Chapter 16

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I am a truly terrible person. I always told myself that I wouldn't become one of those authors who doesn't update for a couple of months, and guess what? It's been like three. I feel so freaking awful. I want to thank you all for reading and voting for my story, I hope you've liked it!!

One month later

The wind whipped at Annabeth's hair, causing it to dance around her face. She stood next to Percy, her arms wrapped around his waist.

The waves rolled up to the beach, and the couple watched as their friends dodged the edge of the water.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the water?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah," Percy said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder," I'm happy right here."

Annabeth buried herself further into Percy's chest and smiled when he kissed her forehead.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Annabeth told him.

"Hey lovebirds," Piper called to the couple," you gonna join us?"

Percy shook his head.

Piper turned back towards the group right as Leo splashed her.

"I'm gonna kill you Valdez!" she shouted, running into the water after him.

"Hey Percy," Nessie said, walking towards him.

"Hey," Percy greeted.

Jacob walked up behind Nessie and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'm glad you guys could come visit," Nessie told Percy.

"So am I," Percy said.

The demigods started regrouping, crowding around the couples.

Leo squeezed his shirt, causing water to drip. Piper smirked slightly as she held Jason's hand.

"So you're the werewolf," Jason said.

"That'd be me," Jacob replied.

"So you can turn into a wolf?" Frank asked.

"Oh, I've got to see this," Percy said, a mischievous grin spreading on his face.

"I don't think I've tried wolf before," Frank warned them," but I'll give it my best shot."

He closed his eyes, focusing on the task at hand.

The demigods took a step back and watched.

Then Frank started to change. His hands formed paws, his body grew fur, and his eyes changed to black.

Hazel knelt next to Frank and started to scratch his behind ears.

Jacob stared at the wolf shocked.

"What the-" he wasn't able to complete his sentence.

"We've got our own shape-shifter," Percy told him proudly.

"So you all can, you know, do crazy stuff?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah," Piper said," I can charm speak, and I'm fluent in French."

"I can fly and control wind spirits," Jason told him.

"Whereas I specialize more with lightning," he sister, Thalia, said.

"I can sorta light myself on fire," Leo began," and I'm super sexy, and-"

Piper cut him off.

"He's the repair-boy," she said.

"I'm good with anything underground," Hazel said," and as you can see, my boyfriend here is a shape-shifter."

The wolf smiled happily when Hazel called him her boyfriend.

"I can control water," Percy said.

"And I can, well," Annabeth thought for a moment," think?"

Percy laughed at his girlfriend's frustration.

"Wise-girl here is the brains of this entire thing," Percy bragged," not to mention she would destroy you in a fight."

"If it didn't hurt every time I moved," Annabeth added.

"Nah," Leo said," you could still beat Percy to a pulp."

"Seriously?" Percy asked, sending Leo a glare.

"What?" Annabeth asked," he's right."

"Really, Wise-girl?" he asked.

Annabeth just smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You guys want to come to the bonfire?" Jacob asked.

"Can't," Thalia said," I have to get back to the hunters. In fact," she said checking her watch," I should probably go."

Thalia wrapped her arms around Annabeth and held her tight.

"You keep an eye on her," Thalia told Percy.

He nodded his head.

"Bye," Jason said, giving his sister a hug.

"I'll see you soon," Thalia told him.

Thalia walked into the woods, sending the group one last wave before disappearing into the trees.

"I should probably get back to New Rome," Frank, now changed back into a man, told the group.

"Come on," Hazel begged," they can live without you for a few more hours."

"How can I say no to you?" Frank asked, grinning at his girlfriend.

"I just have to be home before midnight," Piper said.

"Bonfire it is," Jason agreed.

"A few of the guys should be there already," Jacob told them," we could probably head over there now."

"Annabeth and I will catch up with you guys in a few minutes," Percy said.

"You remember how to get there?" Nessie asked him.

"Yeah," he replied," we'll be fine."

The group started walking away, leaving the couple alone on the beach.

Percy looked down into his girlfriend's gray eyes and smiled.

"I love you," he said, setting his hands on her waist.

"I love you, too," Annabeth said, grinning at him.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, his forehead resting against hers.

The only response was her lips connecting with his.

That is it, the end of the story. Thank you all for the encouraging comments, I really appreciate them!! I am so happy that people have been enjoying this story. I've decided to end without a section of the Daily Demigod because I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you for reading!!


I changed my mind.

Piper: That's it?

Percy: I thought that was a pretty great ending!!

Annabeth: Seaweed Brain.

Frank: Is the torture finally over??

Hazel: I think we've made it to the end!!

Leo: Does that mean I get to close us today?

Jason: How about we do it together?

Piper: On the count of three. One-two-

Leo: And Goodbye from "The Daily Demigod"!!

Everyone else: LEO!!!

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