Chapter 6

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Sorry for taking so long to update!!!! I had a crazy week. You guys are AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you for reading!!!!

So now that I have some blue cookies we can continue!!!
Also, I have an idea for an original story. Should I go through with it? Any ideas for more fanfic? Comment below!!- meandabook


We came up to a large group of Native Americans. A large bonfire glowed brightly from the center of the group. There was a large table overflowing with hot dogs and buns. I eyed the food for a moment.

"Hey guys," Nessie called out," this is Percy, my cousin."

People looked at me weirdly. I guessed that they didn't usually have outsiders in their group.

The group I had been met at the beach headed over to the table with food. I decided to join them and jogged to the table.

"Hi," a woman said, walking up to me.

She could've been pretty, except for an ugly scar going across her face. Being a demigod though, scars don't really matter. So I just ignored it.

"I'm Emily," she told me.

"Nice to meet you," I said politely, holding out my hand," I'm Percy Jackson."

She shook it but looked slightly taken back.

I just went back to preparing myself a hot dog.

"Dude," one of the guys said, Paul, I think," you can ask about the scar, it doesn't offend her. It might offend Sam, but not her."

"Why would I ask about the scar?" I asked.

"Most do," Paul said.

"No offense," I told Emily," but it is just a scar. Doesn't matter where it came from."

"You're a smart kid," Emily said in awe.

"Not really," I told her, shrugging my shoulders," but where I come from, everyone has scars."

"What do you mean where you come from?" one of the guys asked.


"It's this camp I go to," I started," for kids with... hard lives."

That was pretty true. I did go to a camp, and the kids have hard lives.

"You got scars?" Jacob asked.

"Yes," I replied.

I tried brushing him off by focusing solely on putting my hotdog on a stick.

"Where," he pushed.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"I did ask," was his clever come back.

"I'd rather not," I told him coldly.

"Come on!" Paul joined in.

I sighed and unzipped my hoodie. I tugged it off of my shoulders, then lifted my shirt over my head.

I heard gasps. Everyone stared at me, and I hung my head. My cheeks flushed slightly, I thanked the gods it was dark.

"Percy," I felt Nessie's hand on my bare back, tracing the scars.

I stepped away from her touch.

"It's no big deal, others have it worse," I put my shirt back on and zipped up my hoodie," let's just eat."

I grabbed my hotdog and put it on a stick. While holding it over the fire I heard whispers. Why did I have to be such a seaweed brain and mention it? I mentally winced at the name.

Once my hot dog was done I walked out to the beach. Just hearing the waves gave me a calming sensation. I looked around making sure no one was around, then ripped off a piece and threw it into the ocean.

"It's not burnt, sorry," I whispered.

I hoped the big guy understood.

I started munching on the rest of my hotdog as I walked back to the campfire. I sat on a log next to Paul, shortly before the stories began.

A man in a wheel chair, who was obviously the leader, started. He told stories about spirit warriors, I think that's what they were called. I tuned him out pretty quickly though and sat thinking about Hazel and Frank.

Maybe they could come visit. They weren't too far away. Plus, I could always use friends.

 I started playing with my leather camp necklace. It had six beads, each one representing a haunting year of my past. Each year filled with memories of Annabeth.

Realizing the stories were almost over, I brought myself back to the present.

"Ready to go Percy?" Nessie asked.

"Yeah," I said getting up.

I saw her and Jacob briefly kiss, then she came over to where I was. We started walking to her bike.

We pulled our helmets on and she drove us to her house.

When we arrived we went to the kitchen. Nessie pulled out a container.

"Cookie?" she asked, holding it out to me.

"Sure," I grabbed one from the container.

Sure they weren't my mom's blue cookies, but they were pretty good.

It was starting to get hot in the kitchen, so I took my hoodie off and set it on a chair.

I heard someone come into the kitchen. I turned to see Bella, followed by a tall, pale man. I was assuming he was Edward.

"You must be Percy," he said, his voice sounding like music.

"The one and only," I replied with a slight smirk.

He grinned slightly," how was La Push?"

"Good," I heard Nessie say," Percy beat all the guys in a race."

"That's impressive," he said, raising an eyebrow," someone needs to put the dogs in their place."

"Dad!" Nessie said agitatedly.

I was becoming confused. There were also some things that were weird, and that all the family members shared. They had the same weird eyes and sickly pale skin.

"I'm going to bed," I started leaving the room.

I decided it was time to start my restless night.

"Oh, Percy," I glanced at Edward when he said my name," tomorrow we're gonna spend the day with my family. They're excited to meet you."

I nodded my head and left. I got to my door and realized I had left my jacket in the kitchen. I walked back until I heard voices. I usually don't eavesdrop, but something about this family bothered me. I decided to make an exception.

"It's weird," Edward was whispering," I can't read his thoughts, it's like his mind doesn't even exist."

"He has these scars on his back," Nessie put in," the guys convinced him to show them earlier, they're bad."

"Sally said he went through a rough time," Bella I interjected," I can see it in his eyes as well, we just need to give him space."

I hurried back to my room. Read my thoughts? What? This was definitely a weird family, and I would definitely need to keep an eye on them.


Me: Tada!!!!! Now, who's up next?

Frank: I want to get in on this!!! She doesn't own us!!!!!

Jacob: Or us!

Leo: Dude, it's the Daily Demigod

Jacob: What's a demigod?!

Me: You'll find out soon enough!!

Jacob: Why can't I find out now?

Leo: Because...

Jason: Join us next time on the Daily Demigod!!!

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