Chapter 7

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Sunday morning I woke to a knock at my door.

"Percy," Renesme called," it's already eight, and we need to leave soon!"

I groaned and sat up. I had dreamed of me and Annabeth, our reunion after I went missing. I tear came down my face. These memories were worse than the ones in Tartarus and even worse than the ones of her dying. Because when I woke up, I realized she was missing.

I got out of bed and quickly got dressed. I walked out to see the Cullens waiting by the door, I guessed that there was no breakfast.

I followed them out to a white Porsche.

Wow, did not realize they were rich. I got in the back next to Nessie.

Edward started to drive, and even though I don't know what the speed limit is here, he went over it. By a lot.

I looked out the window to see a cloudy sky. Rain was definitely on its way.

After about ten minutes we pulled up to a large house. The walls were all glass, and the house was surrounded by trees. It was nice.

We all got out of the car and walked up to the front door. The Cullen's stepped in without knocking, so I followed them.

"Edward?" A sweet cheery voice called out.

A girl around Edward's age came in embraced both the family.

"And you must be Percy," she said, facing me," I'm Alice."

She held out her hand, and I took it. She had a strong grip, stronger than most.

She looked at me strangely for half a second before her smile returned. It happened so quickly, I thought I had imagined, but I knew better. I decided to keep an eye on her.

"Everyone is in the living room," she said.

We followed her through the spacious house. In the living room, there was a group of people all conversing with each other.

"Everyone," Bella called, making everyone shut up," this is Percy, my cousin. Percy this is Rosalie, Emmet, Carlisle, Esme, And Jasper."

She pointed to a different person at each name.

"Well you're just in time," a woman, Esme I think, said," lunch is in the kitchen, we already ate. So just help yourself."

I followed Nessie into the kitchen, to see a perfect dish of lasagna. They already ate, sure.

I dished out a large portion and joined the others. I sat at a table watching the family in front of me.

Most of them looked to be in high school but could pass for college students. All looked that way except for Carlisle and Esme. They looked to be in their late twenties.

A few feet over Edward and Jasper were having a conversation. It was quiet and quick, but I heard every word.

"It's strange," Edward was telling Jasper," he's not like most."

"You know," I said, startling them," if people are going to talk about me, I would prefer it to be to my face."

They looked shocked.

"So what do you like Percy?" Alice asked, interrupting the previous silence.

"The ocean," I told her.

"You have a girlfriend?" I tensed, trying to keep myself out of a flash back.


"Honestly?" Nessie said shocked," no girlfriend? Girls probably beg to be your girlfriend."

She wasn't helping.

"Doesn't matter," I said, trying to brush her off.

"But..." she pushed.

"Stop," I snapped, then I regained myself," sorry, I don't want to talk about it."

She looked like she wanted to ask more, but just then my phone rang.

I answered the call.

"This is Percy," I answered.

"Hey!" A voice greeted me.

"Hazel," I smiled, she was like my little sister," how are you?"

"Good," she replied," so next weekend Thalia, Nico, Piper, and Jason are going to be visiting New Rome. Would it be okay if my brother gave us a ride up to visit you?"

"Hold on," I turned to Bella," Bella, a few of my friends are thinking about coming up from California next weekend. We'll stay out of the house probably, but is that okay?"

"Sure," she didn't hesitate, but Edward looked unsure.

"Thanks," I smiled at her," Yeah, you can come."

"Kay, how are you Percy," she asked, I sighed.

"I don't know, they're happening less during the day, but," I didn't finish. She would know what I meant, but the ones in the room wouldn't.

"I've got to go. I love you, Percy," her words comforted me.

"Careful now," I teased," Frank's going to get jealous."

She laughed.

"Bye," I ended the call.

It was good to hear from her. I missed her and Frank, but I would be able to see them soon.

"So," Esme began," are you excited for school, Percy?"

"Not really," I chuckled," I have a few learning disabilities, so school is pretty difficult."

"Do you do any sports?" Emmet asked.

"I used to be on the swim team in New York," I answered.

"Well," Nessie began," our school is lacking in a swim team, partially because of the rain."

"No problem," I kind of wished these people would stop asking about my life.

"How's your mom?" Bella asked.

"Pregnant," I answered.

"That's new," she said," I didn't get to talk with her. Is she still with Gabe?"

"No, she kicked that jerk out a while ago, he disappeared soon after," I hoped I didn't have an evil grin on my face," she married this really cool guy, Paul. I like him, and he makes her happy."

"Well that's good," Bella said.

I nodded my head slightly, then I finished eating my lasagna.

After that, I was pretty much left out of the conversations, which I was fine with.

We left soon after and went back to the Cullen's home.

"I'm going for a walk," I said once we got back. I started jogging into the woods and just kept going.


Hazel: So far meandabook only owns the plot. No characters. Not one.

Frank: Proud of you Hazel!

Leo: Okay break it up. So death breath and pinecone face are joining the story?

Nico: Yeah, you got a problem with that? *deaths glare*

Leo: Nope, just checking.

Me: So quick question to anyone who actually reads this. Should I continue the Daily Demigod or no? Maybe I should write a book full of funny stories?? I don't know!!! Tell me!!!!

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