Chapter Sixty

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Olivia's P.O.V.

I opened the door, struggling between the door handle and the grocery bags. I kicked the door closed with my foot and made my way for the kitchen. I began putting the colder items in the refrigerator and the others in the cabinets. I heard the bell of Pebbles' collar as she skipped into the kitchen. She hopped up onto the counter and began rubbing her cheek on one of the cereal boxes. I scratched her head.

“Daddy will he home in a few days.” I assured her. I was, honestly, more convincing myself that I could make it four more days.

I was going to go visit him in LA a few weeks ago but bad weather caused the flight to get canceled. After that I couldn't take any more time off work and Louis had already gone to another city. It was unfortunate, but we had to spend Valentine's Day over Skype. It was lonely and not at all what I'd hoped it would be, but it was something nonetheless. I got to hear his voice and see his face and that was all that mattered.

Louis and I had invested in a home telephone for us and it began to ring in the hallway. I quickly put a few more boxes away and ran to answer it.


“Hey babe! You didn't answer your cell so I thought I'd try you at home.” Louis said. I smiled. He sounded so happy. So free. So cute.

“Yeah sorry, it must still be on silent from work.” I told him. I took the wireless receiver back into the kitchen so I could finish putting away the food.

“How have you been?” Louis asked.

“Pretty good. I miss you.” I could basically hear Louis smile over the phone. I pictured his eyes getting all squinty and his smile growing.

“I miss you too. But don't worry, only like four more days?” He said. I nodded, but then dumbly realized he can't see me.

“Yeah, four more! And then you can come home and be with me.” I laughed to myself when I realized I'd subconsciously bought my favorite ice cream even though I was desperately trying to diet. I knew I'd end up eating it tonight though. I guess that's the problem with going to the store hungry.

“We've got two more shows and then travel time. Our final show will be in New York can still come...” He hinted. I'd been offered this many times now, but I didn't know if that's really what I wanted to do. Don't get me wrong, of course I wanted to see my boyfriend. I wanted to support him too. But I had also been planning a big thing for when he got home and I was pretty sure it would just ruin the surprise if it wasn't set up for exactly when he came home.

“I know, I know...but I just don't know if I can take off work in time and...” I tried to come up with a better excuse so it didn't seem like I just didn't want to be there for him.

“No...I get it, I get it.” He sounded incredibly disappointed.

“Louis, please, I want to come but I just don't think I can.” I told him. He just sighed heavily.

“Yeah...uh huh.” He said. I rolled my eyes, getting mad at him.

“Look, I tried to tell you I'm sorry and that it's not my fault but then you go huffing and puffing on me.” I snapped. Suddenly the tone of our call was drastically changed.

“I'm not huffing and puffing I just don't know why you don't want to see me, but whatever. I'm sure you've got a lot of nothing you have to do.” Anger burst through me.

“Listen here you little—” Louis hung up on me and all I got was the dial tone. “Yeah, well fuck you too, Louis Tomlinson.” I said anyway. I sighed and marched into the living room. I turned on the TV angrily and watched it angrily. I ate my dinner angrily. I took a shower angrily and then I got dressed for bed angrily. Then I went to sleep angrily.

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