Chapter 3

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In case you can't tell, I'm bored with nothing to do. But the good news is more updates!!!!! Yah!!!- meandabook


I sat on the speeding train and looked out of the clear window. All I saw was a blur of colors as I thought of my talk with Chiron and the others.


"Percy!" Chiron said, as his image appeared," good to see you, my boy!"

"Hey Chiron," then I asked," Can you gather the rest of the seven, and Nico and Thalia if they're there?"

"Sure," then he called to a camper," Trey!"

"Yes?" the kid asked, coming into view.

"Go get Piper, Jason, Leo, Thalia, and Nico," Chiron told him.

The kid nodded and scurried away.

"Frank and Hazel are in New Rome," he explained.

"Okay," I said, waiting for my friends to join us.

Chiron moved into the meeting room.

Thalia came first, rocking a leather jacket and spiked hair.

"Kelp head," was all she said.

She sat down on a chair surrounding the famous ping pong table.

Next came Nico, with a slight smile on his face. I was glad to see him happy, Thalia told me he had gotten a girlfriend. I was happy for him. He nodded towards me.

Leo came in, hyper as always. I was glad he had found Calypso, and that she was finally able to be happy.

"Percy," He said, and continued to fiddle with something in his hands.

Jason and Piper came in last, hand in hand. Jason having lipstick marks on his cheek. I grinned at him.

"See you've been busy," red started creeping up their necks.

"No.." Jason started.

I cut him off with, "you've got lipstick all over you."

He quickly wiped it off blushing, the others just laughing.

I have to admit I was jealous. He had Piper, and I had no one.

"What did you want to tell us?" Chiron asked.

Better to get this out of the way quickly.

"I'm moving to Washington to live with my cousin," they looked kind of shocked," I'll still come back during the summer, but I just can't stay in New York anymore."

"I'm gonna miss you, cuz," Thalia spoke first.

"I'll miss you guys too," I replied," but I'll stay in touch, and hey, if you're ever in Forks, Washington come visit."

They nodded sadly.

"Percy," my mom called.

"I've gotta go," I said," see you guys later."

I waved my hand through the mist, cutting it off.

*end flashback*

I felt my eyes go moist and quickly wiped them dry with my sleeve.

I'll miss those idiots. They were all I had left, them and my mom.

I rested my head on the back of the chair and thought about where I was headed. Bella was married, to Edward, I think. They had adopted a girl who was a couple years younger than me.

They sounded like a good family. The school was going to be no fun though. I would be joining after Christmas break, the middle of the school year. The worst time to start at a new school.

I wondered what my life would be like in a small town. I silently prayed to the gods that I would have few monster attacks. I checked my pocket for Riptide, just to be safe. I felt it in my back pocket, good.

I stared, once again, out the window.


I had an idea. Every update I'll have "The Daily Demigod," filled with news and the character's reactions. Tell me if you like it!

Percy: Man can't I get a happy ending? Why'd Annabeth die? I need her. And why do I feel nervous about this?

Me: Sorry can't say, and I am an independent WOMAN, not a man. Now, who would like to do the honors?

Leo: Mmmmeeee!!!!!! She can't own us awesome characters because she's not Rick Riordan!!!!

Me: Sadly Leo is right. Stephanie Meyer also owns of these mysterious characters we haven't been able to meet yet. Now to Jason with the shocking news!

Jason: Are we keeping that name?

Me: Yep!

Jason: Fine. First up, Drew is taken! Now we don't have to worry about her flirting! Let's cheer boys! Next, the Hunters are here so start making your teams for capture the flag! And watch out boys, NO flirting!

Me: Your turn Pipes!

Piper: This week's advertisements. Winter break is ending fast, get all your demigod supplies from the Stolls! Also, Leo Valdez is looking for a girlfriend! Find him in the forges if you are interested!

Me: And that's it for today! Have a monster free day from everyone here at the Daily Demigod!


I wrote this story before Rick said that Nico was gay, which is why in my story he is not.

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