love them but they left me first so it's fair." The man said with an evil smile. "Though I love them they mean the world to me." The man went soft and let his guard down slightly. Masako took the chance and made an okay sign with her fingers. Lin called his shiki, John started to read from the bible, Monk started his chant, And Ayako Started with them. The guy was started, but quickly he started to scream in pain and agony. He was so mad. I don't blame him, but he has to quit torching people and needs to let his family rest in peace. Soon enough the man disappeared and the woman and child went to us and smiled. "Thank you so much for saving us." She said and then floated up. The child waved and smiled at everyone as she too floated to heaven with her mom. I smiled. Another case solved by SPR!

Time skip

Naru and I sat in the back as he let Ayako sit in the front since she complained so much. He sat beside me . Monk brought his car and took Masako John and (I don't know if I included Yasu but just incase) Yasu. I was really tired after this case but fought through it for a good hour. We soon came to a stop at a gas station. Lin and Ayako got out and stretched, and went inside. Me and Naru sat in awkward silence. Eventually his hand found my hand and we ended up holding hands. I looked at him and smiled, his eyes smiled back. I decided to lay down in the back so I threw my legs up on the 2 empty seats beside me and put my head on Naru's lap. It was warm. (0/////0) I sighed in content and closed my eyes and slowly feel into a dreamless sleep.

Another Time Skip (lol)

I woke up to someone carrying me into a house. It was Naru of course. I rubbed my eyes. "Naru where are we?" I asked in a sleepy voice. "At my house." He said in a voice with no emotion but but with a hint of nervousness that I could barely tell was in there. I smiled. "Thank you." I said to him with a still sleepy smile on my face. It was kinda dark outside I noticed. He unlocked the door and set me down. I stretched and yawned. I smiled so happily at him, I can see a small smile. His house was really big actually. His couched looked so warm. I ran jumped on it landing face first. I laughed because it was fun. "Mai don't ruin my furniture." Naru said. "I won't." I said with laughter in my voice. Naru sighed diving himself a face plant with his hand. After a while though I got bored and we went to Naru's room. When I walked in I did not expect a huge King sized bed with nice blankets, laid nicely over it. I jumped on the bed and fell backwards. It was so soft. I all the sudden got really tired. I yawned. "Tired already?" Naru asked. "Yep!" I said. "Well you need to eat first." He said with a slight sigh. "Okay." I said with a slight pout. I got off the bed and followed him to his kitchen. I was nice and everything. "I will make dinner." He said. "Okay, I will make some tea then." I said. I started on the tea. It was the exact one from his office. In about 10 minutes I was done. I set the table and put the tea down. Naru came to the table ten minutes later with spaghetti. "Ahhhh, My mom used to make this when I was little." I said with a huge grin. Naru seemed surprised, which I don't blame him really it's an Italian/American dish and I don't know a lot about other countries/ continents. He sat them down. he sat down opposite of me. We ate in an comfortable silence. After we finished our tea and food we went into his bedroom. "I can't wait to go to sleep in a big comfy bed like that." I said really excited. I got under the blankets, then Naru. We laid there quietly. It was pretty awkward the more I thought about it. Naru put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. which I was blushing like crazy. once I calmed down I relaxed into it. I put my hand on his chest and slowly began to fall asleep while Naru played my hair.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You guys are so awesome! Thank you guys for commenting nice things. I have to say I'm proud My Best Friend isn't the only one who commented lol. Any way you guys should be happy I stayed up until 10:47 because I have a bad headache and 'I'm like these people want more chapters' so here we are. thank you all for being supportive I finally found the ending after thinking it over numerous times. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is NOT the last chapter of the story it's the last story to "The Mansion"/ case whatever you want to call it. If you want more favorite/like whatever it is, and follow me on here. GoodBye (^_^)

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