Chapter 14

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Sorry it's taken me so long to update! Life has been crazy, and finding time to write is hard. I appreciate all of your patience. Here is my new chapter. Enjoy!


"Land in the woods," Percy told Blackjack.

"Sure thing, Boss," Blackjack said, altering their course.

They landed with a jerk, and Percy felt Thalia's arms tighten around his waist.

"You speak one word of this," she warned," and I will kill you."

"Understood," Percy said, jumping off of Blackjack.

He held out a hand for Thalia, which she ignored. She dismounted the Pegasus and landing firmly on her feet.

"Let's find the gas station," Will said, walking away from the group.

"Solace," Thalia called out.

He stopped and turned towards her.

"Civilization is that way," Percy said, pointing in the opposite direction that Will was going.

Will blushed slightly, and began walking the correct direction. Percy and Thalia followed silently, flinching at the sound of the wind against the trees. They were both on high alert, prepared for monsters.

"We'll find her," Thalia said, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder.

She squeezed slightly, as he took a labored breath, trying to hold himself together.

"There it is," Will said, pointing across a dirt road at the edge of the treeline.

"You're late," a voice said from behind the group.

Percy spun around, the tip of Riptide finding itself at a vampire's throat. Once Percy realized who it was, he capped Riptide, placing into his pocket.

"Come on," he told the vampires.

"I smell blood," Edward said gesturing down the road, away from the town.

"That's where Christi told me she was," Will said.

"How far?" Percy asked.

Edward stared into the distance, focusing on something far away.

"Two miles," he decided.

"We should go," Carlisle said, stepping towards our destination.

"Wait," Edward ordered, holding a hand out to Carlisle.

He turned to Alice, a look of confusion flashing across his face.

Alice looked as if she was in a trance, not blinking, just staring into oblivion.

"What does she see?" Emmet asked.

"A girl," Edward said," crying."

"What does she look like?" Thalia asked.

Edward didn't answer, just continued to stare at Alice. Sadness entered his eyes, also a look of helplessness.

"She asked what the girl looks like," Percy said, his anger beginning to rise.

His fists clenched, and he raised his hand to strike Edward.

"I can't tell," Edward said, stopping Percy.

He then looked down at the dirt, watching it shift in the wind.

"There's too much blood," he finished.

Just then Alice snapped out of her trance and stumbled forward. Emmet managed to catch her before she collapsed to the ground.

"Is she okay?" Will asked, stepping towards her.

"I'm fine," she said, stopping him with a pointed look.

"We need to go," Percy said," now."

"This might be weird," Carlisle warned.

All of a sudden Percy felt hands grab his arms, then the wind smashing against his face. When the movement stopped, Percy doubled over. He blinked the spots out of his vision.

"What the-" Thalia didn't finish her sentence.

"We said we were fast," Emmet said proudly.

"Where are we?" Percy asked, trying to ignore the pounding in his head.

"Right outside the building Christi was kept in," Alice answered.

Something in Percy changed. It was obvious, even to the vampires could see it.  He was going to get Annabeth back, and no one had any doubt about it.

"What's the plan?" Thalia asked the group.

"Send these monsters to Tartarus," Percy said, his voice low and threatening.

He uncapped Riptide, and a look of pure rage filled his eyes. The vampires stepped back, afraid, not of him, but of what he could do.

"I like it," Thalia said, venom lacing her voice.

"So no plan?" Edward asked.

"I think they made the plan pretty clear," Will said.

The demigods sprinted towards the building, adrenaline pumping through their veins. Percy charged through the doors, causing them to crash open.

The second they were inside the building, Percy felt his sword colliding with monsters. His sword swung through the waves, and Percy felt the gold dust underneath his feet.

The monsters didn't stand a chance. Thalia and Will stood outside the barn doors, taking down monsters with their arrows. Alice was fighting a hellhound, eyes closed. She moved in a blur confusing the hellhound until she ripped his head off its body. The other vampires were speeding around, knocking monsters off their feet, and knocking their heads off their body.

It didn't take long for the group to get the monsters under control.

"Percy," Thalia called," go!"

Percy left the fight, searching the building for any sign of demigods. He ran down a long hallway, stopping at every door. They all had signs of hosting people, but no one was there now. He stopped at the last door in the hallway and opened it to reveal a stairwell.

It was lit only by a faint glow at the bottom.

Percy ran down the stairs, two at a time. When he reached the bottom, he was met by a griffin.

It was crouched, ready to pounce. Eyes red as flames met Percy's. Percy raised his sword as the Griffin screeched. It jumped forward, and talons met sword.

The fight was close, the Griffin flying out of the reach of Riptide. It slashed Percy's chest, and he felt the blood seeping through his shirt. It dived down, ready to finish Percy off. Riptide landed itself in the Griffins chest as flew down though, and it dropped in front of Percy.

Percy clutched his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding, and pulled Riptide out of the Griffin. He stumbled over the body, into a room filled with demigods, all chained. His glance fixed on a girl in a corner, her hands chained above her head. Her hair, which once was blonde, was now red from blood. Her eyes were what Percy recognized.

He felt a tear fall down his cheek as he saw her there, whimpering in pain.



Percy: Wise-Girl!!!!

Leo: Rick owns us, not a teenage girl.

Piper: Now that really is Shocking News.

Jason: Hilarious. I can't stop laughing.

Leo: Realize he's not laughing.

Frank: No kidding, Sherlock.

Me: Sherlock!!!!

Frank: Huh?

Me: *blush* Never mind.

Percy: Are we going to ignore the fact that Annabeth is alive?!

Me: More about that next chapter.

Percy: Wa-

Piper: That's all for this chapter. See you next update on the Daily Demigod!

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