Chapter Forty-One

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***Two and a Half Weeks Later***

Louis' P.O.V.

“So, Louis! You're single now, is that right?” The man asked. I ignored the stab in my heart and smiled. 

“Yeah...” I said, nodding. “Single as a Pringle.” I mumbled into the radio mic.

“I don't understand that phrase.” Niall butted in, probably knowing my discomfort. “I mean, Pringles come in that tube thing, yeah? So they're not single. If you're going to be single and refer it to a food, I'd say single as a yogurt? Single as a jug of milk? I mean those make more sense.” Everyone laughed, while I only chuckled. I shot Niall a thankful glance and he smiled at me. He always knows how to take the attention away from a difficult question. 

“You and you're food, Niall!” The female co-host said. After the laughter died down, Ricky, the radio host, spoke again. 

“But, I mean, it was reported to be a very messy break up.” He said. I shifted in my seat and thought about what I was going to say.

“It wasn't as messy as most people think.” I forced out. “We were very responsible about it.” I lied. “We were friends forever and I guess taking it into a relationship was just a step too far.” It was what I always said when this was brought up, my rehearsed phrase. And I think people were starting to catch on.

“You always say that, Tommo. Give us some real details!” Ricky pressed. I swallowed hard and gave a warning glance at the lads that I was about to flounder. 

“Well, it was just...we, uh...” I stuttered, desperately trying to find what I was going to say.

“They were a great couple,” Liam cut in. “They gave it their hardest but in the end not ever relationship is meant to work out.”

“That's right.” Zayn added. “I mean look at some of our past relationships, most things come to an end.”

“They were together for what, four months?” Harry said. “I mean, that's pretty long for a relationship that was suffering in the public eye.” 

“But his previous relationship with that Hollister model lasted six months, isn't that right?” Ricky said. My jaw set. “I mean what was it with this girl?” I stared at the water bottle in front of me so I didn't strangle him. 

“There was nothing wrong with her. If anything it was because of me, so can we please just not talk about it?” I asked as politely as I could. I didn't hear what anyone else said, but Olivia wasn't brought up again. I zoned out all the other conversations at that particular station from then on. I didn't want to listen to his irritating voice any longer. Nor did I want to listen to the co-host's hyena laugh every time any of us said something even remotely 'funny'.

I was thoroughly relieved when we left that retched place. I didn't listen to the boys in the van and I didn't listen to our day director telling us what we had to do for the rest of the day. I didn't listen to any one that day, I just wallowed in my own thoughts. 

By noon I was back home, all alone. My steps echoed throughout the empty home. I found Pebbles sleeping on my pillow on my bed. She looked so peaceful, so I didn't disturb her. I gently stroked her soft gray fur and she erupted into purrs. I smiled slightly as she snuggled against my hand. I remember when Olivia used to do this to her. Pebbles probably loved Olivia more. I mean, Olivia was here more than I was. 

I made myself some tea, accidentally leaving half a pot, knowing I wouldn't drink it. There was no one here to drink it, now. The mug was tasteless, nothing really had much a taste anymore. It was just a hot mug of a bland drink. I swallowed it down still, strangely enjoying the burn when it slid down my throat. 

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