Thug Love Hurts

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"Dadddy stop! I dont wanna play this game anymore!" I screamed while trying to kick my own father off of me.

"Its a fun game sweetie" he said while kissing my lips and trying to take my panties off.

"STOP!" I say yelling. He's been playing this game with me since I was 7. Now I'm 14. I was to afraid to tell anybody.

"What the hell is going on in here?" My mom says while slaming the door open. She was suppose to be at work.

"Babe its not what you think" He says.

"Then what the fuck is it Josh?" She asks pushing him onto the bed. "You taking our little girl innocence away?" 

"Lemme explain" he says stuttering over his own words. Before he can even start talking my mom pulls out her gun from under her shirts and shoots him at least 8 times.....

All my life I've been thru hell and back. Baby brother Mitchell got shot in a drive-by shooting when he was only four. He was like my everything. I was raped by my own biological father for 7 years. After my mom found out she killed him and now she is serving 45 years in jail. Now its just me (Diamond) My older brother Joshua and our oldest sister Kimberly. Kimberly is 26 and its hard for her to raise me and my brother. Two females in the house is always bumping heads at time. But other than that everything goes good. Joshua is 18. An I'm 16. We get along better than anybody else in the house. Maybe its because we were the closest in the family. If anything was to ever happen to Joshua I wouldn't be myself anymore. He's like my backbone to everything. He's always there for me helping me with all my boy-problems and anyting else. I love my brodie. Growing up in Harlem was hell. You had to fit in with any and everybody. But then theres me. Im known around town as the tomboy or Joshua little sister. Im a athlete which makes it kind of easier for me to live and surviv out here.

"Diamond girl can you just let the boys play" says my bestfriend Brook. We've been bestfriends since grade school. She had always been there for me thru thick and thin. I spent most of my life with her.

"Yeah Diamond listen to miss princess over there" says a boy on the court. Brook flicks him off.

"Naw man I wanna play" I say taking the ball from his hand and shooting a three.

"Aye let her play" says another boy.

"She on my team" they all say. I begin to laugh and start playing

After the game my team won 50-31. I made half of the points. I was a beast at any sport you can name.

"Diamond you're so weird you know that?" Brook says as she is walking me home. I begin to laugh. 

"How?" I say.

"Because one minute you're hooping, then running track then tackling a girl down in flag football then the next minute you're wearing a pencil skirt or tights" she says laughing. I laugh to.

"Its just how I am. God created me like that." I say.

"You're right. But I gotta get home" she says hugging me.

"Alright call or text me when you make it home" I say walking up the porch to my house.

"DIAMOND!' Kimberly yells.

"What Kim?" I ask trying not to give her attitude.

"You come in this house later and later each day" she says coming in the living room to where Im standing.

"Its a saturday" I say smiling at her.

"I dont care Diamond! You're a girl! You have a time to be in the house" She says pointing her finger in my face. "Its bad to be out late in Harlem and you know it"

"Okay Kim" I say walking past her.

"Okay my ass! You aint going out no where for a month with that attitude" she says.

"Diamon just go to your room" Joshua says coming from the bathroom. 


"But nothing. Just go" he says and walks past me.  I walk to my room and slam the door. I decide to cut the t.v on and its the Harlem news.

"Breaking news there has been a shooting on 13th street'' the reporter says.

''Aye Joshua come here'' I Yell.

"What?" he asks while putting a tank top on.

"There was a shooting like down the street or some shit" I say.

"WHAT!" He says sitting down on my bed.

"Reporters say several people were shoot and killed''

"I gotta get myself together. Im going to shower eat then sleep" I say walking past him to the bathroom. 

~The next day~

"Diamond wake up" Joshua says shaking me out of my sleep. I look up to see him and Kimberly. Looks like they have been crying.

"What? Whats going on? Why you guys crying?" I ask.

"Diamond. We love you. You know that?" Kim says hugging me.

"Yes Kim. Now whats going on?" I ask.

"You remember that shooting last night?" Joshua asks.

"Yeah. What about it?" I ask.

"Diamond....Brook was one of the persons to get shot and killed" Kimberly says.

After my bestfriend died I wanted to die to. Months went by and I swear it felt like Harlem was getting worst and worst by the day. Kimberly didnt allow me and Joshua to go out at all. We had to stay in all damn day. They was nothing to do in the house. All she did was go to work come home and sleep. Me and Joshua had to prepare all the melas and shit.

"Diamond and Joshua" Kimberly yelled from the living room.

"Wait Kim im beating Diamond ass in call of duty" Joshua said.

"Boy if you dont put that damn game down and come here" she yelled again. We both sucked our teeth and came to her.

"It better be important" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Shut the fuck up. But anywas I got a new job" she says smiling.

"Good. That means more money for me to go to college" Joshua says.

"Not only that. But we're moving to California" she says making my eyes get big.

"What the hell Kim!" I say. "Do you not know what the hell I've been thru and you wanna move me to California! Fuck you and your new Job!" I say running to my room and slamming the door.

"Kim really?" Joshua asks. " Why do this to us. I got a full scholarship to a college over here and you do this shit" 

"Open the door" Joshua says while knocking on my door. I open the door and rush into his arms.

"Joshua I do not wanna move! I already hate my life as it is and she do this shit to me" I say crying.

''Diamond just chill. You never know. Life in Cali maybe more than you expected. We may actually like that shit. And you on the other hand is an athlete. They gone love your ass.You have nothing to worry about you're going to fit in just fine. You're my beautiful sister I already know you gone have niggas on your dick. Shit you may even find your first love...." He says and with that last note everything changed......

He was right I did find my first love and Im here to tell you the story

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