Chapter 2

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As we aboarded the plane to Cali my stomach got tighten up. I never been on a plane before. Im scared of heights which makes it even worst. Kimberly had bought us tickets in the first class session with a bunch of white people. 

"Stay calm" Joshua says while rubbing my back.

"I am" I say sucking my teeth. Kimberly looks at me and sighs. Me and her havent had a good talk since i snapped on her ass last week about us moving.

"You okay?" she asks.

"Yeah" I say putting both of my headphones in my ear. I dont got time to be hearing her mouth. Its to late now theres nothing she could do about this situation to make it any better. Joshua came and sat by me. He took one of my headphones out.

"What Josh?" I ask.

"Stop acting so uptight" he says pinching my arm.

"Whatever man" I say rolling my eyes.

"Just sit back and relax. Take a nap shit" He says putting his legs across my thighs.

''Josh? Uhh" I say.

"Shut up and go to sleep" he says closing his eyes. I laugh and do the same.

"Wake up sleepy heads" Kim says shaking both of us. I look at my Ipod and its 2 in the morning.

"Is our ride here at least?'' Joshua says getting his book bag full of snacks an going thru it.

"Yeah he's here" Kim says smiling while we're walking off the plane.

"He? Kim you know damn well me and men dont get along" I say.

"Diamond every damn male isnt like DAD!" She says yelling at me. 

"Man Kim what the fuck?" Joshua says getting in between us.

"Im soo sorry" Kim says trying to hug me.

"Leave me alone" I say getting away from her.

"KIM!" says a man from a a truck.

"Robert!" Kim says running over to the truck. Me and Joshua glance at each other and roll our eyes. The man gets out and hugs Kim. He's a little cutie. But I aint trusting him.

"These must be your sister and brother" Robert says smiling at us.

"Yes. This is Diamond and Joshua' She says.

"Wassup" He says to us. Joshua nods his head and I dont do anything.

"They're kinda sleepy lets get them home" Kim says while we are puttin our bags in the car. The ride to our new house was very long. When we got there the nieghborhood looked ghetto as hell. Even though it was dark I could still tell it was ghetto.

"Well damn Kim. You moved us from the ghetto to the ghetto" Joshua says making me laugh.

"Im saying bih. What was the use of that" I say. Robert starts laughing with us to.

"Shut the hell up and get y'all bags and go to yall rooms" Kim says. I get my bags and walk into the house. Its big inside. Unlike our last house. 

''Wow" I say.

"Need help with that?" Robert asks me while grabbing my bags.

"Uhh Thanks" I say.

"Anytime Diamond" He says and taking them to my room. He seems like an okay guy.

"Thanks again" I say laying across my bed. The people that painted my room did a good job.

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