Chapter Three

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Olivia's P.O.V.

I knocked on Louis and Harry's flat door quickly and multiple times. Harry peeked through the slit in the door.

"Who dares disrupt the lair of Monster Styles." Harry growled playfully. I rolled my eyes and shoved the door open, knocking Harry out of the way. "Jeez you could have just said 'please'." He mumbled. I made my way to Louis' bedroom, ignoring Harry's smartass comment.

 When I opened his bedroom door Louis was laying facedown on his bed. I took this opportunity to be a lovely best friend. I walked over and smacked his unnaturally large bum, real hard might I add.

"OI!!!" He exclaimed, jumping up. He turned and saw me, a playful smirk across my lips. "What in the hell did you do that for?" He asked rubbing his bum.

"We need to talk." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Louis suddenly got very awkward, knowing fully what I was referring to. 

"Yeah um...let's not talk here though." He said standing up. He was right in front of me now. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why not?"

"Let's go out to lunch."


"Because I said so."

"But why." 

"Just let me take you out."

"Are you, Louis William Tomlinson, asking me out on a date?!" 

"No! You know what I mean!"

"Fine. You pay."

"That wasn't in the deal.

"Now it is." 

"Ugh. Let's just go already."

I smiled at our banter. It was always something we were talented at. Louis practically pushed me out of his room. We found Harry and Niall watching football in the living room. I don't know when Niall had gotten there.

"We're going out to lunch." Louis announced to the lads.

"You're finally dating?!" Harry said at the same time Niall said, "Oooh! Can I go with you?!" The two boys looked at each other and then waited for our response.

"No, Harry we are definetaly not dating. That's for sure." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "And Niall, it's not that kind of lunch."

"Lunch means food. What type of lunch isn't lunch?" Niall retorted, standing up. He came and he stood in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulders. "I'm hungry. I need food. Please take me!" He begged. I kept a straight face, no matter how adorable he was being. (And no, I don't like Niall. We're friends. Jeez you romantic book readers always want someone to be in love with someone else, don't you?)

"No, Niall." I told him defiantly 

"Pleeaase...please, please, please!" He kept repeating. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"God, FINE! I'll bring you something back." I surrendered. He looked content with that. 

"Anything chicken and I'll be fine!" He said returning to the couch. Soon enough he was engrossed into the football game. I heard the shouts and cheers as the better team probably scored while Louis and I left the complex 

Louis and I fought over where we wanted to sit in the car. Louis, having some scrape of real manhood inside him, allowed me to win. We arrived at the little diner I loved and soon enough we were seated, already deep into hushed conversation. 

"What are we supposed to do now, Louis." I said, taking a sip of my water. I felt Louis shaking his leg with his foot rested on the leg of the table, causing the table to vibrate with it. One of my pet peeves. "Louis please stop." I scolded him. He just glared at me and then went back at staring into nothing. 

"I don't know how this happened. I mean, this is incredibly unbelievable." Louis said. I shook my head and grunted in agreement. I didn't make eye contact. That would just be weird. This whole situation was weird.

"How about we just try and forget it." I suggested. Louis and I met eyes. Awkward. I looked back down at the water in front of me. "What if we just never speak of this and move on?" I said glancing at Louis and then back at my hands.

"I'm fairly certain we aren't going to be able to forget having sex with each other." Louis said bluntly. I rolled my eyes and played with my hair. It was something I always do when I'm nervous. I braided little pieces and then braided those little pieces together until half my hair was in one giant braid. Louis said nothing 

"What do we do then?" I asked pleadingly. I looked up and Louis and I met eyes. He looked somber, confused, pained, and maybe even angry. He shrugged and then looked away.

"We can try...but I'm pretty sure that image of us...together, will burn in my brain for a lifetime." He said. I just rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before." I mumbled. 

"Yeah when we were five. definitely changed since then." I frowned at his gross comment. I took another big swig of my water. 

"Yours has gotten...smaller." I joked with a serious face. Louis eyes got wide and then turned into evil little slits.

"Lies." He growled. I couldn't honestly tell if he was joking or if he was serious. I just laughed at him and leaned backwards in the booth. His frown slowly came up into a cheeky half-grin. I just smirked at him and he just watched me with a careful eye. "It's so weird." He whispered to himself. I heard it though. 

"Well no shit Sherlock!" I told him, thinking he was referring to last night.

"No, not that." Louis said. "I meant the fact that we are so alike." I frowned, not knowing what he was talking about. "I mean we are both hilarious, well I'm funnier but you understand." He said with a smile. I smirked at him. "We're loud, kind of obnoxious, sorta judgemental-"

"-sassy" I added in with a wink knowing half of his fans think he's some kind of 'sassmaster'. Louis rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying, we also are both very stubborn. One of us more than the other..." He said hinting at me. I frowned at him again. 

"I am not stubborn!" I told him.

"There's our stubbornness folks!" He exclaimed to an invisible audience. I just glared at him. We were silent for a while. Everything turned awkward again. Lesson learned: keep talking about nonsense so nothing feels awkward. 

"I guess we'd better go now..." I said after a while. I looked up and saw Louis nodding. 

"Yeah I'll run you back to your flat." He said starting to shimmy out of the booth and stood up. I followed his lead and Louis paid for our drinks. The car ride was awkward, but what do you expect? We were just going to let everything go. Forget it. Forget anything ever happened between us.

That's going to be hard.

As soon as I got back to my flat I looked all over my trashed room. I can't even explain why my underwear were stapled to the wall. I cleaned up my room and ripped the sheets off my bed. I made a mental note to BURN them later. Exhausted, I collapsed on the couch slowly started to fade into a deep sleep.

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