Chapter 4

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Ask and you shall receive 36bluedrinks. This is for your sweet comment.


Hope everyone is enjoying my story. If you are reading this you're awesome, if not let me get my butter knives (mwahaha) JK! - meandabook


When the train jerked to a stop, I grabbed my bag and began to walk down the aisle. I stopped as people pushed and shoved to get off of the cramped train. 

When the crowd thinned I started to disembark the train. Once I was on the platform, I began to search for Charlie. He had told my mom that he would be picking me up.

After a few minutes of searching the bustling station, I saw an older man who looked vaguely familiar. I started walking up to him.

"Charlie?" I asked, unsure if he was the man I was looking for.

"Percy," he said, startled.

I nodded my head slightly.

"Geez, kid," he said, running his hand through his graying hair," you've grown up. Is that all you've got?"

He motioned towards my two bags.

"All I need," I answered.

"Well the car is over here," he said.

We exited the building, and he led us to a police car, parked in between the multitude of others. I put my bag in the trunk and shut it with a push. I headed towards the front of the car and sat on the passenger side.

"So, how are you, Percy?" He asked as he started the car," your mom said there was some stuff going on."

"I'm fine," I lied," just couldn't find a school that would take me."

During the past semester, I caused some problems, getting myself kicked out. No one else would allow me in due to my history in schools. So it wasn't technically a lie.

"Okay. Well, you're going to be staying with my daughter Bella, you remember her right?" I nodded my head for him to continue," Well, you'll be with her and her husband Edward. They also have a daughter they adopted, Renesme, but everyone calls her Nessie. Edward's adopted parents and siblings also live close by, so you'll probably see them a lot. You'll be attending Fork High, where Bella went. Nessie will be in tenth grade there. You're a senior, right."

I nodded. After that, we both stayed pretty silent.

About a half-hour later we pulled up in front of a house, in the middle of nowhere it seemed. Charlie got out, and I followed him, grabbing my back pack and duffel from the trunk.

He walked up to the door and knocked. A girl who looked about seventeen opened it up. She smiled brightly and hugged Charlie.

"Hi Grandpa," when she let go she looked and me and introduced herself," I'm Nessie, you must be Perseus."

"I go by Percy," I held my hand out for her to shake.

She took my hand with a crazy strong grip and shook it. When she let go she turned around and led me into the house. I watched her carefully, noticing her unnatural movements.  She was pretty, no doubt about it. She had long brown hair, flawless skin, and the weirdest colored eyes I have ever seen on a human.

We walked into to the hallway and I followed her as she made a turn. She opened a door and walked in.

"This is your room," she said searching my face, probably to see if I like it.

I offered her a small smile. She grinned at me when I did.

I set my bags on the bed. The sheets were brown, just like everything else in the room.

Nessie walked out the door, so I followed her. We walked down the hallway until we came to the kitchen. Charlie and a woman, no older than twenty, stood there talking.

"Ah, Percy," Charlie said when he saw me," this is my daughter Bella."

"Hi," I said, stuffing my hands in my pocket.

Bella had eyes just like her daughter's. She also had the same unnatural movements. Every motion was perfectly controlled, each breath perfectly timed. Also, Bella was more than two years older than me, I guessed she just looked young for her age.

"Percy," she said smiling," you've certainly changed."

"Well, it's been what, eight years?" I asked," that's a lot of time for change."

She smiled sadly, then began to talk with Charlie again.

"So Percy," Nessie began, eliminating the awkward silence between us," in a few hours I'm heading over to La Push. It's too cold for swimming, but there's going to be a bonfire. Do you want to come?"

"Sure," I wanted to be nice, and apparently there was water," I'm just going to unpack. Thanks for picking me up, Charlie."

"See ya kid," he replied.

I left the kitchen and followed the hall back to my room.

When I got to my room I opened up my duffle. I first changed out of my clothes into something clean. I then put the rest of the bag's contents away. Then I unzipped my backpack.

I pulled out a picture of the seven, Nico, and Reyna. It was taken the day Annabeth and I had escaped from Tartarus. We were still broken, but every moment was like we were being glued back together.

We were all on a lush, green hill with the Argo II behind us. Annabeth and I were cuddled together on a blanket. The rest talking and smiling around us. You could feel the relief radiating off the picture. That day was a great victory, after many trials. I set the picture on the nightstand.

I pulled out another picture. This one was of me and Annabeth before I disappeared. We thought every thing was alright. That there would be peace and happiness in our lives. We were wrong.

I felt a tear roll down my face, and I quickly wiped it away. Then I heard something at the door. I quickly spun around but didn't see or hear anything. Still, I felt like someone, or something had been there.

I set the picture next to the other.

Since the rest of the bag was filled with items in case of an emergency, I set it next to my closet. Careful to make sure it was completely zipped.

Renesme had said we would leave in a few hours, so I decided to call Piper. I pulled out my monster proof phone that Leo had made and picked her contact.

Piper had helped me a lot when Annabeth died. She had been a friend and confidant. Sort of like a sister. After the second ring, she answered.


Piper: Before this gets started I'm just gonna say Nicole doesn't own us.

Me: Thanks, Pipes! So today on Daily Demigod I have Mr. McShizzle, bad boy supreme, Leo Valdez!!

Leo: thank you *blow kisses*

Me: OMG!!!!!!! *fangirling*. So Leo, are you happy you're alive?

Leo: Duh!

Me: Favorite song?


Thalia: Shut up Valdez.

Me and Leo: Sssshhhhh

Percy: When do I get an interview?

Nico: Shut it water boy.

Percy: Death breath!

Leo: Shut up I'm having an interview!!! Now Nicole, love the story, just one question.

Me: Yes?

Leo: wouldyouliketogooutwithme?

Me: *wakes up from dream* DANG NABBIT!!

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