Chapter Twelve

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I opened my eyes to the sunlight coming through the window causing me to squint, while my eyes were adapting I noticed I wasn't in my room I rolled over on my back and noticed Dan asleep next to me.. It took a moment but then I remembered last night, not going to lie it was the best night I have had in a while.

But I'm so confused? What are me and Dan? There's nothing even going on between us? Or is there?

I noticed the alarm clock across the room, it was only 8:14am, I put myself in the spooning position with Dan I felt him arm wrap around me pulling me closer I lightly closed my eyes feeling safe when I heard dans door open. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" Phil yelled causing both me and Dan to jump up *still sat in bed though* I could see the anger in Phils eyes then I noticed him looking me up and down, I realised I only had on a bra and a very skimpy thong I pulled up the duvet covering myself "DAN! Would you like to explain why my sister who may I add is nearly 7 years younger than you is sat in your bed with underwear that is so small she might as well be wearing nothing!" Phil spat. Dan just looked at him speechless, Phil turned around and slammed the door.

I felt a tear slip out my eye, Dan must have noticed because I felt his arm wrap around me "hey? It's okay, he's just in a bad mood okay? It will all blow over. I promise" I buried my head into his chest "I just got him back Dan.. Now I have lost him again" I was now sobbing. Soon after I had calmed down Phil entered the room once again, he threw a top and some jeans at me "put this on, then get out! Your bags are at the door." Phil said not able to look me in the eye "what? But Phil" I felt the tears burning in my eyes once again "Phil? This is a bit extreme? Your kicking out your own sister over this? What don't you understand? It was a mistake!" Dan said innocently. Did he just call me a mistake? 'It was a mistake' he did.. I heard them both yelling but I was too zoned out to listen to what they were saying "okay" I said, Phil nodded and left the room I stood up put the top over my head and put on my jeans "Ali?" I ignored him.. He called me a mistake. I put my hair up in a pony tail then left his room, I saw my two pink bags at the door with my shoes placed next to them, I slipped them on took the bag handles put my key on the table next to the door, then left..

It had been about 4 hours since I left the apartment, I was getting hungry but the nearest place to eat was the place me and Dan had our conversation yesterday.. I made my way to it, when I got there I bought a Coke and sandwich to go. I left and sat on a park bench and began to eat, I pulled my phone out of my pocket- 28 missed calls off Dan
2 missed calls off Phil
74 unread messages
I unlocked my phone seeing all the messages were off Dan they all said near enough the same thing 'Ali where are you?'
'Come home Phil didn't mean it'
'Are you okay? Where are you?'

And so on.. I locked my phone and carried on eating.

----9 hours later----
I checked my phone it was nine o'clock  I had another 82 missed calls off Dan but I chose to ignore it and put my phone away.
I saw a dim lighted back street, it looked okay for one night, I walked over and sat down, I placed my had in my hands and I began to cry, I opened my suitcase and rooted around looking for my make-up bag once I found it I placed my hands in and started feeling around for the thing I thought I wouldn't have to ever use again..
I felt a cold rectangular thing in-between my fingers. I pulled it out and looked at it for a moment and then pulled up my sleeve I felt the piece of metal hit my skin,
one for Phil kicking me out
one for Dan calling me a mistake one for me giving in to the temptation
one for me being a mess
one for me messing up with Liam
And one more for being me...
I felt my eyes go blurry then a sharp pain in the back of my head then black.

It's 11pm I haven't heard anything from Ali, Phils trying to act like he doesn't care where she is but he's not doing a good job, every time a text tone goes off on his phone he moves so fast. I heard the house phone start ringing in the kitchen Phil was on his computer and didn't seem bothered that it was ringing so I decided to answer "hi this is St Thomas' Hospital, is this Mr Phillip Lester?" The hospital? Why would they be ringing "Um no I'm his roommate but I will just go and get him to come to the phone" I covered the speaker with my palm "PHILLLLLLL!" "What?" He said walking into the kitchen "the hospital has rang and asked for you?" You could see a concerned expression spread across his face as he snatched the phone from my grip "Hello this is Mr Lester can I help you?
Oh crap.. Right okay we will be right there."

I looked at Phil confused "Ali well.... she has been rushed to hospital from blood loss.. she nearly died"  tears filled my eyes I felt like I was going to be sick "b_blood loss?" Holy shit my girlfriend nearly died I just want to wrap my arms around her and make sure she's okay.. Wait she's not even my girlfriend? "Dan there's something you didn't know about Ali.." This is the most we had spoke since this morning and I had wanted to talk to him all day just not about this.. "Tell me then! And be fast I want to be with her!" "Well Ali went through a hard time in school when I lived at home and she would well.... Self harm quite a lot, I thought she had stopped but she obviously hadn't because that's why she's there now...." My heart was beating in my throat, I needed to see her NOW!! "Phil we can talk later but right now we are going to that hospital" I said rushing out and putting my shoes on.

----at the hospital----

I sat holding her hands her face looked so peaceful but her wrist had a blood stained cloth around it. I just want her to wake up.. I just want to tell her I'm here and that I won't ever leave her.

I felt a hand in mine gripping it tightly, I heard dans voice, I was going to tell him I was awake but then I heard what he was saying and I wanted to hear all of it so I didn't.. not yet anyway...
"Ali I know you can't hear me.. But you mean the word to me and hearing that you did this to yourself to remove yourself from this world destroys me and what hurts even more is knowing that I wasn't there to stop it.. What I'm trying to say here is.. I love you Ali even though I haven't known you long I love you so much! And knowing that I could've woke up tomorrow and you wouldn't have been alive kills me! I promise you  I won't leave you and I will always love you and I will be here when ever you need me." He said before breaking into tears, I rubbed his hand with my thumb "I promise not to do this again if you promise not to leave me?" I say, he looks up at me and wraps his arms tightly around me "I promise"

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