Chapter 10

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Sorry about that last chapter. Here is the real chapter ten.


I want to dedicate this chapter to Wise_Girl2020 she is one of the few to comment and tell me that she likes my stories!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!


I can't believe how much my story has grown. Thank you to everyone who reads, likes, and comments. You make writing worth it!!!!!


After my geometry class was over I exited into the hall.

The class had been okay. The subject was torture, but Mr. Smith was a good teacher.

I followed the other students, hoping they would lead me to the cafeteria. Thankfully they did. Once there I grabbed a tray and got my food. I got a simple salad since my appetite had declined after the past summer.

I searched the bustling room Grace. I soon found her and some others at a table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Hey," I said, approaching the table.

"Hey Percy," Grace said smiling at me. She then looked at the others," guys, this is Percy, he's new. Percy this is Maddie, her boyfriend Sam, Chris, his girlfriend Kasey, and Jack."

Her cheeks became pink when she said Jack's name, and she started to play with the plaid jacket tied around her waist. I was assuming she had a crush. I give the group a wave and sat down where Grace had moved over to make space.

She began pushing her food on her plate around, taking a bite every moment or two.

"Did you see insurgent?" Casey asked.

"Don't get me started," Grace said, sounding annoyed.

I sat at the table silently eating my salad while the others talked about something called fandoms. When I finished my salad I started glancing around the room and saw Kyle from earlier. I grabbed my tray and bid the others goodbye. I walked over to where he sat alone and sat down across from him.

"Hey," I said, startling him.

He looked up from his book and stared uncertainly for a moment.

"Oh, uh, hi," he said looking nervous.

"What're you reading?" I asked politely.

"Greek Architecture," he answered.

"Cool, not exactly my thing, but I know a little bit about it," I told him. "What class do you have next?"

"P.E.," he said quietly.

"Dude, speak up," I teased," I'm an old man."

He smiled slightly," P.E."

"Cool, me too," I stood up, grabbing my tray," mind showing me the way?"

"Sure," he got up and I followed him to the trash can.

We threw away our trash and headed to the gym. On the way, we met a group of guys standing by the lockers.

"Hey Kyle," one said as we passed," you do my homework yet?"

"Why don't you do your own homework?" I asked.

"Look at this, new boy's standing up for Kyle," one mocked," let's show 'em who's boss."

One of the guys swaggered over to me. I held my hands up in surrender. He grinned maliciously and threw a punch. I caught it in one hand and used the other to punch him in the jaw. I heard a satisfying crack of my fist against his nose.

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