Chapter 50

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~3 Years Later~

"Mommy I hungry" Says my daughter Justice.

"Ok baby girl" I say while looking at her in the rearview mirror. I stop by McDonalds an get her an Sydney a  happy meal.

"Thank you mommy.  I cant wait to show daddy my toy" she says looking at her toy. I smile at her. When we arrive at home she jumps out the car an goes straight to the front door.

"DADDDYYY!" She says jumping on Kjay.

"Hey babygirl" he says kissing her cheek. "Hey bae" he says kissing my lips.

"Hows that leg?" I ask.

"Doctors say I should be able to play basketball again pretty soon. I need to because I wanna support my family" he says.

"Daddy wheres Sydney?" Justice asks.

"In the room waiting for you" he says putting her down.  

"Ok. Daddy can you please put togther my toy. Love you" she says an runs off to the room.

"When will we ever be able to tell her That im not her real dad" Kjay says holding his leg. Ever since that day the gun went off it injured Kjay badly. He couldnt play basketball for almost 2 years. 

"When will we ever be able to tell her that her daddy is dead an was a very disgusting guy?" I ask thinking of Meek. Cant believe I had his child. Fucker. I couldnt kill this child of god. I hate abortions. Its not my thing. But comes to find out I fell in love with Justice soon as she was born.

"We gotta tell her one day but not now. Shes to young to really understand" he says.

"Exactly" I say.

"But your brother want us to come over his house for an cook-out or something. All the kids gonna be there" he says.

"Joshua always tryna make the crew stick together but alright I'll start getting the girls ready" I say.

~Couple hours Later!~

"Uncle Josh!" The girls scream as we make it inside the door.

"Hey baby girls!" he says picking them up.

"Wheres Cristina?" Justice asks referring to Joshua and Chantel baby.

"Shes in the room with Gabriella" he says referring to LaNiya baby.

"Yayyyy" they say as he puts them down.

"Whats up bruh?" he says dapping Kjay.

"None man. Smelling good in this bih" Kjay says.

"Hell yeah go an enjoy yourself' he says.

"Whats up sis?" He says giving me a hug.

"Tired as hell then you wanna throw an cookout" I say playfully punching him in the chest.

"Man you already know I gotta keep the click together" he says.

"Of course you do" I say pinching his cheek.

"What it do!" I say greeting everyone.

"Hey girly" LaNiya says getting up to hug me.

"Hey boo" Chantel says following.

"What all yall done cooked?" I asked.

"Well damn can the niggas get a hug too?" Jaheem asks while rolling up a blunt.

"Eww no. Yall got smoke all over yall. But hey Jaheem, Tyrone, Robert and Johnathon!" I say waving. They all nod their heads. You can tell they where gone.

"Whats in here to eat man?" I ask walking in the kitchen. 

"Hey ma!" I say giving her a hug.

"Hey baby girl" She says.

"Ma these yo bake beans?" I ask looking over all the food. My mouth was getting watery just thinking bout it.

"Yes an go wash your hands before touching shit" she says making me laugh. "Call everybody its time to eat" she says.

"Kim Ma said call everybody" I say while stuffing my face up with a hot dog.

"Damn Diamond. You hungry or some shit?" she asks laughing at me.

"Or gone" Ma says.

"What kind of gone?" I asked confused. There was always two "Gones" in my mama vocab. There was the being high gone or being pregnant gone.

"Girl go call everyone" she says smacking my hands.

"What about the time when Diamond and LaNiya got into that fight?" Joshua asks making the whole table laugh.

"Thats not funny. Diamond busted my lip" LaNiya said making me laugh even harder.

"Man you asked for it" I said sticking my tougue out.

"Yea I did" LaNiya says shaking her head.

"Y'all member when she poured her soda on me?" Kim asks making Robert nearly choke on his food.

"Mannn yall tripping" I say laughing. "Stop doing remembers on me man" I say grabbing some more food.

"Diamond this your 5th plate" Chantel says.

"Ok? an?" I say plattering potatoe salad an bakes beans on it.

"Someone busted a nut" Jaheem says mumbling.

"Nooo" I say.

''Diamond is there something you gotta tell us?" My mama asks me.

"Is there Diamond?" Kjay asks with a smirk on his face.

"Im 2 months pregnant" I say with a smile on my face. Everyone starts yelling an cheering. Kjay was so happy. He was speechless. This was his child. A child that was finally by him. Then what shocked me was when he got down on one kneee....

Do I Smell A Sequel?


*Stayed Tuned For TLH: Love Isnt Suppose To Hurt Like This*

Coming Soon In 2014!

I wanna just thank all my fans for reading this book an inspiring me to write even more. I thank you guysss soo muchhh! If it wasnt for you all there wouldnt even be an sequel. But I guess I love yall so much that I had to hit you with one! Thanks for everything you guys have done. Love you all! 

- Ruby <3

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