Chapter 11

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I am so sorry!!!! I am trying to update as often as possible, but it's difficult.  I just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading, voting, and commenting!! It really means a lot!!! I also just got over 10k reads.

That is insane. I remember being thrilled when I got 300 reads. To think so many people are reading this story is crazy.

In my life not on the computer, I'm extremely shy. I never say anything if I'm in a group of four or more. It's sad. But now I'm telling a story to hundreds of people, and I love it.

That was my sad story. I just wanted to say thank you, and you guys are amazing!!!!

P.S. You guys owe me ten cherries.

Five months later (it's now May)

Unknown pov

I woke to a pounding in my skull. I tried to tilt my head to the side and winced and the sudden pain. I attempted to shift my body out of its uncomfortable position and realized I was roped tightly to the ground. From the slight adjustment of my sore body, though, I was pretty sure I had fractured my arm and cracked a rib.

I cracked my eyes open, blinking to get the sleep out of my eyes, and saw the concrete floor come into focus beneath me. It offered no comfort and was most likely the reason for the pain in my neck.

"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" I mentally flinched at the sound of the monstrous voice.

"Soon," a deep sound came," the sleep potion will wear off any minute."

How long had I been out?

I turned my head to the sounds, trying to find the source. 

"Well," a Cyclops said," look who's up. Let's get started."

His single eye was crusty and red, staring me down with pure hatred.

He knelt by me and brought a knife out of his belt. He traced my jaw with the cool tip as I struggled against the bonds, rubbing my body raw. He moved the knife down to my shoulder, then shoved it into my flesh. I tried to hold the scream to no avail, it escaped through my clenched teeth.

He had a look of vicious pleasure on his face as he smiled at my pain.

"Leopold," another Cyclops said, coming out of the shadows," we have a visitor, the demigod will have to wait."

Leopold looked highly disappointed.

He removed the blade from my shoulder roughly, sending another cry from my lips. I felt the blood flowing from my wound, a warm sticky substance that caused my shirt to stick to my skin.

Joy spread through my beaten body when I realized Leopold's mistake. He left the blade right next to my head.

When I was certain they were gone I wiggled my body around and got my mouth to the blade, careful not to let any noise through my teeth. I bit the hilt and directed it to the ropes around my arms. I managed to cut the ropes with only minimal damage to the skin beneath it. When my arms were free, I gained the ability to sit up. I transferred the blade from my mouth to my hands and cut the ropes. I quickly removed the bonds from my ankles.

Once I was free I clutched the blade securely and favoring my fractured arm, ran.

I came to a small door and pushed through it. Once out of my prison, I never looked back. Not even to glimpse the outside.

I ran down a dirt road that winded through the forest, dust rising up around me. The trees were large and scary, the bright sun almost blinding me. I ran, hearing a howl from a hellhound on occasion, but I was never caught. The adrenaline kept me going, but I knew it wouldn't last forever.

After running for two miles I came to a small town called Waldo. Sweat soaked my already damaged clothes, and my shirt was almost completely red from the blood.

There was a beat down gas station on the corner, so I managed to force myself not to collapse.

I entered the gas station, stumbling into the counter.

"Is there a phone I could use?" I asked not even recognizing the frail voice that came from me.

"There's one in the back," a teen boy said, not even glancing up from his magazine.

"Also, what's today's date?" I asked, gripping the edge to keep me from falling over.

"May fourth," he said.

A sound resembling a cry came from me. I was locked up for ten months. I tightened my eyes closed, trying to remember what had happened.

The war, that's where I disappeared. I vaguely remembered. Something had grabbed me from behind, cutting off my air. That was all I knew. My shaking hand moved to my neck to find my leather necklace was gone.

I took a deep breath, refusing to cry. Monsters were still after me, and I had to get out of this town.

I made my way to the phone as quickly as possible with out passing out. I called the person who could help me the quickest. I dialed the number, praying to the gods it was correct. I ran a hand through my blonde curls, matted together by blood and grime, as the phone rang.

"Hello," a voice answered.



Leo: Who was that?

Unknown: Plot twist.

Jason: Where'd it go?

Piper: Who knows. Let's hope it stays away, I don't want a plot twist.

Frank: But without the plot twist, the story is pointless.

Piper: Who's idea was it to make a story?

Me: *Sweating* mine.

Piper: Ugh. I'm going to get you.

Jason: Goodbye from all of us demigods!!! *Off mike* No, you can't kill her!

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