Chapter 4

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"Who was that anyway?" I ask Honey and Chantel as we are walking to the "Most Sexiest Nigga At The School" Im still stuck on who that could be.

"That was my brother girlfriend" Chantel says rolling her eyes.

"And who's your brother?" I ask.

"Right there" Honey says pointing

"KJAYYYY?!?" I Yell causing him to look over at me. I cover my mouth and look away.

"Yeah. How you know my  brother?" Chantel asks.

"He was playing ball on my street yesterday with my brother Kreshawn and Jaheem" I say

"So thats where Jaheem was! That son of a bitch" Honey says.

"Jaheem is your boyfriend?" I ask her.

"Mhmm. Well I dont know whats going on with us" She says.

"Why the hell was you calling me like that?" Kjay asks while stepping up to us with my brother.

"Well damn" Chantel says looking at Joshua smiling. Ewww

"Wassup?" My brother says licking his lips.

"None much" Chantel says blushing. Damn Joshua got her hooked already.

"Aye nahh thats my sister! Unless I could do the same?" Kjay says looking at me. Did he just say...

"Babbyyyyyyy!" Shaniqua says jumping on him and kissing him like she havent kissed him in weeks. Only if that was me.

"Ayee yo chill. People looking at us" he says pushing her off. The fuck?

"Im sorry baby. I just miss you" she says hugging him again. 

"Not after what you did last night" he says backing away from her again. How the hell could she stand for him to treat her like this.

''Baby I'm sorry! You know I aint mean to disrespect yo mama" she says. Well that answers why he's treating her like this.

"You disrespected my mama?!?"Chantel yells at her.

"Chantel chill bruh" Kjay says. "An you come here" he says while grabbing Shaniqua by the arm.

"Why he treat her soo violent?" I ask.

"She deserves it. I know she cheating on my brother. I just wish one day he finds somebody else" Chantel says.


"And thats the bell for first period" Honey says. "Come on huns we got each other 1st period" she says looking at my schedule.

The rest of my classes went by pretty good. All my teachers were cool as hell. Now Im walking in 7th period an Im already late. When I walk in to all eyes are on me.

"You're late miss Moore" Says the teacher. How the hell she know my name

"Im sorry...Uhh Miss Perry" I say.

"Have a seat" she says. I look around the class to see that Kreshawn, Jaheem,Honey Chantel and  Kjay have this class. Kjay looks at me and smiles. He's smiling because the only available seat is next to him. I roll my eyes and take a seat.

"Get rid of the attitude" Kjay says.

"Whatever" I say.

"The person sitting next to you will be your writing partner for this project. You're going to write about how you feel about someone" Ms. Perry says. I instantly look at Kjay whose already looking at me smiling. 

"This will be your partner for the next 4-5 weeks. I hope you get along with this person because this is a work together project."

"So you telling me I gotta work with Jaheem?" Honey says rolling her eyes.

"Isnt he sitting by you?" Ms.Perry says.

"Shake my fucking head" Honey mumbles.

"You guys can get started now" she says and everybody starts talking. I sit there and look around the class. Its alot of us in here.

"So who you finna write about?" Kjay asks.

"I dunno. Who you finna write about?" I ask.

"My girl" he says. Im only wishing that was me.

"Oh" I say.

"Ms.Perry why would this take about a month?" Honey asks.

"Because everyone will present theres to the class. So this is going to take alot of rough drafts and editing and CREATIVITY!" She says. I sigh at the fact of creativity. I still dont know who I should write about. I aint feeling no type of way towards anyone but......

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