Chapter Seven

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"Bloody hell you took your time" Phil said with a chuckle, I looked over at Dan awkwardly not knowing what to say Dan took the hint and stepped in by saying "I had my headphones on full blast and didn't hear Ali come in my room" "ahh right"Phil said in reply, just as we finished breakfast I heard Phil say "so what do you want to do today Ali?" "Shopping?" Both boys looked at each other and nodded their heads "right I will need a hour to get ready?" "AN HOUR!? That's a hour out of our day gone!!" I left the room with a chuckle. I went to my room and selected my clothes for the day then walked out towards the bathroom "Ali?" I heard dans voice coming from behind me, I turned around fast with a smile on my face "don't forget this, this time" he said with a wink while handing me my towel "yeah I wouldn't want a repeat of last time" I said smiling while looking into his eyes. "Umm well I better go get ready myself" Dan said shaking his head slowly while running a hand through his tangled hobbit hair "oh yeah see you later then" I said blushing "um yeah I guess" I heard him say after I shut the bathroom door.

"Yeah I wouldn't want a repeat of last time" I heard Alisha say to Dan from upstairs, what is that supposed to mean? Hm well?
I walked out of the kitchen after washing up into my room and selected my outfit I chose my lion top with some navy blue jeans. I slowly paced into the living room I turned on the tv to catch up on some Great British Bake Off, when Alishas phone buzz, I couldn't help myself something inside me was telling me to check, I read the name Liam and felt the anger bubbling in my stomach as I continued to read "Ali can't wait to get that sexy ass back in my bed ;)) that's what I have missed about you the most... Getting to have you whenever I want! ;) ;P see that ass soon baby x" I slammed her phone on the couch next to me and put my head in my hands, what has she done why did she chose him. I picked her phone back up and walked to her room and lightly knocked, "come in" I heard her say "I'm sorry to have looked at your phone but you have received a very inappropri...." I stopped talking as the smell of cigarettes filled my nose, "Ali what's that smell?" I asked looking her in the eyes "umm" "TELL ME NOW!" I raised my voice as I remembered our conversation as kids..
"Ali you'd my little sister and I love you so much"
"Love you too Philly" she replied with a smirk
"Can we promise each other that we will never harm ourselves in anyway shape or form, that means drugs smoking or tattoos?" I asked making my tone more firm
"Yeah Phil pinky promise each other"
We locked our pinkies and the promise was made.
*flashback over*

I know it's a silly thing to get angry over but she's my little sister and I want her to be honest with me,
"I'm so sorry Phil" she said as a tear rolled down here cheek "hand them over" I said furrowing my brows and making my voice more serious. She opened her draw and handed my 2 packets.. "When did you start?" I asked "about 5 months after you left" "promise you won't do it again" I asked "pinky promise?" She said with a smirk
"Pinky promise" I said in reply with a smile appearing on my face, I probably shouldn't believe her but she's my sister and I need to have trust.

Phil found out about my smoking.. Crap! It's only a matter of time til he finds out my other bad habits.

I looked down at my watch noticing it was nearly one o'clock, so I walked into the living room to where I saw Dan and Phil sitting watching tv "ready?" I asked "yes and have been for the past half an hour" Dan replied with a chuckle, "let's go then" Phil said.

----after about a hour and a half of shopping----

"I fancy a Starbucks" I say "so do I, let's go find one then we can get back home!!" Dan said in reply "okay Dan take Ali to the nearest Starbucks I will meet you there I just need to go to one more shop" Phil says with a smile then walking off. "Well thanks Phil. For abandoning us!" Dan said causing me to giggle, he looked down at me smiling, we then started walking to the nearest Starbucks just as Phil has told us to do.

"No I do actually find your videos really funny" I say trying to prove my point "oh really" "yes I do" I reply laughing "well I will let you keep lying to me but you should know I'm not going to believ...... Oh crap" dans voice changed from cheerful to quite frustrated "what? What's wrong?" I asked showing genuine concern "it's my ex girlfriend who was actually just a crazy viewer who happens to still be obsessed with me" Dan took my hand and started to walk quite fast, once we saw Starbucks and we ran hand in hand inside the building. I looked up at Dan finding it quite humerus at the fact that he was so out of breath, while giggling I looked down noticing our fingers were still intertwined, Dan must have noticed to and loosened his grip about to let go "don't" I said quite fast he just looked me "I feel safer knowing you have hold of me, I know I can't get lost." I say looking down with a smile on my face "Ali?" Dan said quietly I lifted my head slowly til we were looking into each other's eyes , "I won't let go til you tell me to" Dan said blushing causing me to smile, why are we being like this with one and other I have only known him just over a day.. But my feelings are just so strong towards him.

Sorry it's quite a long one ://

But I hope you guys are enjoying :))

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