Chapter 8

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I ran through the trees, just wanting to continue to move.

I focused on my surroundings, like the wind against my face, the pounding of my feet on the dirt ground, and the quickening beat of my heart.

I finally came to a small clearing and uncapped Riptide. I swung the sword around, hitting the trees, and wishing for a moving opponent, like Annabeth.

After that, I couldn't go on anymore.

I dropped to my knees and began to cry. For months I had concealed my feelings, not that it fooled anyone. They didn't know how much pain I was in, though. That it was all I could do not to break down. All they saw were the pieces I had managed to place back together, not like it mattered

I heard movements behind me and threw my fist towards the noise.

It connected to Renesme's face with a crack. She managed to steady herself.

"Oh gods," I said, rushing forward.

"It's okay," she said as I checked her face," I should have warned you I was behind you. You okay?"

I finished checking her face and sighed when I realized it was only a bloody nose.

"I didn't get punched in the face," she waved me off.

"Honestly, I'm fine," she looked at me seriously," are you?"

"No," I looked down at the ground," a couple of months ago my girlfriend died. She was everything to me. We'd been through so much together. Then she was gone, and all the happiness I had left, was gone with her."

"What was she like?" Nessie asked.

"I don't..."

"What was she like?"

"Her name was Annabeth," I said sitting on the ground.

Nessie joined me.

"She had blonde hair, and these intense, terrifying, and beautiful gray eyes," I continued as I felt a tear go down my cheek," she was the smartest person ever. She was my wise girl, and I feel guilty about her death. Like I could have done something to save her, but didn't."

"You loved her?"

"More than anything," I said.

I wiped the tear from my face and collected myself. I stood up, offering a hand to Renesme.

"We need to get back to the house," I told her," we have school tomorrow."

She took my hand and pulled herself up.

We walked back to the house together in silence.

Once we got there I quickly went to bed, not wanting to be around any one. I was worried about the nightmares that would undoubtedly haunt me while I slept.

The nightmare came quickly like they always do.

Annabeth had been cursed. She was blind, couldn't see me, and she thought I had left her. Abandoned her, just like I did to Calypso.

"Annabeth," I called out.

"Percy," she screamed," Why did you leave me? I loved you!"

"Annabeth," I shouted, but I couldn't find her," I didn't leave you. Annabeth, I'm here."

I felt my arms being held back, and I struggled, trying to find Annabeth.

"Percy," a different voice brought me out of my nightmares," are you alright?"

I slowly opened my eyes. The Cullens stood over me, worried. Edward was holding down one of my arms, and Bella was holding down the other.

When I stopped struggling, the older two Cullens released my arms. I sat up and rubbed my biceps, where they had been holding me down.

"Sorry," my voice was shaking," nightmares are worse some nights."

They left quickly, not wanting to push. I took the picture of me and Annabeth off of my night stand and just looked at it. Oh God's did I miss her. I missed her blonde hair, her gray eyes. The way she called me seaweed brain, and the way her hand used to fit in mine.

I decided to call a friend.

"Hello?" A drowsy voice asked I had obviously woken him up.

"Hey Nico," I greeted," did you find her?"

"No," he seemed to wake up a little more," I'm sorry. She probably just hasn't gotten judged yet. I'll tell you as soon as I find her. "

"Okay," I was disappointed," sorry to wake you."

"Yeah," then he hung up the phone.

After that I went back to sleep.



Here it is!!! More Daily Demigod.

Percy: Man, this is sad.

Me: Just do it already.

Percy: Even though this terrible lady does not own the Percy Jackson or Twilight characters, her wickedness matches Rick Riordan's.

Leo: That's not very nice Percy.

Percy: You try having your girlfriend dead.

Calypso: Don't bring me into this.

Jason: Now before a fight breaks out, onto the Shocking News. Do I really have to keep the name?

Me: Yes. It's what the fans want.

Jason: Really? okay. Drew dumped her boyfriend, no surprise there. Keep a hand on your wallet we have mysterious thieves *cough* Stolls *cough*. Katie wants to know who is messing with her garden. Travis. Looks like that's it for today. See you next chapter.

Everyone: Bye!!!

Jason: The name though.

Leo: Shut up Sparky.

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