Chapter 1

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This is my first chapter that I've edited. It's longer, and I hope the grammar is better. Enjoy!


Hello!!! I've got an idea and I'm gonna roll with it so here it goes!!!! This is happening after Breaking Dawn and BOO, except Annabeth, went missing after the battle. Hope you love it!!!!- meandabook


Round 2 of editing, this time it was mostly grammar. Don't worry!! The story hasn't changed at all. Be prepared for lots of updates for grammar.


I looked around the battlefield seeing the bodies of so many loved ones. Even though they were dead, I heard their voices screaming at me. 

"It's your fault," they yelled," if you had only been better, we wouldn't be dead."

Some of the bodies stood up. The blood still pouring out of their fatal wounds. They began to walk towards me, still screaming the same thing.

Piper was the first one I recognized. Sweet Piper, who would sacrifice herself for her friends. That is how she died. She jumped in front of a blade directed to Hazel. The sword was through her stomach, the tip exiting her back. Her shirt became redder as the moments went on.

"Percy," she began to cry," you were supposed to be a hero."

Her once colorful eyes were now one solid color. Red. Just like the blood.

Her body disappeared in a shower of gold dust, just like monsters.

Frank was next. He had Hazel hanging on to him like he was all she needed. Her head was resting against his shoulder

"We trusted you," they said in sync," you were supposed to protect us."

Tears came to my eyes as they blamed me for their death. They turned to gold, just as Piper did.

Then came Nico. He didn't look sad like the others. He was angry. He laughed menacingly.

"Some hero," he spat," you couldn't save Bianca, and you couldn't save me."

Then a new voice came from Nico's mouth.

"Is that enough for you, Percy?" it asked.

I wiped the tears from my stinging eyes.

"I suppose not," then came the worst part of all.

Annabeth, in all of her perfection, looked as if she was only sleeping. A small grin adorned her lips as if she had heard something funny. Her gray eyes flashed opened and she smiled her warm smile at me. I ran to her open arms.

"I thought you were dead," I told her.

She put her small hand on my cheek.

"I am," she said," don't you remember? It was your fault."

"A hero Percy, really?" The voice that had come from Nico rang out across the bloodied field," sure you beat me, this time, but it is only a delay, mind you. But still, how could you not save the ones that mattered most?"

And with that, I woke up screaming. I held my blanket tightly in my fist and tried to slow my breathing.

My mom rushed in, worry on her tired face and fear in her eyes. She had a protective hand on her growing stomach, sheltering my unborn sibling.

"Percy!" she sat on my bed.

"I'm fine mom," I said, obviously lying, and she knew it," just some stupid nightmares. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked, brushing my hair out of my face.

She didn't believe what I was telling her. She was smarter than that. But I couldn't break down, and I couldn't tell her everything. Those aren't options. I put my mom through enough worry with the nightmares. If she really knew what was happening in my dreams, she would never sleep.

"Yeah," I said faking a smile over my tortured soul. "It'll take a lot more than dreams to get to me."

She placed a kiss on my sweaty brow.

"Okay," she said, still unsure," good night my hero."

Yeah right.

"Night," was all I could reply.

She stood and left my room.

When my door shut I couldn't hold back the tears that had been welling up inside. They fell down my face, but I stayed silent.

Part of the dream was false. Piper was safe with Jason, probably watching the stars above from the top of the Zeus cabin. They snuck up there almost every night, being so careful, but not careful enough.

Frank and Hazel would be in New Rome. They would be planning strategies and rebuilding their home.

Nico was Hades knows... actually he was probably with Hades. He was still alive, though.

It was the last death that always brought tears to my eyes.

Annabeth was dead. She disappeared during the battle, and no one had even seen it happen. I never even got to tell her good bye. I thought she might still be alive, I searched for months, but to no avail. I still search, but if I had been better, stronger, she wouldn't be missing, or dead.

Everything reminded me of her. The sea where we had spent most of our free time, her hand in mine. The park where we spent hours - talking, laughing, and kissing. Then there was camp. I couldn't live there anymore because it all reminded me of my failure to protect someone I held so dear.

I looked at my nightstand to see a picture of us together. It was after Kronos. Everything seemed peaceful, happy. Sure we were sad about those we had lost, but we knew they died for a reason, one we would keep fighting for.

Annabeth and I were on the beach. We had spent the day mourning over the past with the other campers, but we were now ready to move on. So we were at the beach. It had been the first happy moment since the war ended. Travis Stoll had taken the picture with some camera he had undoubtedly stolen. My wise girl looked beautiful as always. Her blonde hair pulled back, and her gray eyes filled with happiness. The picture was taken right after she had called me seaweed brain. A smile on our faces and her hand in mine.

Anyone who dared called me seaweed brain now is dead.

I tried to stay up. I didn't want to go back to the nightmares, the darkness. It was useless though, I never got enough sleep. A few moments later I was fast asleep.


Tell me what you think!!!! Also, I don't own these characters Rick Riordan does.

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