Chapter 2

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I woke up that morning drenched in sweat. I was breathing heavily, and my vision was blurry. The night mares were torturous. They haunted me whenever I closed my eyes. They were always filled with pain and death. I sat up in my bed, wiping the sweat from my forehead. My hands were shaking, and I pressed them into the mattress, trying to get the images out of my head. I stood up and looked at the mirror on the wall.

My black hair was a mess like it had always been. Though changes in my appearance were obvious, even to me. My eyes were red and puffy, and the dark circles under them got worse every day. Then there was my posture. I once stood tall, and firm. But now my shoulders slumped, and my head was hung low. It was like I was a completely different person.

I turned away from the sight in the mirror and changed from my pajamas. I opened my door and headed out of my room. As I approached the kitchen I heard Paul and my mom talking.

"It'll be good for him," Paul trying to convince her," don't worry. If he gets there and doesn't like it, he can come right back. This was your idea."

"I know," my mom nodded her head sadly.

She held the blue mug I had gotten her saying "Best Mom Ever." She was clearly worried. About what, I did not know.

I decided to announce my presence.

"Morning," I said, plastering a smile on my face.

I checked the clock over the stove, it was only ten.

"Percy, there's something I want to tell you," my mom said nervously.

I sat at the kitchen table and grabbed an apple.

"Sure," I said.

" I know you haven't been doing well, and the nightmares are just getting worse," she stated," I talked to my brother, Charlie, and he said you could go live with his daughter."

I had met Charlie only once or twice before, he had been trying to get my mom away from Gabe. It had been unsuccessful though. Now I know why.

I vaguely remembered his daughter. Bekah, Bella? Yeah, Bella.

Apple forgotten, I thought about what to say. At first, I wanted to say no. How could they kick me out? But then I realized that maybe it could actually help me. Everything in New York brought flashbacks, this could be good for me. Sure I'd miss my friends, but I knew couldn't stay here anymore.

"Where does she live?" I asked, still deciding.

"Forks, Washington," she answered.

I inhaled sharply. That was all the way on the other side of the country.

My mom looked worried and scared. I knew she didn't want me to go. She would never want me to leave, but when I didn't sleep she didn't. I couldn't do that to her anymore, plus it wasn't good for the baby.

"I'll go," I decided.

They looked up at me surprised. My mother looked on the verge of tears

"Okay," my mom said, grabbing my hand.

I held her hand in both of mine. I smiled at her. I couldn't show weakness. Not to anyone.

"So when do I leave?" I asked Paul.

"Two days," he stated.

"Got it," I said," I'll go pack and IM Chiron and the others."

I stood up and hugged my mom. I kissed her lightly on her forehead.

"I'll be okay," I said, more for me than for her.


Rick Riordan owns these characters. POOR Percy!!!!! Well, he's on his way to Bella Cullen's. I'll update soon.

After editing- I am realizing how short these chapters are. It was like 350 words!!! How did I write something that short??? It is longer now, but not as long as I would like. It is surprisingly difficult to lengthen chapters without changing them.

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