Chapter 17

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"Come on Diamond one more suicide an we finish" says my parnter Camry. Shea an 11th grader whose been on varsity since she was in 9th grade. So of course shes use to this shit. Me being the only 10th grader on Varsity is alot of pressure. Im so close to dropping down the JV.

"Alright girls come in" Says coach Adams. We have Two coachs. Coach Adams and Ms.Richard. I like Ms.Richard more bcause shes the lady. Theres something about Coach Adams. He creeps me out.

"Diamond, Camry, Taylor, Morgan and Hanna. Come with me" he says.

"Ugh. We finna do the fucking treadmill" Morgan says.

"It be cold as fuck in there an he make us take off our sweats" Hanna says.

'The fuck?" I say.

"Yes" Everybody says. 

"That doesnt even sound right" I say. 

"You finally decide to show up Kjay" Says coach Adams making me look up to see Kjay faggot ass.

"Im sorry Coach. I got side track" He says.

"You're our main player an you got side track? I want 25 Suicides,300 push ups, and 600 sit ups. I want them done by the end of practice tomorrow. You better be on time" Coach says.

"But Coach It was a family emergency" Kjay says.

"Well until a family member calls you're going to do it/ Now get to work" Coach Adams says. Kjay shakes his head an ran over to the boys team. He turns around an looks at me. I roll my eyes an countine walking.

"I want 5.5 on treadmill for 20 minutes" Coach says.

"What? This aint no track. We basketball players. Track people use the treadmill" I say.

"Ms.Diamond what I say goes. Now strip" he says. All the other girls are use to it but not me. They already had on thier volley ball shorts and tank top.

"Its to cold for this" Camry says.

"He's a fucking pedo I swear" Taylor says getting on the tread mill.

"Lets get going girls. We dont have all day" Coach says looking at me. I roll my eyes at him. I make my way on the treadmill.

"Ms.Moore. Take off your sweats" He says.

"I dont have on any volley ball shorts" I say lying. All the girls start to giggle. They know I do.

"Well next time you come here you will need them" he says.

"Says who? If Ms.Richard was here yes but you're a man. Why in the hell do you want to see us in Volleyball shorts for running on a treadmill?" I ask. 

"Dang Coach" Taylor says.

''Ms.Moore Im going to ask you again nicely. Next time you come bring volleyball shorts and a tank top. Get to work" he says an walk off. I flick him off an get started on the treadmill.

"I heard Shaniqua sucked him up" Morgan says.

"Whatt?" Everybody says.

"Yall know she a hoe. I hear she burning with something" She says.

"She have sucked like the whole team up tho" Taylor says.

"Okay ew' I say.

"Hell yeah. Ion like that bitch" Hanna says. I just shake my head an  plug in my earphones. I none wanna hear about a bitch i dont like

After the treadmill I was out of breath. I ran the whole time. I was listening to Trey Songz music station on Pandora. His ass made me wanna fuck after the songs I heard.

"You straight Diamond?" Camry asked.

"No/ Im tired and horny" I say making everybody laugh.

"Hell naw how the horny part happen?" Taylor asked.

"Shit Trey Songz told me he wanted to dive in" I say making them laugh again.

"Shit then the nieghbors gonna know his name to" Hanna says.

"Then he's gonna wake up saying 'Yo side of the bed' Morgan says making everybody laugh harder. (Lmfaoo Im dying over here. I know yall is to).

"Hahahaaa. What the fuck so funny?" Says this boy name Anthony. Him and Kjay are the top two stars on the team.

"Trey Songz over this bih saying aahhhhh" I say. 

"The fuck yall got going on?'' Says Meek. Another basketball player.

''Trey Songz in this bih bruh" Anthony says to him.

"That nigga gay!" Meek says.

"Fuck no. That nigga fine as fuck" I say.

"OH!" Kjay says. I didnt even know he was in here. Everybody starts to laugh.

"Kjay why you was late?" Meek asks.

"Just like last year when I was late" He says making the boys laugh.

'Damnnn.. Head game A1" Anthony says.

"Swear bruh" Kjay says looking at me. 

"Got yo dick sucked huh?" I ask. Everybody gets quiet.

"Some like that" he says with no sympathy at all.

"Cool" I say walking out of the room. Practice is over an im gathering all my stuff. I dont have a ride so I have to walk home. Why Kjay gotta be such a fuck nigga.

"Diamond wait up" Kjay says while im walking out of the school.

"What?" I asked.

"I know what I did was wrong but Im sorry " He says kissing my cheek.

"Dont fucking touch me no more, Okay? Shaniqua sucks everybody dick. You could have something then you wanna touch me? The fuck. You better go get yourself checked. Does is burn when you pee? Huh? Huh? Huh? Dont fuck with me until you go an get yourself checked out. Bye Kjay" I say an walk off

 Check out the remake of "This Maybe Love" Its called first love. Please Please Please READ IT!

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