Chapter 5

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I just want you all to know how much it means to me when you ask me to update. I'm really bad at getting stuff done, but when I know people like, it gives motivation. So if you like this story favorite, comment, and follow!!!

So in case you missed it, Leo Valdez asked me out... then I woke up. Please enjoy my story!!!- meandabook


"Hey Percy," Piper answered," you settled in?"

"Yeah," I said, looking at the pictures next to my bed," I just miss her."

"I know you do," she replied, soothingly," but this is another shot, Percy. Annabeth would want you to take it. She would want you to be happy. She'd want you to go on with your life; Make friends, study, whatever. Just don't forget her."

I heard a wooden board creak in front of my door. I silently walked over and opened it, but nothing was there. It was like it had just disappeared.

"Percy!" Piper called out worriedly when I hadn't responded.

"Sorry," is said," just being paranoid. I thought someone was at my door."

"Percy," she spoke firmly," I hate telling you this, but you need to move on."

" I understand that I need to move on in my life," I told her," but I don't think I can move on from her."

"I know," she said," and you don't have to, but if it was the other way around. What would you want Annabeth to do?"

"Honestly," I began," I don't think I would want her to be with another guy. I would want her to be happy though."

"I know water boy," she said sadly," so you don't have to find another girl, just make friends, and learn to smile again."

"I'll try," I promised.

"We miss you," she told me.

"Tell the others I said hi," I requested.

"Will do," she hung up.

I sat for a moment, thinking about what Piper had told me until I heard a knock at my door.

"Percy," Nessie called," Are you ready to go?"

I quickly shut my phone and shoved it into my pocket. I then walked to the door and opened it. I followed Renesme down the hall.

"Are you okay with motorcycles?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she asked, seeing my face.

"You're a biker?" I asked.

"Actually," she began," my boyfriend is, and he wanted me to be able to drive with him."

"I'm fine with it," I told her.

She put on her red helmet and threw me one. I pulled it in on and climbed onto the motorcycle.

"You ready?" she asked.

I gave her a thumbs up.

I have to admit, I didn't expect her to drive so quickly. I stayed on perfectly well, but she was fast. We drove through the forest, zooming around the sharp turns. It felt good, the wind against my face. I was glad I had worn a jacket.

She slowed to a stop as we approached a beach. I saw a group of teenage guys all messing with each other.

"You're crazy," I told Renesme as we climbed off of the bikes.

She smirked at me. We pulled off our helmets and hung them on the bike. Nessie led me to the group of guys.

"Hey, guys!" She called out," this is my cousin, Percy."

They began to group around us, shoving and pushing each other.

"Bella has a sibling?" One of the guys asked.

"Okay, so he's technically my second cousin," She corrected.

"Just teasing you," the boy said.

He came up and gave her a kiss. She blushed slightly.

"Hi Percy," he held out his hand to me," I'm Jacob."

"Nice to meet you," I said, shaking it.

Jacob wrapped his arm around Renesme and squeezed her shoulder.

"Wanna have a race?" one of the guys asked.

"Not really," Jacob brushed him off.

"How about the new guy?" another called out.

"Sure," I said, ready for some exercise.

"Jacob!" Nessie frowned," that's not fair."

"No, it's fine," I told her.

"If you're sure about this," she seemed worried.

I didn't see why. I mean, sure these guys were big, probably fast, but still? I decided not to take it slow.

"Okay," one of the guys said," you see that tree? We run there, Nessie and Jacob will see who wins. "

They walked over to the tree, and I lined up with the other guys.

I heard Jacob," ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!"

We all took off. I'll admit these guys were fast, but running from monsters all your life gives you an unfair advantage at racing. As my feet pounded the uneven ground I inched in front of the group. When I reached the tree I was a foot ahead of the next guy.

"Wow!" Jacob said,"you're fast!"

I looked around, and they all looked at me in awe.

"No one's ever beaten all of us before," the guy who had come in second said," my name's Sam."

Sam looked to be the oldest one there, and he was definitely not a teenager.

I'll admit with all of them staring at me it was kind of awkward. I've never liked being the center of attention. Even if it did seem to happen quite frequently.

"Come on," Nessie said, sensing my discomfort," let's go to the camp fire."


Percy: My turn!!!! We are owned by Rick Riordan.

Me: Thank you, Percy, for that insightful piece of information.

Percy: No problem, got any blue cookies?

Me: Sorry I ate them all this morning.

Percy: aww



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