Chapter 21

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''You guys made it home safe" Kimberly says while meeting us at the door. "The party was all over the news"

''Diamond what happened to you?" Robert asks getting up.

"Diamond why your clothes ripped?" Kimberly asks.

"Its nothing" I say walking past them to my room an slamming my door.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Kimberly yells in the living room.

"Kimberly it wasnt me I swear" I hear Kjay say.

"Diamond" Chantel says coming in my room.

"Yeah" I ask.

';Im so sorry" she says crying with me.

"Its not your fault" I say hugging her

"Lets just go to sleep" She says. "You have any pajamas?"

"Yeah that top draw" I say. She hands me a pair an get her a pair to. Before I know it we are both sleep.

~Early Saturday Morning~

"Diamond" Kim says waking me up.

"Huh?" I ask.

"The police are here to talk to you about what happened" she says.

"Who called them?" I ask getting up.

"Nobody. Im guessing they heard about it" she says. I get up an go use the restroom an get freshed up. I made up in my mind 2 years ago that I wouldnt have to talk about a rape case anymore. But I guess things change.

"You're Diamond Moore?" An black police officer asks.

"Yes" I say shyly.

"We're here to talk about what happened last night" says another Police.

"Okay" I say.

"So last night at the party you were using the bathroom an Im guessing Meek came in? Is that right?" says the black police.

"Yes" I say looking at the ground.

"An when you came out he was just standing there?" he asks.

"He was standing there looking at me like I was something to eat. I was like Meek what you doing in here? He was like you was giving me the eye like you wanted it. I was like wanted what? He was like , like you wanted me an he began to walk toward me. Then he grabbed my arms real tight an threw me on the floor. I tried firghting him back. But he's a boy. What else can I do. When he got on top of me he started kissing my neck and face an tried to get my tights down. Before he could get them down all the way thats when my friends came an got me" I say trying to fight my tears.

"An your friends where. these three right here?" he says pointing at Kjay Chantel and Joshua. I didnt even know they was right there standing.

"Yes'' I say.

"Which one punched him?" he asks.

"Both" I say.

"Both of them beat him up?" He asks.

"Yes" I say.

"Then you guys ran?" Asked the white officer.

"Yes. What else was there to do?" I ask.

"Well we got Meek side of the story. It way different from yours. He says you was hitting on him all night. Is that true?" he asks.

"No. Noooo" I say shaking my head.

"Then he said that you told him to come to the bathroom. Is that true?" He asks.

"No. None of that is true. Im guessing he saw me go in the bathroom an followed me. I did not tell him to come with me." I say getting irritated.

"Its two stories to the this situation. Im not saying you're lying an im not saying he's lying either. But we need to get down to the facts of this situation. Now we're gonna go to the place an get the Video tape to see" he says. I nod my head.

"Thanks for your time. Bye" they both say an walk out the living room.

"I wonder why that nigga lying" Kjay says balling up his fist.

"Im going back to bed" I say walking past them an into my room. A few mintues later I hear someone come in. I open my eyes an see its Kjay.

"Im going to bed with you" he says while getting under the covers an laying with me.


I didnt even wanna go to school. Im pretty sure they know about what happened to me. I already know its alot of gossip going on. Thats just what happens at Lincoln High. Its lunch time now an everywhere I go people is whispering about me. What the fuck?

"Diamond!" I jump an turn around to see my teammates.

"Boo we love you" They says hugging me.

"Thanks" I say trying not to cry.

"Diamond by the end of the day we still want you on the team okay?" Taylor says.

"Woahh. I never left the team" I say.

'We know that but just dont let anyone ruin your day" Camry says.

"Why would I do that?" I ask.

"Look who came to school today" Shaniqua says.

"Dont start" Kjay says to her.

"Im just surprised she came" She says.

"Why wouldnt I have come?" I ask. She begins to laugh.

"Ask Honey" she says an walk away.

"She just trying to start stuff bae" Kjay says.

"No she isnt" Morgan says looking at the team.

"What you mean?" I ask.

"Honey is going around telling everyone that you gave it up to Meek knowing that Kjay doesnt like him" she says. 

"Diamond dont do anything" Hanna says

"Nope" I say looking around for Honey. 

"Baee noo" Kjay says.

"Whats going on?" Chantel asks coming up to us.

"Honey bitch ass telling everybody I gave it up to Meek cause I know Kjay doesnt like him" I say looking for her. Where this bitch at?

"Im getting 10 days today!" Chantel says outloud.

"There she go!" I yell an ran toward her. Shit is about to pop off!!!!!!!!!

Cliff Hanger? Teeheeee Love You Guys. Curse me out all you want to. <3

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