Chapter 24

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It was late at night when I decided to go in the bathroom an look in our medicine cabinet. I hated my life and everyone in it. Every time I tried to exceed a bitch was always bring me down. Kim was my blood sister how could she? I looked around in the medicine cabinet an found what I needed. A few tears slipped down my face. Images of everyone that loved me started showing up in my head. Kjay was the main one thet stayed. I thought twice before doing it.... But shit who cares?


"Ohh shit" I said as I woke up from a bad dream about Diamond. I was sweating an everything. What the fuck was going on with me? I checked my phone an it was 2 in the morning. I was still breathing hard. I got up an got me a glass of water. It felt good living in my own house. Not having to worry about getting thrown out cause i had the money to pay this motherfucker off. 200 a month wasnt nothing to me. I made that much a day shit even more. I hear my phone ringing as im in the kitchen.

"Who the fuck calling me this late" I say as Im jogging in my room. I look at the caller ID an see its Joshua. 

"Bruh whats going on?" I ask.

"Man bruh meet me at the hospital. Diamond overdosed on some pills. This is not good" He says sounding like he's crying.

"Give me 10" I say an hang up the phone. Thats why I had that dream. This some creepy shit. I decide to call Chantel an ask her did she wanna go.

"Hello" She says sounding sleepy.

"Chantel get dressed Diamond in the hospital. I'll be there in about 5 minutes.

"The hell? Oh my god. Okay" she says an hangs up.

When we make it to the hospital Kim Robert and Joshua all look hurt , tired and sad. Chantel immediately starts crying.

"I hope shes okay" she says. I pull her into a hug. 

"She's Diamond. She always get thru her shit" I say trying to hold back my tears. 

"Bruh she okay?" I ask as Im walking toward Joshua.

"Doctors say she pulling thru. My mind told me to go check up on her. If I wouldnt of never did it she would of been gone bruh" Joshua says shaking his head.

"What happened? What made her do all this shit" I ask.

"Kim threw her off the basketball team. Then theres you who she havent talked to in almost a week. Shes going thru alot" He says.

"Damnnnn" I say shaking my head. "I can make her happy by telling her that both teams won the basketball game". Joshua nods his head

"Is this the family of Diamond Moore?" says an doctor.

"Yes" Kim says walking toward us.

"Well she pulled thru just fine. But shes still dosed up. She can go home by monday." She says.

"Can we go see her?" I ask.

"Yes" she says stepping aside for we can walk by. "Room 534" We all nod our head an make our way to her room. When we got to the door I was kinda scared to go in.

"Its okay Kjay. Just go" Kim says rubbing my back. When I open the door I see Diamond laying in bed with alot of cords hooked up to her an the bed. She was awoke. When she looked up an saw me she smiled a little.

"You're okay" Kim says crying.

"Yeah" Diamond says looking away from Kim.

"You know I cant wash this soda out of my hair" she says making Robert and Joshua laugh. Me and Chantel are both lost.

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