A Tutor for Tori

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A/N: So I'm going to use gifs as the pictures from now on because it's the wizarding world and pictures move so these are perfect. So I'm going to use Selena Gomez as Tori, and Dylan O'Brien as Teddy, as I've said before. Once I cast the other characters I'll tell you in an authors note


After a week at Hogwarts, I never wanted to leave. Everyone had British or Irish accents, there were tons of hot guys, and I was using magic. Turns out, I'm actually pretty good at magic. Professor McGonagall said I was accelerating at a suprising speed, and while I was learning all the basic spells from the first four years, I was learning harder spells too. Professor McGonagall still said that I'd have to get a few tutors though and that I'd have to set up times to be tutored.
There was going to be a sorting ceremony at supper tonight, where apparently they put a hat on my head and it chose which house I went in. I was nervous about sitting infront of a big crowd with a funny looking hat on my head, waiting for it to sort through my thoughts and tell me what my personality was like.
I looked up at the door as it opened. Professor McGonagall had gone to get my tutors, since the teachers didn't think they needed to keep teaching me themselves.
"Victoria, here are your tutors. Meet Teddy Lupin, Camden Illure, Victoire Weasley, Haylee Jurned and Cassandra Murphelle. Teddy will teach you Transfiguration, Flying, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, Camden will teach you History of Magic, Victoire will tutor Poitons and Herbology, Haylee will tutor you in Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy, and Cassandra will teach you Charms and Divination."
"Thanks Professor, but can you call me Tori? I like it a lot better that Victoria."
"Good luck with that, I've been asking for her to call me Cass for years, but she always says no. It's unbelievable." Cassandra shook her head, and then sighed as she shoved her hair in a high ponytail.
"I'm not that good at teaching people stuff, so don't blame me if you don't learn anything." Teddy, the tall guy with the blue hair said, his hands up in surrender.
"Victoria, Cassandra and Haylee are in your year, Victoire is in the year below you, and Teddy and Camden are a year older than you." Professor McGonagall said. "You don't have to like them, but you have to listen to what they say."
"Professor, I need to get to Quidditch practice-"
"Mr. Lupin, you are the captain. Practice does not start until you arrive."
"The party don't start 'till I walk in..." Tori mumbled.
"Pardon?" asked the headmaster, raising her eyebrows.
"Nothing, sorry." Tori said, blushing as Cass and Haylee giggled.
"Good. Now, all of you will stay here untill you get to know each other a bit. Is that understood, Teddy?"
"Sure thing, Professor." Teddy grinned.
Professor McGonagall left her office and we all stood around looking at each other.
"How did you get in Hogwarts?" Camden asked, crossing his arms. "It's not possible."
Tori shrugged.
"How are you American and able to perform magic?"
Tori shrugged again.
"Well how-"
"Woah, Camden, chill. No need to give her the third degree." Teddy said.
"Sorry." Camden laughed. "It's just this has never happened before."
"Don't worry about it. I know even less than you do about all this." Tori waved her hands around to show them what she meant.
"Don't worry," Victoire said laughing. "That's why we're here. To teach you."
Haylee nodded. "Now I guess tonight you'll be sorted into a house. I'm in Slytherin, and Cassandra's in Gryffindor. Victoire is a Ravenclaw and Teddy and Camden are Hufflepuffs. So between the five of us you have all the houses covered."
"So are there any sports or clubs here?" Tori asked. At her old school she had done skating and swimming, and was in a sort of art club where they did murals for the city on the sides of buildings. Some times they were for advertising, but sometimes they were just so people had something nice to look at on the drive by.
"Well there's Quidditch, which you've probably heard about already." Cassdandra said, going over to the candy bowl on Professor McGonagalls desk. She scooped out a handful of multicolored jellybeans, and gave the ones she didn't want to Camden. "But there aren't really any clubs. We can swim and skate on the lake though, and we can walk around the grounds if we want..."
"Teddy's the Quidditch captain. Tryouts are soon, and as soon as he has his team, they start practices." Victoire said checking her watch.
"I just need to get a new Chaser and Keeper." Teddy told Tori. "Speaking of flying though, tomorow around 8pm we'll have flying lessons. So every Monday I guess I'll teach you how to fly, and then on Wednesday I'll teach you Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts."
"I'll take Mondays." Camden volunteered. "That way you don't look forward to Mondays too much."
"Thursday can be with me." Cassandra said, while Haylee volunteered for Fridays.
"I guess that leaves Tuesday for me." Victoire grinned. "But back to the subject of Quidditch, do you want to go watch the tryouts? I'm going, and I know a bunch of other people who are going. Besides, that way you can pick up tips on how to fly."
"Sure, sounds good." Everyone turned to look at Tori's pocket of her robes as her phone started buzzing. "Sorry..." She muttered.
Hey, I heard you were trying out a boarding school in the UK. Don't turn into one of those snooty rich girls because then you'd be a popular and we'd have to stop hanging out;)
Tori grinned and texted him back.
Aw don't worry. I won't turn into a prissy pants. I was just offered the oppertunity and I took it. Besides, the UK is a really magical place
"Who are you texting?" Haylee grinned.
"Oh, just a friend from back home." Tori said.
Haylee raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything.
"We'll see you at the dinner tonight." Cass smiled. "If you end up in Gryffindor feel free to sit with me."
"Same here," Victoire nodded, and Haylee just winked.
"I'll see you later." Camden said, opening the door. "Sorry again for the interrogation."
"Later," Teddy said following Camden. "Just make sure you know how to sing the school song for the feast, otherwise you'll be kicked out of Hogwarts."
"Ignore him." Haylee laughed. "You'll do fine."
And with that, Tori was left to sit and wait for Professor McGonagall to come back and get her.

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