Chapter 26 (Part 2)

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*3 Months Later*

Months went by an yes I was still single 👌👊. It was now February an I was honestly starting to hate the single life. it was boring . Having nobody to cuddle with talk to shit even kiss . I was a complete loner . Then there's Dontrell. He's cool sweet an fine Asf . We been talking ever since me and fuck nigga broke up . Me an his sister have gotten really close . there's something about Miracle. She's always giving me the look or the eye. I don't even know the bitch . I see her an Kjay hanging out . I don't care . he gonna do you just like he did me . It's so awkward between me and Kjay now . We can't even stay in a same class room without it being so much tension , from what I hear he misses me. I bet he does.
"Hey sexy " Dontrell says grabbing me from behind.
"Hey boo' I say turning around an hugging him .
"Hows your day going ?" He asks grabbing my bookbag from me.
"It's going" I say. "where's Unique thick ass?"
"Somewhere being a Thot " he says making me laugh
"Aye chill. That's bae'' I say hitting him .
"Speaking of yo bae there she goes" he says pointing at Unique. Me and her had gotten so close over these past months it's like she replaced Chantel. Me and her haven't really been talking. when we do talk it's weird Asf , it's like she still hiding some shit .
"Hey hoe" Unique says hugging me .
"Now ima hoe? okay " I say hitting her.
"If you Unique friend you gotta be something" she says making me laugh.
"Bitch whatever. I like your dress. It fits your personality'' I say
"An what's my personality?" she asks
"Hoeish" I say with a smirk .
"Bitch fuck you okay . I'm trying not to get dresscode . this shit keep rising up" she says .
"Man I'm outta here. Bye Diamond" Dontrell says kissing my cheek.
"Bye boo" I say hugging him.
"Bye brother !'' Unique yells. He flicks her off an starts walking .
"Fuck you to nigga" Unique says. I start to laugh.
"OH SHIT!!" We both say an run to history .
"Glad you can make it" says out Teacher Mr.Pitts. He a cool ass white man . He never really cares what we do.
"Sorry we was late " Unique says.
"We won't be late again" I say lying. We're always late to his class.
"I'll be herring the same excuse until June" he says making the class laugh. " Take out your textbooks an read page 150 an answer the questions. There's about 20 questions. If you don't finish it will be homework.
"Man I hate homework" says Anthony.
"An that's exactly why you're in here now . you're a senior in a sophomore class. Get your credits by doing your work" Mr. Pitts says making the class laugh .
" How the hell were you even a basketball player ??! nigga you failing" Unique says making the class laugh again
"You was moaning my name last night tho " Anthony says
"No bih that was last month! Get yo facts straight " Unique says making everyone gasp except for me. I know all of her fuck buddies . it's nothing new .
"Shit you remember" He says
" Duh bih. It was the wackiest dick I've had" she says making everyone laugh.
"Ok ok. Get to work" Mr.Pitts says .

"Diamond" Chantel whispers across the room . Unique looks at me an rolls her eyes
"Yeah" I say.
"Please read this" she says tossing me a paper . I nod my head .
"Read it" Unique says
"After class " I say
"No bitch now" she says .
"Fuck Unique damn" I say opening the paper

Look Diamond I miss you alot as my bestfriend . I miss the old times we had. I really don't know what happened to us but I want us to be back the same. You don't understand how lonely without having a close friend . I just want the old Diamond and Chantel back . Is that to much to ask for?

"Corny ass shit" Unique says laughing
"Ain't nobody tell you to read it" I say rereading it over an over again. This shit is corny .
"Who the fuck begs somebody to be there friend? I'm dying" Unique says really laughing .
"Unique shut up" I say trying not to laugh.
"Ok ok" she says looking at her textbook laughing still. This bitch

After School

"Oh my god Diamond be my friend again" Unique says as we are in the hallway getting my books from my locker getting ready to leave .
"Unique shut up" I say.
"Bruh that shit some serious "at she says.
"Chile I guess" I say
"You really thinking about it?" she asks.

"I don't know " I say being honest.
"Whatever" she says shaking her head.
"My birthday coming up. Turn Up!!" I say changing the subject.
"Bitch yo birthday March 27. Its February 8th. Keep calm" she says ruining the moment.
"Man fuck you " I say
"That's my brother job" she says winking.
"Naah" I say,
"Speaking of dick I got me an appointment" she says
''Ewww. Virgin status... I think" I say.
Ima need you to stop with this shit. Come on Diamond like Forreal . When you plan on loosing it?" she asks
"When I find that right nigga" I say
"My brother bitch !" she says
"Mhmm" I say.
"Mhm my ass. Oh shit look at Honey. Bitch fat" Unique says looking at Honey at the vending machine. She has gotten huge .
"Bitxh look like she over due" Unique says causing me too laugh out loud .
"Aye honey you 10 months?" She asks
"Nooooo" I saying almost dying with laughter. Honey just shakes her head an walks from the machine .
"Aye girls" says a familiar voice . I turn around to see Kjay.The fuck ?
"What nigga " Unique says
"Man yo chill I just want y'all to come an support the track team Valentine Dance" he says giving us a poster.
"7$ to get in?" I ask
"Man come on Diamond " he says
"I'll be there" Unique says.
"TUH !" I say
"Bitch you coming to ' she says.
''Bring yo nigga" he Says
"I have no nigga " I say
"Dontrell" he says
"That's my friend " I say
"Man whatever that's yo nigga bring em" he says
"Why you so concerned" I ask
"I ain't Finna argue with yo ass. Just come an support us. Fuck with y'all later" he says walking away
"Ughhh! Same fuck nigga!" I say
"Chile I gues but we going to the mall to get our outfits '' she says "
"You must be buying?"
"Diamond you soo fucking cheap but yeah I gotcha. But aye I gotta get going . This dick calling me . I'll call you later" she says kissing my cheek
"Eww hoe bye" I say . "don't come kissing me tomorrow after you been on a dick! " I yell. She turns around an winks at me . Nasty asssss!!

I'm backkk !! On my iPod thoo. Excuse the mistakes!! Buttt

- Unique?
- she a cool ass hoe. 😃
- Chantel letter ? The fuck
- Dontrell & Diamond? they cute
-should diamond an Chantel become back friends?

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