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Thirteen Years Later

“Adam! Adam stop running!” The father of the little boy called down the dark hallway. The eight-year-old boy just kept going. The husband held the hand of his pregnant wife and their four-year-old daughter on his hip. Their twelve-year-old daughter trailed slowly behind, enthralled in her novel.

“It's the room to the left.” The wife told the husband. He just nodded and pressed on. The couple found the door at the end of the hallway, their son already waiting at the door.

“He's my teacher!” He said, a large smile on his face. They had visited their oldest daughter's classroom first, and now their son was eager to show them his. He turned the knob and came into the classroom. The whole family filed in, the wife in the front. She brushed some hair out of her eyes and looked up to see the back of a man. When he turned around she froze. He had black glasses and brown hair. When he made eye contact they both didn't move. “Mummy, Daddy, this is Mr. Parker.” The boy introduced.

“Brett?” The wife whispered.

“Olivia?” He replied. He met eyes with the husband. “Hello, Louis Tomlinson.” The two men shook hands.

“Wow, it's really strange to see you here!” Olivia remarked. Brett pulled her into a hug.

“How is your family?” He asked, looking at all their children.

“Very good.” Louis replied. “We've got Abigail.” He pointed to their daughter with her nose in a book. “You know Adam, and this is Allie.” He motioned to the daughter on his hip, now almost asleep.

“And we've got baby Alexis on the way.” Olivia added, motioning to her large abdomen. Brett just smiled.

“That's amazing. I can see you guys really like 'A' names.” He said, glancing at the family. Olivia and Louis laughed. He then went over to his desk and pulled over a picture frame. “This is my wife and my adopted daughter, Niya.” Louis started choking. His wife looked over at him cautiously. He waved it off like he was fine.

“That's Eleanor.” He rasped out, pointing to Brett's wife. Olivia took a closer look.

“Oh my God.” She replied. “That's Eleanor Calder, you're...you're married to...” She stopped. Louis and Olivia shared a look. Then they both began laughing. Brett joined in, but only out of pure awkwardness.

“Um...can I ask what's so funny?” Brett asked.

“I, um, I used to date you. And Louis used to date Eleanor.” Olivia clarified.

“Mummy! You dated my teacher before Daddy?” Adam asked. Olivia and Louis had forgotten about their kids' young ears. Olivia bent down to Adam's level, which was slightly difficult because of her six-month pregnancy.

“That was a long time ago, buddy. Back when your Dad and I were just friends.” She told him. He nodded understandingly, so Olivia kissed his forehead and struggled to get up. Although Louis only had one arm open, he helped her get up.

“So how did you begin teaching here?” Louis asked Brett. Anything to change the subject.

“Well, I got my degree back a while ago. I went to India again and then back home I met, erm...Eleanor. I took her to India again. I proposed there and then four years after our wedding, we went back again and adopted Niya. We realized we wanted to settle down and Doncaster was one of the few schools looking for an opening. So I applied and, well now I'm your son's grade one teacher.” He explained. Olivia glanced at Louis and winked, a sign that they'd need to talk later. The smile on both of their faces hinted that it would be a very...humorous conversation.

“That's awesome, Brett.” Olivia told him.

“Well, we shouldn't keep you long.” Louis said to Brett. “I'm sure you have other parents to meet.” Brett nodded and gave Olivia one last hug.

“It's really good to see you.” He told her.

“You too.” She replied.

“Goodbye Mr. Parker! I will see you on Monday!” Adam said to his teacher. Brett gave him a high five.

“See you then, Adam!” He replied. They said their final goodbyes and the family left the classroom. Allie was now fast asleep on Louis' shoulder. Adam stole Abigail's book and she was chasing him down the hallway. For once, neither Olivia nor Louis stopped them.

“I can't believe Tiny-Penis Guy is our son's teacher.” Louis said. Olivia laughed and laced her fingers through his.

“I mean what are the odds?” She said. Louis glanced over at his wife, his beautiful wife.

“Remember when we said that about our wedding?” Louis asked. Olivia laughed again and leaned up against her husband, putting her head on his shoulder.

“That was so close to being a disaster.” She said quietly, reminiscing the memory.

“But we made the best of it.” Louis said. “All those candles...” They walked towards the exit, the sun just now setting beneath the clouds.

“I love you, Louis.” She told him. He pushed open the door and let his wife go through.

“I love you, too.” He replied as she walked through.

“To the moon and back.” She said, taking his hand back into hers.

“To infinity and beyond.” He answered, watching their two oldest children running towards the car.

“Forever...” Olivia glanced down at their miracle baby. The baby that doctor's said would never exist.

“...And always.” Louis gave his wife a deep kiss before then went towards their mini van, and on their way to their suburban paradise.


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