Chapter 13

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I'm a terrible person!!!! I haven't updated in ever!!!! I'm sorry! I also have to tell you that I will most likely not be updating for the next few weeks. I told a couple of people this, but for those of you who didn't read the comments. I have a play, and the production weeks are crazy. I will do my best to get a chapter or two updated, but I can't promise anything.

"Come on," I said, standing up from the bed," let's let them stitch her up in silence."

I left the room, the others following me silently. I saw Nico crashed on the couch, his jacket covering him like a blanket.

"Why is that kid sleeping on our couch?" Edward asked, slightly disgusted with the sweaty kid.

"Shadow traveling wipes him out," I answered," and he's done a lot of it today."

"Shadow traveling?" Esme repeated almost questioningly.

"Where are the others?" I asked," I'm only going to explain this once."

"Outside," Edward answered," the smell of blood is still a bit much for them."

"I'll go get them," Renesme said.

She left the house, then came back a moment later with the missing four vampires following her.

They sat down, and I noticed how Bella and Jasper were stiff, almost as if they were frozen. They didn't blink and didn't breathe.

I decided to ignore them and started with my story.

"Have you ever heard about the Greek gods?" I asked.

They all nodded their heads yes.

"Well they're real," I revealed," and every once in a while they hook up with mortals. The results are demigods. These people are half-god and half-mortal."

"You're a demigod?" Emmet asked, pointing a finger towards me.

"Yeah," I said.

"Who's your father?" Carlisle asked.

"Poseidon," I answered.

"This is weird," Renesme said," and I'm like the definition of weird."

Edward began to argue, but Nessie cut him off.

"I'm half vampire and dating a werewolf," she said," that's pretty weird."

Edward didn't say anything.

"Percy," Thalia said, rushing into the room.

I stood up. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into my room.

Will was whispering soothingly to Christi, who was talking frantically.

"Slow down," Will said, setting a hand on her shoulder.

He managed to convince her to take a deep breath.

"Now tell Percy what you told us," Christi took another deep breath, then looked up at me.

"I remember waking up," she said," I don't think they expected me to because they were unprepared. I was in a large room. Demigods covered the floor, all unconscious. Cyclops stood in the center of the room. I couldn't hear anything that they said, but I think they were talking about splitting us up.

"That's not all," she said," I recognized some of the demigods. Annabeth was there."

I took a deep breath trying to comprehend what she was telling me.

"She's alive," I said, feeling hope surge through me for the first time since she disappeared.

"I don't know," Christi said honestly," maybe, the next time I woke up was months later. I was alone and escaped."

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