Chapter 38

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"Can I at least come with you?" Kj asks me for the 100th time.

"No Kj damn!" I say getting irritated with him. I wanted to meet my father on my own. Not have anybody else by my side. They wasnt by my side when he was raping me so why do I need them now.

"My bad Diamond damn" he says.

"Im not trying to be rude Kjay its just that I wanna do this alone thats all" I say walking toward him.

"Yea whatever' he says pouting like a little baby.

"Kjay stop" I say hugging him.

"Its just that I dont want anything to happen to you. You feel me? I dont know what I'll do if anything happened to you" he sais kissing my lips.

"Im happy that you care so much baby but aint shit gonna happen to me." I say looking him in the eyes.

"I hope not" he says looking away.

"What you finna do?'' I ask him.

"Go hang out with my boys then come back later an kick it with you" he says.

"We can have fun tonight" I say kissing his neck.

"We can have a long night tonight" he says grabbing my ass.

"Exactly." I say kissing him.

"You better get going" he says pulling away from me.

"Damnit man" I say hearing the car horn again. Kimberly them came too early..

"Bye love you be safe" He says.

"Love you too" I say

"We're here" Kim says pulling up into a police station.

"Why here?' I ask.

"This is the only safe place I trust yo with him" she says.

"Yah whatever. I'll call you when I finish" I say.

"His name is Joshua Moore" she says. I nod my head an head toward the place. When I walk in polices are everywhere.

"Uhh hi Im here for Joshua Moore" I say to the white lady at the desk.

"Yes hold on.... Diamond Moore is here for her father. Send two guys down to the room with her please and thank.... Room 122B" She says handing me a paper. Danmn they really dont trust him alone with me. When I find the room it was empty so I decided to have a seat. Couple seconds later 3 polices an this man walk in. This man happens to be my father. Joshua favors him alot. I do too. He smiles at me an comes for a hug. I back away.

"Have a seat sir" one of the polices says.

"I cant even get a hug from my own daughter?" he asks. I stare at him long an hard. I have his light brown eyes, thick eyebrows, pink lips and nose. This was defiantly the man who raped me.

"Why did you do it?" I aked without hesitation.

"Do what?" he asks playing dumb,

"Look Joshua dont play dumb okay? Why did you take my innocence at age 7? what could I have possibly done to you?" I ask. He look away. ''Im waiting"

"I wasnt thinking back them okay?" he says.

"Im your daughter. You made me! How could you?" I ask trying to hold back the tears.

"Im soo sorry Diamond" he says.

"After all you put me thru sorry is the only thing you can say?" I ask him.

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