Chapter 41

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~Next Day~

"Diamond where you going?" Kim asks

"Out" I say. "Joshua can i borrow the car?" I ask.

"Bring my shit back man" he says handing me the car keys,

"Out where?" Kim asks.

"Kim please not now" I say as my eyes start to get watery. I need to go straight to the pharmancy. I need the day after pill. She looks at me an walks away. I make my way to the car. So much shit was going through my head. It was feeling pretty funny when we was having sex. I was to caught up in the moment.

"I need the day after pill" I ask the lady behind the counter.

"An how old are you?" she says looking up at me. 

"17" I say.

"Im sorry sweetie you need to be with an guardian. You'e under age" she says.

"Man what the fuck? Thats bullshit" I say walking away from the counter. I decide to drive back to the house. I needed to talk to Kim if nobody else.

"That was qucik. Kjay got him a quick nut or two?" Keon says as I walk thru the door.

"Boy Im telling you right now... You got one more time to say some shit out the way... I will lock you up for the shit you've been doing" I say making his eyes pop open. I make my way to Kim room. Shes putting the baby to sleep.

"Kim I need to talk to you" I say stuttering.

"Please do. You been worrying me" she says.

"I know and Im sorry. But Kim.. I need the day after pill" I say.

"Come on lets go" she says putting the baby in the crib. "LaNiya watch your sister!"

"Mhmm" she says coming out the room with ice on her lip. Oh well. She aint gone fuck with me no more. 

"So what happened?" Kim asks as we are driving to the store.

"Me and Kjay had sex.. An after I left he decided to put water in the condom an it was a hole" I say.

"Water in a condom? Hmpph" she says.

"What?" I ask.

"Whats up with niggas doing that? Robert did the samething an thats why your neice here" she says making me laugh.

"Was Joshua home?" I ask.

"Naw he had went out somehwere." she says.

"So its just Keon and LaNiya home ?" I ask. Oh shit

"Yes.. Why?" she asks.

"Nun" I say praying that they don't fuck or he dont hit her. When we make it to the Pharmancy the same lady is there from before.

"You're back" she says smiling.

"Mhmm" I say.

"We need the morning after pill" Kim says.

"Which type" the lady asks.

"The best one you have" Kim says.

"Well here you go" she says pulling out a pink box. "Take it soon as possible". Kim pays for the pill an we walk out.

"Diamond dont be having no more sex no time soon. I need to get you to the doctor for birth control" she says.

"Ok kim. Thanks alot. Lets not let everyone know" I say.

"All of this is in good hands" she says. "Now here drink this with it an pray that it works right away" she says handing me a soda. I do a silent prayer an take the pill.

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